Yesterday, @Butternut reached the massive amount of five whole years on Lake Valor. I'd say that's worth some kind of celebration, right? He's been a total bro throughout these years, helping out wherever he possibly can. Staff for god knows how long, mentor for even longer, and even outside of those positions, he's just been an incredibly member in general. I literally couldn't think of a single bad thing he's ever done. He's just that wholesome. Disgusting. I'm logging on for the first time in months just to make this thread, since nobody else seems to care enough.
Congrats Buttbutt! You're a ton of fun to be around! Thanks for all of the time you've put into Lake Valor
Thank u for being a part of lv, he who was a kid of karate, u are a wholesome friend and the only kind Dutch person, beside Megarai, I have ever met. (P.S., Halcyon, don't mistake people not knowing with people not caring, and don't turn a congratulatory post into a passive aggressive dig at the community. Thanks!)
Five whole years. I'm impressed @Butternut , your commitment is always something admirable. It's a shame you stepped down from staff, as I'm sure your commitment is something everyone else should strive for and could learn from, but I suppose all good things must come to an end. I'm glad I joined LV almost a year ago, although its not as long as you've been here, I'm still glad because I would've never met you otherwise. Hal was right when he said you deserve recognition, and I hope you get plenty of it. Thank you for all you've done around the site and in the community <3 I would've made this thread myself but like Hal I'm not really on this site much anymore, but shout out to him for taking the time to recognise a great part of the community.
to the coolest nut of butter on the site, @Butternut hope I can be half the ninja nut u are in five years time. Congrats on this amazing feat
Five years?! I haven't even been on for one yet! Congratulations! Hope you've enjoyed these past five years on LV!
Five years already? Congrats Butters! I hope you continue to be a part of this community for a while to come!