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Hidden Messaged

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by ✯Ho-OhLugia✯, Nov 28, 2015.

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  1. ✯Ho-OhLugia✯

    ✯Ho-OhLugia✯ Pokemon Masters

    Dec 12, 2014
    Was there ever a time when you decided to write/draw something on the walls, paper, tables, or anywhere in hopes of looking back to that drawing or in hopes of someone discovering a secret message in the future?

    I always do that; whether it's for myself, my sister or for someone else entirely. I once wrote a list of my favourite characters in the corner of a wall, in hopes of seeing it again. I always do that in my class books, or any other book as well.

    So, do you leave messages for other people?
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  2. Absolute Zero

    Absolute Zero The second seal

    Level 19
    Mar 17, 2015
    I was supposed to do that before I quit my last job! I forgot!

    There were a lot of places in that building that were just inaccessible and dusty (like a literal half-inch of dust) and hidden. I came up with the idea one day (and held onto the idea for a month or so) to write a letter to the future about what life is like in summer of 2015 and put it in one of those locations. I was going to write a list of what songs are actually popular on the radio right now, what we're thinking of the current presidential candidates, the general political climate, and some predictions for technology in the future. All these actually coming from 2015 itself, not secondhand from the movies and history books of the future.

    Now these places would be really inaccessible, probably not noticed until the building gets demolished and dismantled, which could be 40+ years in the future for all I know. Can you imagine finding a note from 1975 like that? Getting someone's firsthand view of the time, not just what movies, oldies radio, and history books say? I would love to find that. Maybe I'll ask a friend to put a note in one of those places for me, so someone else could maybe share the joy.
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  3. Fear

    Fear â—Š Galactic Glitches â—Š

    Apr 24, 2015
    I am actually writing notes (mainly dates) on the last pages of my books in school everytime something special happens, and whenever I read them I remember the day that that happened, or I write the date that I'm writing it with a couple of questions like " What's up with life?" or "Did I get a new pc or gadget?" for me to answer later. That's actually pretty cool, if you think about it. A friend does this too, and when he first told me I was laughing at him, but when I looked deeper, I started doing this too!
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  4. Megarai111

    Megarai111 Elizabeth 3rd

    Dec 23, 2014
    I do the same thing! There's a whole bunch of notes from my past self written down on my desk (like "I'm officially ten years old!" and I'm now sixteen). It's so much fun to read back and remember my life as it was back then probably a lot better than it is now and think about how I was and what I thought about life and stuff back then. I'm one of these people who cherishes their past, so I can't seem to throw away stuff I think holds sentimental value. The same applies to my desk: I should clean it because it looks messy this way, but I can't :sweat:
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    ✯Ho-OhLugia✯ likes this.
  5. ✯Ho-OhLugia✯

    ✯Ho-OhLugia✯ Pokemon Masters

    Dec 12, 2014
    My sister and I are all very sentimental! I cannot throw away even the tinniest scribble. I right notes on papers, school books etc. stating what was happening at that time, such as "We're on an excursion!" or "It is Monday today".
  6. Eru Iluvatar

    Eru Iluvatar Poké Maniac

    Nov 26, 2015
    I leave normal messages for me all the time. I recently found a video (screen recording) of me playing a game from years ago and at the end of it, I had left myself a message. I felt a mix of pride, joy and confusion. I... don't remember leaving it.

    I've tried leaving myself encoded messages but for some reason when I find them later I throw them out. "The heck is this?" Whoosh, in to the bin. A few hours later I would realize what it was and decode it out of curiosity. xD
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  7. Pokémist

    Pokémist Trashcan

    smol heart
    Level 1
    Nov 28, 2015
    Tapunium Z ★★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Trainer Card - Cave Theme
    Recently i got a note written by me when i was in 9. The message was" what the hell my teacher did? Slapped me for the reason i am not responsible." I forgot the reason. I have many drawings depicting a story or sosomething and later i forgot them. I usually make drawings with a hidden message for myself on my notebooks instead of writing notes.
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