Spoiler: Please Listen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ity3dFNljc8 Spoiler: Please Listen Video should be:Let's Listen: Radiant Historia - Radiant Historia (Extended) Months after the events of The Search... Void, as far as the eye can see and beyond. Only but pieces of existence remain. One may say that the future looks bleak, but that is false, as there will no future to speak of. It was agreed that this crisis must be averted. Taking advantage of the unstable state of the ex-Universe, we, the survivors, combined our strength to send call upon Dialga, who has also survived, so that he may send one of their own... Me, back in time to stop all this death from happening. Before Disorder, before The Glitch, before Bob Williams... Citamorhca has captured LV Announcer. It is up to the chosen ones of LV City to save him from his clutches. The heroes have diligently put their sweat and blood into saving LV Announcer, scourging through the Member's Lobby, The Games Corner, The Archive, lost forests, and the Distortion World. During their efforts, they fight off ninjas, imprisonment, drowning, hallucinogens, and even Citamorhca himself. The node in time in which I find myself is a great branching point in history LadySmugleaf, known to her friends as Smug, is awaiting her judgement by the hands of her Leaf Palace's self-destruct sequence, which she activated in attempt to take down Citamorhca, who is in assault of the Palace, with her. Smug buried her face in her hands and wept, as the timer to her death ticked down. "Oh Arceus, have mercy on my soul," she wept. Smug closer her eyes, a calm feeling overtook her as she remembered something. "At least I'll see my family again," She whispered, sitting up and drying her eyes as the timer hit thirty seconds. Another blast rocked the place and Smug looked up towards the ceiling, a lone tear trailing down her face. Twenty seconds to go Smug thought morbidly as she hung her head. She couldn't, wouldn't regret her choice to save Rythin and Nbay. They'd have a better chance at defeating Citamorcha than her. Smug sniffed and rubbed her forehead. Forever alone indeed. She thought with a dry smile. Ten seconds left Hopefully, it doesn't hurt too much. I wonder if I'll die from the heat or the smoke first? Smug thought. Or maybe I'll be crushed by rubble before feeling anything... Smug closed her eyes.... Nbay64, known to his friends as Nbay, whom Smug teleported outside Leaf Palace along with TrainerRythin, realizes that he lost a dear friend forever. This fills him with great emotion. It took a moment for Nbay to get his bearings straight. He was at his home, and Rythin was there with him. Then reality sank in. Smug blew up the building, and gave up her own life to save them. Tears began streaming down Nbay's face. There was no way for him to convey the intense mixture of emotions he was feeling right now. He was sad because his friend was dead, he was happy because he knew where the Announcer was, but most of all, he was mad. Rage was what filed him now, and he knew exactly who was responsible for what had happened. "Citamorhca! Hear my words!" Nbay screamed. "I'm going to save the Announcer, and I'm going to avenge Smug! I will not stop until your dead body lies in front of me!" TrainerRythin, known to his friends as Rythin, is also shaken by the turn of events, though his rage is not directed toward their enemy, but toward himself and the world around him. "God damn it..." he said softly. "Why did she have to do that? WHY? Haven't I failed my friends enough?!" he cried out, tears welling in his eyes. I'm crying too much today, but I can't stop! She and Nbay... They were two of the only ones left. He thought angrily. "What did we do to deserve this path? What did they do to deserve this path? At least I'm nothing more than a cynical sociopath with a dagger! ANSWER ME ARCEUS, YOU SON OF A BITCH!!" he screamed, before collapsing back into a chair, unable to stand. Tears were streaming from his eyes, but this time, he didn't even care. Never showing weakness can screw itself. One of the only people I care about is dead. And I couldn't do a damn thing to prevent it... Ashlee Noel Fahrnow, known to her friends as Ashlee, narrowly escapes the clutches of death while escaping Citamorhca's forces. Now she lies aside the expanse of Lake Valor itself, her water-logged clothes testifying to her treacherous voyage... Ashlee starts to regain conscious a little and looked around. She appears to have landed on a shore of a lake. Ashlee tried to get up, but the pain from her "river" travel appears to have damaged her body to the point where it won't move unless she rests a little more. Suddenly, she felt tired and blacked out again. In this world, Derahex is alive and well, though in his current position he will fail to affect the coming storm. However, previous experiences have taught that my coming will attract his attention, securing his role in the events to come. "That's interesting" Derahex said. He was in a really boring part of his most recent project, though luckily one of his friends from a different dimension were available for chit-chat. He was talking with one of them now, a strange, ancient being who called herself "Kathair". Derahex liked to make idle conversation while he was working, it eased the boredom. So, he continued his work, blabbering away all the while. He thought the rest of the day would be spent that way, but of course he was wrong. "Wait a sec." He said as a message window popped up. It warned that a massive