Has to be Celebi, I think. Grass types and time travel are two things I can get behind. Plus its design is adorable.
Typhlosin because I have fond memories of my journey with it as a child. Followed closely by Umbreon.
espeon and suicune!! espeon was the first eeveelution i ever used and i actually got a shiny suicune in oras!!
Everybody knows my favorite is Octillery!!! ...haha, fooled everybody who doesnt know me well. its wooper.
I totally love murkrow, even if I love crows at first its design didn't really catch me but it grew on me as time passed. And fell in love as I saw its shiny color, as weird as it sounds I love dark types in pink.
don't make me choose I like so many It'd have to be the Cyndaquil line, specfically Cyndaquill itself. It's so cute and I want one xD
That would be the totodile line. I used cyndaquil line in my original playthrough, but totodile is currently my all time gen 2 favorite.
Looking at this thread reminds me how many Johto Pokémon I love. Every legendary introduced, the mareep line, elekid, the starters... I can't just pick one!
I've really gotten attached to Feraligatr's design, and of course, Umbreon is a fan favorite. Murkrow is really cute, too. #MissingNo