Yay, some new here. My little sis started drawing (it’s a big carnivore plant that grows little babies plants on it) so I asked her if I could draw some Pokémon. She sais yes, and it ended up looking like this (I drew them all by memory)
I really like the way the Gastly has his mischevious smile drawn. Also, is the title 'Gwommy' meant to be like that or was it just a mistake...?
Huh, how didn’t I got these notifications? That’s weird. Anyway, Aww, thanks ...Whoops. Thanks for noticing! Are you talking about the first drawing? If yes, I think I see what you mean. And it’s not here on purpose x)
Wow! You must have some great memory! It looks terrific and your sister is pretty good at art too haha.
Hey in the first one??? Guess what I see?? Spoiler: *Drumroll* JoJo's Bizarre Adventure references, JJBA referneces everywhere
That’s almost the only Pokémon I can draw from memory x) Most of them because I needed them in a drawing so I drew a reference and my visual memory did the rest. Thanks! I told her and she told me to thank you. It seems that one can find Jojo references everywhere :’)
Hey, me again! To show what happens after the previous picture. Sooo, the big plant head got destroyed and is back to its smallest form – but the other two evolved! The Pokémon team changed too: Ribombee is preparing some pollen puffs to throw, Ampharos and Comfey are ready to fight, Umbreon brought Goomy, Electrode is charging electricity, and Froakie already attacked with Water Gun. What will happen next? Will they defeat that monstrous plant??
*when you see double Poke-Points are out* YEAYEAYEAYEAYEA!!! But anyways, you should draw a goodra eating a Gulpin.
I thought about it, and I never really came up with a reason. I guess because in SSB gulpin eats everyone else, so... Yeah, time to change the tide, I guess. Gulpin ran away! #$%@!