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Hey Guys

Discussion in 'Intro Lobby' started by Headsprouter, Oct 6, 2016.

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  1. Headsprouter

    Headsprouter Bug Catcher

    Oct 6, 2016
    Hello! I was originally going to make a reference to certain Twitch emote here (not Kappa, look at the title), but using like on other forums prevented me from posting this topic would you believe. I've been on forums before but clearly this one will take some getting used to!

    A friend referred me to this place as somewhere to discuss Pokémon stuff, and I was advised to give you some forewarning here before you all get crushed by my shitty opinions.

    Look forward to seeing you all in the forums, here's a few tidbits of info about me, if anyone has a question I'll do my best to answer concisely!

    Favourite Pokémon: Trapinch

    Favourite types: Bug, Ground, Rock

    Least favourite types: Electric, Dragon, Dark

    Favourite Generation: 6

    Favourite ability: Aftermath

    Favourite game: Probably Timesplitters: Future Perfect

    Favourite console: Some of my most treasured memories were on PS2.

    Preferred platform: PC

    My favourite way to play is to try to win battles with my favourites. Generally I'll take design over stats, but ideally I'd like every final stage Pokémon to be useful competitively in some form. I've been playing Pokémon since the beginning and have never skipped a generation. Looking forward to Sun and Moon!

    I'll stop myself now before I get carried away. Looking forward to getting into the community.
    Sanctuary likes this.
  2. Getus

    Getus The Senate

    (Kyogre Egg)
    Level 18
    Apr 4, 2016
    Philosopher's CowlReaper Cloth ★★★Psychium Z ★★★★Great Ball ★★Cooler Gary Oak ★★★★★
    Whoop! Nice to see you finally get on mate. Still, hating my three fav typings? I'll have to show you why they're so good tomorrow in tech ;D Hope you enjoy LV buddy!
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  3. Headsprouter

    Headsprouter Bug Catcher

    Oct 6, 2016
    We shall see. I hope I'll enjoy it here too. Thanks for the referral, bud.
  4. Ryan

    Ryan lasagna bad

    pointy face
    Level 1
    Nov 21, 2012
    Charizardite X ★★★★
    Hey, welcome to LV! Glad to have you here. Have you ever played Ape Escape, by chance? It's where most of my PS2 memories are (that and Monster Rancher). If you need help with anything, just give me a shout. :)
  5. Cadbberry

    Cadbberry Dad: 76.... Or Cad: 76

    (Eevee (KS))
    Level 12
    May 25, 2014
    Marshadium Z ★★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★Mewnium Z  ★★★★★
    Hey there! Welcome to Lake Valor Headspouter! I really love some of your Pokémon choices, those types are so hard to fight with but make great choices/ I hope to see you battling or chatting about Pokémon!!!
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  6. Strytho

    Strytho Giveaway Enthusiast

    Xerneas Egg
    (Xerneas Egg)
    Level 8
    Sep 10, 2015
    Friend Ball ★★★★Beast Ball ★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★Lure Ball ★★★★Basic Gary Oak ★
    Hey, welcome to LV Headsprouter! just curious, what are the best ways you use those three favorite types? I'm a bit uneducated on competitive and I'm always looking to gleam more information. Also if you would like any breeding tips (Not that you would need any from the sound of it), or if you want someone to bounce ideas off of feel free to shoot me a message. Also what games on the ps2 did you like specifically. The only one I ever played was Jack and Daxter.
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  7. Headsprouter

    Headsprouter Bug Catcher

    Oct 6, 2016
    Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone. :)

    Only experience with Ape Escape was on a PS1 demo of the first game I think. I remember it being good though and playing it until i couldn't get any further.

    I don't like to pick the easy a route. A win isn't worth getting unless you earn it if you ask me. I'm sure I'll be seeing you around. :D

    I'm not the best person to ask about proper competitive. Like I said I like to win with my favourites, I rarely go for the most efficient route to winning. My advice for that would be a team of Mega Rayquazas. :P

    One of my favourite bug setups is Eviolite Scyther with roost. Even though bug/flying isn't the best defensive typing, doubling Scyther's middle of the road defensive stats makes it sometimes taken even 4x effective rock hits. I love it.
    I'm sure you already know how Mega Pinsir works. Although I'm also a fan of Mega Heracross. Skill link makes for some crazy powerful moves.

    There's plenty of great ground types you can pick from. Competitive battlers would probably cite Excadrill but me being as unorthodox as I am like regular (as in non-mega) Steelix and...Choice Band Trapinch under the effects of Trick Room? Like I said, I like to win in silly ways with my favourites.

    One of my favourite rock types is Barbaracle. Set up with shell smash, do you best to sweep while appreciating the glory that is the Barnacle Barbarian. Easy.
    I've taken a liking to dragon dance head smash sweeps with Rock Head Tyrantrum too, provided you don't miss. Rock is just a great offensive typing.

    As for my favourite PS2 games, I've already mentioned the Timesplitters series, although I'd really reccomend Dark Chronicle or Dark Cloud 2 in the US. I've been meaning to play the first game, Dark Cloud as well.
    I've played through Ratchet and Clank 1,2 and 3 too many times to count. Sadly though I haven't kept up with the series PS3 and onward. I got a 360 after that and since then I've become a PC gamer.
    Soul Calibur II on the PS2 was my first fighting game. Although I was never any good at the genre. I've never played Jak and Daxter although I feel I should since I was a big fan of the original Crash Games on PS1, which were made by NaughtyDog as well.

    I'm familiar with IV breeding with the Destiny Knot, Everstones and the Masuda Method so I won't be needing any breeding tips. Although thanks for the offer. :D
    Cadbberry likes this.
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