Every games has glitches. Pokémon has some of the most famous glitches of all. Ranging from the glitch Pokémon MissingNo to placing a surf tile in a tree in Pokémon B2W2. What are some glitches you remember or have found in Pokémon
I liked the black void in Pokémon Platinum. It's only happened to me once, but it was freaky.... (And sorry about my post before. I didn't notice the 'Pokémon' part. I feel really stupid right now....)
One of my favorite glitches was the duplication glitch back in Emerald; though, I'm quite fond of the PokePelago glitch in this generation. It saves a ton of time considering how slow leveling in Sun/Moon is.
I discovered the mew glitch when I looked up how to catch the legendary Pokémon back when I played through Blue. Ever since I discovered it, I made sure a mew was on my team whenever i battled the Elite Four.
umm not really a glitch but when I re bought the gamecard of Pokémon yellow it sometimes did some glitchy things, like re starting battles, pushing me out of the Pokémon tower. I had them recorded and on my youtube channel XD, it was so weird to see those things
Wait, there's a Poke Pelago glitch? WHY DIDN"T ANYONE TELL ME??? MissingNo has to be my favorite Pokémon glitch. Not only is it helpful by duplicating your Master Balls and Rare Candies, but your Hall of Fame just got awesome.
When I still had pkm blue, I used so many glitches. I found out later about them though when I had interne XD and catching all Pokémon with master balls haha
I like the Kalos saving glitch for one reason. To show that anything could go wrong if not properly checked, even saving in Pokémon.
My favorite Pokémon glitch would be the MissingNo Old Man glitch. Neat how it multiplies whatever is in your sixth item slot, but you've got to be careful since it permanently overwrites your Hall of Fame entries, and catching MissingNo or any other glitch Pokémon (including 'M') can cause such havoc.