How has it been on LV so far? How did you decide your username? What is your favorite Pokémon and region?
We’re you a fellow Zard main in smash 4? I saw you in the Zard cord and on here (small world, huh) and I just had to know
LV has been pretty chill so far. not too hard to navigate and every question I had was promptly answered and I'm having a good time! My user name came from grade 3. I've always drawn stuff and my friend called me 'crayon' once but pronounced it dumb on purpose and it came out as 'cran'. I added the 'time' because most websites don't allow a username shorter then 5 characters. My favourite Pokémon is Charizard and my favourite region is Johto. My first Pokémon game was Gold version, although I did fumble around on my cousin's Red version whenever I went to his place before that. Yeah! I exclusively played Zard in Smash 4! like, I didn't even have a secondary, I was in love with him from the beginning. Even in Ultimate, I use Pokémon Trainer with a preference for Charizard. I still use Squirtle and Ivysaur though cuz not doing so is simply not using the character to their full potential. (I would still trade them for Rock Smash back in an instant though) BirdKeeper Toby on Youtube started a series on realistic Pokémon evolution using the artwork from the Tumblr user Hydroflorix. I checked out their artwork and found out they had drawn literally every Pokémon and I thought it was just a great idea! I've always loved drawing Pokémon so I use it as a daily challenge and a way to warm up before I start working on other projects throughout the day.
Considering the region inspiration, I'm expecting some really cool Pokémon based on European legend. I'm really excited for it
What did you think about the Pokémon Direct? Do you try to avoid spoilers about upcoming Pokémon games, or do you embrace the information? Do you use music to motivate you? If so, what song/playlist hypes you up the most?
Best Pokémon Trainer skin? (Mexican Trainer and Blue Zard look nice personally) Also, where the actual heck is shiny Zard at?????? Why couldn’t soccer guy give us modern shiny Zard, armored Zard, and clone Zard alts? Those would’ve been dope
I honestly try to gather as much information as possible beforehand. And as far as music, It really depends on my mood. I tend to just pop over to Picarto and throw on an art stream cuz they usually have great playlists and also watching art inspires me to do my own. I wish I knew what you're going on about LOL
Can you single out your favorite Pokémon for each Generation? Also, do you prefer Mega Charizard X or Mega Charizard Y?
It's a constant struggle between burgers and lesagna. I eat out way too much when I've got money. Hasn't really been an issue lately lol Gen 1: Charizard Gen 2: Shuckle Gen 3: Flygon Gen 4: Gliscor Gen 5: Krookodile Gen 6: Heliolisk Gen 7: Salandit Gen 8: none have been revealed yet that I like enough to consider a favourite And I way prefer Mega Charizard Y. it furthers the theming of Charizard instead of veering off the way X does. Probably Daffy. The Vegeta of the Loony Toons canon my favourite fruit are tomatoes. I eat them like apples. And I absolutely adore corn lmao, top 3 veggies, easy