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Heartwarming Tales: Baby in a Box

Discussion in 'Literature Library' started by Smooshie, Dec 29, 2014.

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  1. Smooshie

    Smooshie Feebas Enthusiast

    Level 27
    Oct 31, 2014
    Hello! This is for the event Heartwarming Tales! I'm not sure if I am doing the title or tagging part right but hopefully this is alright. I would like the evaluation to be posted here if you please :)

    This is an original piece of work and I hope you enjoy it! Any feedback is completely welcome.

    Baby in a Box
    by WainGuy


    HE WAS TIRED and grumpy. The cold weather was not helping him in the slightest. He knew that the day would be one disaster after the other when his alarm clock rang an hour late. He had rushed, quickly pulling on his clothes and thick jacket and stuffing his keys in his pocket. He slipped on ice as he reached his car, hitting his chin hard against the cold metal. He turned the keys but the car wouldn't start so he was forced to catch a cab.

    He was caught up in the traffic jam, the music choice was terrible and when he arrived at work he realised that he had forgotten an important file - that was done and neatly placed on his dining table - that was due for review today. And that had cost him a one way ticket into his boss' black book.

    He dragged his feet as he walked to the bus station, his hands buried deep in his pockets. The bus wouldn't arrive till eight in the evening and it was only seven thirty. And he had wait since the closest food outlet was in the opposite direction.

    The bus stop came into view and it was empty, not that he minded. He liked it quiet, especially when he was not in a good mood. He sat on the plastic bench, not really caring that it was hard and uncomfortable. He heaved a sigh and slumping against the back of the bench, feeling all the bad things catch up with him. He frowned and gazed at the darkening sky through the plastic roof. What else could go wrong?

    Suddenly, out of the blue, he heard a gurgling giggle. He paused, was it just his imagination? Another moment of silence then a small, quiet coo.

    He looked around, to his left then right and finally over his shoulder, but not a single soul in sight. Where was it coming from?

    He heard a joyous bubble of laughter and looked down. The sound was coming from... underneath him? What?

    Slowly he, quite reluctantly, pulled his hands -- which were finally warming up -- out of his pocket, reached down under the seat, and gripped onto something flimsy. Holding his breath, he carefully pulled it out.

    He stared. There, between his hands, was a cardboard box and in it, wrapped in layers of too big shirts and rags, was a pink, little person. Who was currently staring up at him with wide blue eyes and a toothless, gummy smile.

    It gave a small, excited coo and wriggled its chubby hands, small fingers stretching as if to grab a hold of something.

    It was a baby! A small, slightly chubby, pink baby in an old cardboard box wrapped in nothing but rags! He gingerly poked its cheek which resulted in a happy squeal and small fingers gripping his longer finger. It babbled and cooed as it yanked his finger, its pink face alight with pure joy.

    He lifted the flimsy box onto the seat beside him, the baby giggling away as it played with his index finger. He flicked his finger one way then the other which caused the little pink person to laugh.

    He smiled as he watched the baby play, without a care in the world. This little person was truly happy despite the fact that it was abandoned in a small box with rags to cover its small body.

    Another wriggle, another giggle and a whole new path stretched out in front of him and this small pink person he found in a small cardboard box underneath a plastic bench while waiting for the evening bus to arrive.

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