energy spike was in the area around LV City. The readings were ginormous. That was sign of a pre-tty powerful being teleporting in. Derahex watched the readings and whistled. "Well that's something. Listen, Kathair? I'm gonna have to call you back. Seeya!" He hung up and took note of the general area of the readings, started packing his things, and went to fetch Ingaz's saddle. Looks like he was going on a little trip to LV City. And finally, shinygiratinaz, for now known only to me as Shiny, has not yet acted in this world, and instead floats errant in the prison that is her realm. Shiny drifted through the Distortion World, bored out of her mind. She twisted midair in time to float by one of the many hidden portals out of the realm, and shrugged. Looking into reality could be at least mildly entertaining... Even I have fallen in deep recuperative slumber, as Primal Dialga's forced voyage took quite its toll. Kane woke up, feeling the light breeze on his skin. The animals were chirping and squeaking, the wind caressed the leaves of the trees above, and the nearby small river was trickling. The afternoon sun, filtered by the branches, shined just brightly enough for a warm, cuddling light. It was beautiful. Maybe he could rest just a bit longer... Yes, that would be wonderful... My original goal is to stop Shiny from absorbing the Griseous Orb, but as long as I'm here I will do everything in my power to save as many people as I can. Citamorhca, the Zragoth, Smug's life, Argo, and the 4 mysterious beings I met at the end; I will see to it all. Hoping that my knowledge of past events will better the future, I march on. Because, as an age-old saying goes, you must learn from the past, else... [SIZE=48pt]History Repeats[/SIZE] A figure lies on the forest floor. Strewn around him lies a white cloak, a worn green book, and a small tattered piece of a photograph. His coming to this world has sent shockwaves throughout the ebb of creation. The very fabric of reality has twisted for a moment. It is clear that his appearance will be noticed by many who can sense such things. Even now, a Guardian was attracted by the ripples the traveler has made in Time...
Shiny was utterly bored as she lounged on a floating rock, looking absently into Reality. It was the kind of bored that just seaps into one's spirit and turns their limbs into jello. It was the kind of bored that puts a firm glaze over one's eyes. It was an epic boredom, one that she believed could only be broken by something equally as epic. Like a world-shattering explosion and/or spontaneous and unexplained mariachi music. So it was to her simultaneous surprise and concern when a near explosion of energy rocked the Distortion from a force tearing through Time and Space beyond. Shiny braced herself, waiting in the silence tensely. After no mariachi music broke the stillness, she warily stood and propelled herself to a different portal. "What's going on up there now?" Shiny muttered, using her tendrils to open the portal. She found herself staring out of a rippling view and looking at the sky. "Helpful." She grumbled, about to turn around and close the portal. She hesitated, her curiosity still nagging at her. With a groan, she reached out from the portal and hoisted her torso into open air. She shivered as water splashed around her, noting that she had come out of a clear stream rumning through an unfamiliar forest. She raised an eyebrow, looking around for what could have caused the disruption. Eventually, she spotted a glimmer of white fabric behind a nearby tree. She could feel the disturbance around the cloth, and assumed that whatever owned it had caused the 'explosion.' Humming in suspicion, she climbed out of the portal, walking towards the cloth carefully. She peered around the tree, finally seeing a white-cloaked figure laying unmoving against it. She looked around for a moment, before sitting down to rifle through his belongings. There was a wierd green book with a piece of paper stuck to the back. She tossed it aside, uninterested. Upon further inspection, she noticed that the figure didn't seem to be carrying anything else at all. "Nothing?" She sighed. "No wallet, no gum, not even a phone? Jeeze, whatever dimension this dude hopped from must be lame." She took another moment to look at the figure, an odd feeling of unease filling her. She stood up slowly, frowning. "Whatever you came here for, it's not my problem." She muttered, almost reassuringly. "Though hopefully it's fun to watch." She turned to leave, only to halt quickly by a tugging on her neck. She gagged, stepping back and rubbing her throat with a groan. A nearly intangible chain ran from the portal up to her, wrapping securely around her neck like a choaker. Though it apparently wasn't secure nor intangible enough to not get really tangled in a bush. "You gotta be kidding." Shiny deadpanned, before stomping over and swiping at the chain. Her hands passed straight through with a red glow, the chain just dangling helpfully. Shiny took a deep breath through her teeth, her eyes slightly glowing a sky blue. She cast a withering look back at the unconscious figure, trudging back over by him and plopping down. "Wake up." She droned, prodding him with a tendril. "Hey, wake up. Wake up so you can help me with something." When that didn't work, she pursed her lips, raising all six tendrils. She repeatedly tapped on his hooded head at a rapid rhythmn, her tendrils blurring with the speed at which she whacked him. "Wakeupwakeupwakeupwakeupwakeupwakeupwakeup..."
