With rumours of a Smash Bros Switch coming up, I ask what is your favourite of Sakurai's best fighting games?
I can't say much since the only smash games that I've ever played was Brawl and 3ds and Brawl were limited to being able to play it only once or twice a year.
Yeah, I'm gonna have to go with the 3DS title myself since I never had enough interest to own a Wii-U. It has easily the most diverse roster, and when it comes to fighting games, my main concern is how many characters there are to play as.
I've only played Brawl and SSBWiiU, but my favourite out of the two is probably Brawl since it was the first one I played, and also the one I enjoyed the most. WiiU version was still really fun through
I have all of the games except for Wii U. As to which is my favorite, its kind of a tough decision between Brawl and 3DS. Brawl had the Subspace Emissary, which was awesome, but 3DS had more characters. I guess I'll say 3DS, since I also prefer Smash 4's more colorful art direction over Brawl's darker one.
I am honestly shocked that of all of them, Brawl and 3ds are the highest scoring so far, when they are usually considered the least. I do agree with Brawl though. Stunned that nobody has voted Melee yet.
Even though I have only played Brawl and 4 (both 3DS and Wii U versions), Brawl is my favourite. I like the realistic look of the characters. Plus it had a single player mode for people who are too socially awkward (like me) to get friends over to play with them.
Melee for the club rallies. Brawl because of the awesome story mode, and for the fact that you can mod Brawl to turn it into Project M. Rip PM in tourney play, we'll never forget you ;-;7
Despite Brawl not being too popular I favor it a lot. It was the first Smash game I've ever played. I remember spending hours playing this game and the subspace mode. I've always wanted to play this game at a tournament but too bad it just isn't popular enough.
Melee and Brawl were amazing games; I honestly can't pick between the two. If I had to though, Brawl gave me a lot more enjoyable memories than Melee did. Smash 3DS was ok, but I didn't get the opportunity to play it with friends much so my attachment with it was rather low.
I've only ever played the 3DS game, so I don't have a very good opinion on the entire franchise, but I thought it was a swell game. Could perhaps use a bit more single-player content though. I get it's a multiplayer game by nature, but I just don't get the opportunity to play with other people all that frequently.