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Game mockup idea help

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by Crashbird, May 21, 2013.

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  1. Crashbird

    Mar 9, 2013
    Eyyy beautiful people of LV! Hope you're having a good day!
    Anyway, at the moment I'm in some need for idea help. You guys seem to be full of ideas and creativity so I thought I could seek some help here! Otherwise I'm stuck
    Yesterday got an offer to work for a 2D indie game developer team I'm gonna cry I'm not worthy of this omfg, and to fully qualify I need to present a game mockup piece. No big deal. But my idea count is on -100, that's a big deal.
    Ideas of any genre and character range are welcome, as long as it's possible to be crafted with 2D pixel art and 8 color sepia palette limit as in no rainbows or something crazy like that.
    So far I'm just interested in practicing on the game mockup, I'm still struggling with deciding either or not I'll respond to the offer and/ or will present the qualification piece. Probably not because I'm just a hobbyist and I'd feel super out of place in a team of professionals.

    So if anyone has any ideas to share, that'd be highly appreciated!

    IDK wasn't sure where to post so I hope misc. was a good idea
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  2. Quil

    Quil Tuber

    May 14, 2013
    Oh wow, that is really cool--congrats on getting that offer!

    If nothing else, I think 2D sidescrollers/platformers are usually pretty solid mockups. Otherwise maybe something resembling the overworld view of adventure rpg games like the retro LoZ or Pokémon.
    I guess it depends on what kind of games you're interested in?
    I see you like OFF so maybe something like the overworld for that... except with more details and stuff, haha.

    I don't know if that helped any, but hopefully. OTL

    Good luck; it sounds like a really cool opportunity!
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  3. Crashbird

    Mar 9, 2013
    Thanks, it was quite a shocking surprise to get it!

    Hmm, I was considering a sidescroller, but couldn't think of a neat theme. Kind of wanted to make a mockup of a tactic RPG as well, but couldn't think of anything there either.
    Might go with a classic RPG overworld though. Maybe.
    The thing is, I'm interested in almost any game x'D There's something from every genre that catches my eye, so i'ts quite a tough choice.
    OFF themed overworld would be harder to pull off due to how simplistic is the style. And I'm no fan for simplicity in my work, gotta work till I cry and don't wanna work anymore, haha.

    It still gave me some things to consider, so thanks a bunch for the suggestions c':
    And thank you very much!
  4. midnightclubx

    midnightclubx Black Belt

    May 15, 2013
    You could try making something akin to Metroid/SOTN/Cave Story with RPG elements, like fusing weapons or leveling up certain aspects of the main character (Speed, jump height, attack, etc)

    I hope this helps. >>
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  5. Crashbird

    Mar 9, 2013
    That helps for an interesting game concept, although at the moment I'm looking for just one mockup screenshot idea c':
    The idea is definitely nice though, thanks for suggestion!
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