Nbay stiffened up as he felt an unusual presence pass over him. He took one look at @[member="TrainerRythin"] and realized he must have sensed it as well, at least he hoped that was why he had suddenly stopped cursing at Arceus. It was obvious that something had just, for a brief moment, ruptured the space time continuum, or something along those lines. After all, something very powerful must have happened to emanate such a presence throughout the entire atmosphere. Nbay got to his feet and looked at @[member="TrainerRythin"], who was now sitting in one of his chairs. "I felt something weird pass through the air just now. As much as I hate to say it, going after Citamorcha might have to wait for a while. We should probably go check out what set off that presence. Whatever did it, it was very powerful." Realizing that most of his gear was scorched, Nbay quickly changed into a new pair of jeans, a red shirt, and a white over-shirt. With his sword Aetherius sheathed on his back, Nbay sent out his Mega Salamence, and set off towards the direction of the forest, where he felt the presence come from.
10, 9, 8 Smug counted along with the computer as it ticked away her final moments of life. She squeezed her eyes shut as the room rocked. 5, 4, 3... Smug gasped as she felt a strange energy overwhelm her senses. "109876543210987654321" the computer warbled and Smug exhaled. She sat up and dusted off her shirt as she walked over to the door. Smug tried to open the door, but it was fused shut from eariler explosions. Smug kicked the door angrily and rubbed her eyes. "Don't give me false hope universe!" she screamed. "If you want to kill me, get it over with!" The room was silent for a moment. "Self destruct in 5..." Smug looked up at the ceiling, adopting the blankest look she could manage. "You take me far too literally." She fell to the ground as the Leaf Palace blew up around the armory.
Ashlee continues to lay on the ground. One of her Poke Balls starts to wiggle on its own and opens up. There, Plusle comes out and shakes a little bit. Plusle looks around and sees a figure lying on the ground unconscious. However judging by the hair style and clothing, she realizes who this is! Plusle immediately starts shaking Ashlee to wake her up. "Ashlee?! Ashlee, wake up!!" she shouts to the figure. Ashlee starts to groan and starts to regain conscious thanks to the one calling out to her. She sits up and rubs her head since she's having a headache. "Ow..." she mumbles quietly. She looks around and sees Plusle and smiles a bit in relief. "Ashlee, are you okay?" Plusle asks as she watches Ashlee. Ashlee nods to responded, but stops once she realizes something. Plusle is talking?! She gasps and backs up from Plusle a bit. "Y-you talk!!" she says immediately and starts breathing rapidly. Plusle looks surprised and is now even more worried. "Y-yeah, but I have no idea what yo are though?" she says in confusion. Curiously, Ashlee looks at her hands and arms. There is yellow fur all over her! Ashlee screamed. After a few seconds, she stops herself and starts to investigate herself. Fur is all over her body as she starts touching her arms and fingers. She rolls up her pant legs and discovers fur on her legs as well and rolls the pant legs back down. She feels around more and discovers she has wings popping out of her back, long ears, and a big bushy tail with a white tip of fur. She starts to deep breath more for she is now panicking on what is now happening. "A-Ashlee! You need to calm down and get a hold of yourself!" she says to Ashlee. Ashlee looks to Plusle and takes a deep breath and exhales. She then looks to Plusle. "Wh-what do I look like right now?" she asks nervously. Plusle looks at Ashlee and thinks of the best way to answer. "Um... y-you're still you, but you're physically not..." she replies. "Y-your face is very fluffly though," she added. "My face?!" Ashlee asks and looks at the water of Lake Valor and sees that even her face is covered in yellow and white fur. She immediately backs away and tries to calm herself down. She looks to Plusle and around the area. "Wh-where are we?" she asks. "I think we're in Lake Valor, although I don't see that one guy yet..." Pusle replied as she looks around the area. Ashlee takes another deep breath and is now finally calm. "Let's see if we can find the Smug or anyone else around here and see what's going on," she says to Plusle. Once Plusle is on her shoulder, Ashlee realizes that she's in her humanoid rabbit/fox mixed breed and gulps. 'Hopefully no one freaks out,' she thinks to herself and walks off.
Rythin frowned slightly. "My history with unknown energy readings has never been particularly good..." he grumbled. He looked up to see @[member="Nbay64"] speed off on his Mega Salamance. "Really? Man, I had no idea I was so easy to miss..." he snarked lightly, before sighing and channelling a small amount of power to his legs. Launching off at a solid 34 kph, he made his way after the retreating form of Mega Salamence in the distance, before slowing to a stop. "Hold up... I do believe I've forgotten someone, yes indeed. Why did I take off my helmet again?" he wondered aloud, before turning and running even faster towards a forested hill a few kilometers away.
