@bekka I guess you are How did you find us? What kinda stuff do you enjoy? Favorite Pokémon? Are you an artist? Tell us a bit about yourself! There's a ton of stuff to do here though so I am sure you'll find something you will enjoy! Do let me know if you need any help or have any questions! =)
Hi there. Welcome to the Lake! Got any questions? Want to chat? Shoot me a message. I'll be more than happy to talk See ya around
Everyone's really approachable and easygoing here on the site. So you're bound of make friends with at least someone here! We're a Pokémon focused forum, posting about various topics of the franchise from the games to anime. Some of us showcase our art and writing skills through the Art Corner and Literature Library respectively. Some of us even do Roleplay threads in the Roleplay Institute. I'll warn you that they're highly addicting. One cool new feature we had implemented recently, is the catcher mechanic. You can buy poke balls from our shop with pokepoints (our virtual currency) and use them to catch the various Pokémon that appear as you browse through. Keep it by your side and eventually you can level them up as your partners! Even if Pokémon isn't your thing, we've got other topics in the Lounge to talk about. Food is a common topic, because who doesn't love food?
There are a lot of things available to do; the difference is whatever you're most inclined towards. So, there's the basic forum layout itself. Everything's separated out into fairly large sections, within which are various threads started by members; you can either post a new one or add on to an existing one, depending on the section (and what you had in mind). Sections try to be as broad as possible. There is also a Catcher add-on, where a creature may randomly show up on the bottom left of your screen. You acquire Poké Balls (to catch them) via the shop, and can then set one after the fact. Its Level increases with each post you make, so it's usually a good idea to nab one. (It's a form of 'double dipping'. I try to set a Buddy whenever possible!) If you are also one for live chat, there's a Discord server we also maintain, though it's intended as a supplement for the forum (not a replacement). Most people who are active on the forum are also active on the Discord server, and it's a nice way to get a hold of people quickly. ...That's a general overview of Lake Valor as a whole; did you have any more specific questions? I don't mind providing answers and guidance where necessary, if it helps you better acclimate to this place.
Welcome! Hey, @bekka! How are you? Good to see a new person at the lake. Have fun & enjoy your time here!
Posting to train your Pokémon is the most popular thing to do on LV. =) The catching system is still pretty new but people fell in love with it right away so posting to level up and evolve your partner's always fun. Welcome Bekka, hope LV will be to your liking