Boy, I do love talking about myself. I'm Ellie, a 22 year old trans girl, who does nothing but dick around on the internet and play video games all day. I'm also shameless Homestuck trash. Shoot.
What kind of video games do you play? What got you into Homestuck? Do you read a lot of webcomics? If so, what're your favorites/recommendations?
1. I'm no good at genres, so some examples are things like Dark Souls, Monster Hunter, Halo, Destiny, Warframe, Borderlands, Horizon Zero Dawn, Final Fantasy Series, Undertale, Skyrim, Minecraft...stuff like that. 2. Heard about it once back in like 2010-2011, tried to read it, got bored, quit. Years later, but not many, saw that it was getting hella popular, like way more than before, decided to check it out again, actually stuck through the boring parts of the early beginning and made it to the good stuff, and fell in love. 3. xkcd was the first webcomic I really started following, that's one of my favourites. I also like Cyanide & Happiness, for it's crude/dark humour and shitty jokes. Other faves are Ava's Demon, El Goonish Shive, Atomic Robo, 8-Bit Theater, and of course Homestuck. Not great at elaborating on why I like stuff, but there it is.
Would you rather be stuck in a desert or in a snowstorm? Are you more introverted, or extroverted? What food can't you stand?
wow i thought this was dead forever Signature came from , it came up in one of the sims I ran on it, I thought it would make a cool signature, picked it up. I messed up making the link here whoops but whatever. As for my username, waaaaay back in the day I used to use the username "Abbadon". Most people just called me Abba for short, and it stuck. Not a huge fan of it anymore though. desert so i can die faster and get it over with more introverted, easily i can't think of a food i don't like off the top of my head, i guess it's not the kinda thing i really keep track of Master all instruments, because I like music and don't like talking to people.
nope Dark Souls. I would love to have the Black Knight Ultra-greatsword as a greatsword in MonHun. Or Gough's Greatbow, that would be enough to switch me to a bow main.
I do, but it's been a rather long time since I read one because I've not seen many that interest me. I watch the FIFA every time it comes around but that's as far as my sports fan-ness goes. Never cared much for playing them myself either.
Have you ever been stuck at home? (heh) If you use Discord: Light theme or Dark theme? (if you say light theme, go to a doctor)