I have to say Steelix, because it is a massive metal snake that burrows in the ground, by far the most intimidating Pokémon to have IRL and a really cool design overall.
In no particular order: - Espeon - Umbreon - Quilava - Togetic - Celebi - Ferrett - the entire mareep line ... I might as well just say screw it at this point and just say 80% of Johto Pokémon are my favs. xD
Raikou! One of my favourite Pokémon. I love it's design. Tyranitar comes in at a close second though. I've only recently come to love it, but it is already one of my favourites. Others I like include: - Magby - Scizor - Typhlosion - Ho-oh - Skarmory - Espeon - Feraligatr - Houndoom - Shuckle
I really like Skarmory. Just think about its design for a second. It's a big metal bird that can actually fly. If that's not intense I don't know what is.
Tyranitar, Lugia and Scizor are my favorites from gen 2, I really like their designs and they're good Pokémon to use.
Favorite Gen 2 Pokémon by type. Normal - Ursaring Fire - Houndoom Water - Lanturn Grass - Meganium Electric - Elekid Ground - Quagsire Rock - Tyranitar Steel - Steelix Fighting - Hitmontop Bug - Heracross Poison - Crobat Psychic - Espeon Dark - Umbreon Flying - Gligar Dragon - Kingdra (Only option but still very epic <3) Ice - Sneasel Ghost - Misdreavus (Only option...not a big fan)
I used to use Espeon a lot in Gen IV and I always ended up having an Ampharos when I did Nuzlockes of HGSS. Tyranitar just because it's one of the best rock types to me.
Espeon definitely. I also like Ampharos and Heracross a lot, and they've served me well when I used them.
Porygon2, Espeon, Umbreon and Ampharos. They were all once part of my Team, and they did a good job. Although I didn't like Ampharos before, only with its new Mega-Evolution.
...And I just realized that a lot of my favorite Pokémon come from Gen II. Okay, I like Sneasel, Larvitar, Houndour, and Crowbat.
Johto honestly has a lot of underwhelming fluff but they still have some pretty awesome looking Pokémon. Obviously Feraligatr is the best Pokémon (of all time). If you disagree then you better be ready for pistols at dawn, amigo But let’s go to some of the other well designed Pokémon Umbreon is a very sleek Fox like Pokémon with a very eye catching and attractive design. The red eyes and gold rings that pop out of the black fur are very nice. Houndoom is such a beastly looking dog Pokémon. It looks so demonic and intimidating. Obviously Lugia and Ho-Oh are well designed and majestic. Totodile is adorable