Spiderman, Ironman,hulk,superman...there are many, so which one is your favourite? I really like Spiderman and captain America <3 I have been watching em from when I was a child so I grew close to both of em.
My favorite superhero would have to be Captian America from the Marvel Universe and Superman from the DC universe. Cause America, and I just like their personalities along with the fact that I grew up with both of them.
To be quite honest, All Might is my favorite hero lately. I feel myself identifying with him lately, and he's not only good at beating down bad guys, but also in inspiring hope and a sense of safety in the people he rescues. The way he's always in pain but is barely holding himself together enough to do his job and have people not worry about him... that was literally my life for a long time. Pain and weakness and exhaustion were a constant state of being for me, but for more than a year I held myself together and pushed through to have people not worry about me, and I started to feel like All Might once I came to know him in My Hero Academia. And the way he sets people at ease? "Everything will be okay now. Why? Because I am here!" Such a beacon of hope, he does hero work right! Second place for me is probably Batman. He keeps up with the people he works with despite pretty much being disabled in comparison to them, is not only strong but is smart as well, and at least once saved the entire city/planet/universe (they never specified) by holding the hand of a terminally ill little girl. I... still almost cry just thinking about it. Superman usually solves problems by punching them until they're not problems any more, but Batman? He has strength, smarts, and a good heart.
To be honest, I'm not really a massive fan of superheros. I find most of them boring, and I tend to find the villains to be cooler and more interesting. However, there are a few that I like. Those being Thor, all the main heroes in GoTG, Batman, and Robin.
Man I was a huuuge fan of Wolverine for like, ages. Read most of his comics and all. Kinda lost interest when Marvel started this long winded arc that ended in his death and replaced him with the old man logan version. Thankfullllyyyy though, the original appears set to be making a return soon! Other than that I love the douchebag that is Fantomex, don't care about the haters, the chancer that is John Constantine of Hellblazer fame, and if it ain't apparent already, good ol' Thor, especially after seeing Thor: Ragnarok. That movie completely transformed the way I viewed him, as his Avengers appearances were eh to me and his own solo were such a boreee (especially Dark World, good godddd). As for the comics front, I haven't read many stories, but I keep getting recommended his solo titles to read? Especially Thor volume 3 I think? And! I am just in loveee with the Unworthy Thor arc! Anddd what is on the horizon & the current events happening right now in the Mighty Thor run. (I'm not cryIN whaT---)
Spider-Man will forever be my favorite hero, but someone who I've learned to appreciate recently is John Constantine. He's an ass and he's great. Looking forward to see his new show.
I tend to favor Marvel to DC mostly, but dc is still great. My favorite heroes include Iron Man, Iron Fist, and Vision from Marvel. I like DC but none of the heroes particularly stand out to me.
Black Widow and Hawkeye. Maybe not as traditional in a sense, I feel like I can relate to them better.
Batman,Captain America,Wolverine not looking forward particularly to the superhero deaths in infinity war <_>