[SIZE=10.5pt]Ingwaz roared in joy. The wind whipped on her sides as she flew in high speed, the landscape slowly moving below... Nothing exhilarated her quite like the soaring. [/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]Atop her, on a saddle, Derahex was riding. With one hand he was holding on, with the other he was fiddling with his Remote Access Communicator Interface, or 'RACI', to continue gathering information. [/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]He was then hit with a staggering headache. He saw himself flying on a cow-sized crow, speaking to a girl in the city. He then saw himself being attacked by floor-bound cannons whilst riding a summoned demon. But... It wasn't him. His body was different... And there was this giant monster, laughing...[/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]He nearly fell off the saddle, but Ingwaz quickly tilted in the opposite direction. His RACI was attached to his wrist, so he didn't lose that. Derahex shook his head, clearing away the rogue thoughts. Ingwaz turned her head and looked at him in worry.[/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]"I'm all right... Thanks Ingwaz." Not entirely convinced, Ingwaz nonetheless returned to concentrate on the direction of their flight.[/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]What the heck was that? I'll have to look into this later at a medical facility...[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] He hoped it wasn't the otherworldly visitor that caused this, but he still mentally prepared for the worst. [/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]The last thing this city needs is a mind-distorting alien from another dimension. [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]He resumed to check his RACI, but did it more sparingly and less intensely.[/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]And yet, as he flew with Ingwaz toward the signature, a feeling of déja vu griped him. He could have sworn he made this journey many times before...[/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt][/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]He was in the trees, floating majestically within the leafy, starry sky. Joy filled him. The myriad of colours within the aurora was truly breathtaking. Among the clouds, he soared with the[/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]W...e up...[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt][/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]Serpentine figures in the dark void. A quake shook the air. The ambiance was truly tense, as they feared what was to come. But on they pushed, for if they stopped, they would be caught up by[/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]Wa.eu.w.keu.wake.pw.ke.pwa.eupwakeupwakeup[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt][/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]Disorder cackled madly as Kane fell. Incessant shaking wrecked the world as it took on a greenish tinge. He was wrapped in despair as he fell into the darkness, the quake and Disorder's laughing becoming an unbearable hell. That was it wasn't it? He was in the netherworld, and his punishment: An eternity with Disorder.[/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]No. He would not have that. Unquenchable rage began flowing through his being, and soon he would be consumed by madness. Now he would at last[/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE] AÌ„ÌŸÌ„n͑͂̀ͪd ̵͓̮̞̓̕wÌ̦̽ÌÌˆÌ Í“Ì‚ÌŸÍiÍ̻̯Ţ̷͙̆hÍ—Í«Ì¶ÌšÌ™Ì Ì¹Ì¨Ì Í̃ͣYÍŽOÍ̦̅̌ͫu͕̘͎̼̿͋҉ ̵͉͎d̘̥ÍÌ–ÌÍŽÍ̌ͦͪEÌÌ‹Ì´Í’Ì Í̬ͩ͊ͣRÌ‹Í„Ì·Í‘Í¬Ì»ÌªÌ g͉̪͆ͅÌ̳̫͑aÍ‘ÌhÌ«Í”EÌŸÍ͘X̢̪̩̄̆ͅ,Ì„Ì¶Ì¶ÌªÌ¢ÌœÍŠÍ—Í Í“Í’Í¥Į̜́ͥM̸̧̧̟̺̄̅̓e̴̬̅̇m̲ͯ͟o̡̻̻̣͔̒̓̀ÍiÍŸR Í ÍƒÌ͓͎̆͊ͣǫ̺͛F ̹̦̗͛ͬ̈́҉̯ÌÌŒThÍšÌ̾ẻ̢̛̿ͨ̌͜͡ ͙̗̹DÍÍ̡̻̗̀̃͌ͧ̚ė̀͂A̮̦̫͛ͬ͆̆dÍ™Í‚Í Ì– [SIZE=10.5pt]Kane awoke with a start. His breathing was rapid and his body was tense, due to his nightmare, and he stared blankly at the figure in front of him. Everything seemed foggy and distant. He couldn't hear what the person was saying. Was she talking? He couldn't tell. He could hardly figure out who HE was. He knew his name was Kane, but...[/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]"GAH!" Kane yelled as memory returned. Thousands of sensations and visions struck him at once. For a few seconds he just sat there, against the tree, clutching his head with one hand. [/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]But at last the memories stabilized in his mind, and he was free of the ache. He opened his eyes to see Shiny before him. "Shi-" He cut himself off, sheepishly putting his hood on to hide his eyes. He propped himself up on the tree, so that he would be more properly seated.[/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]I can't let her know who I am yet... It's too soon.[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] He thought. But then again, why not? What do I have to gain by hiding the truth?[/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]Visions of Shiny's demise, still fresh in his mind, echoed through his mind.[/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]Not Shiny. She's not ready. And I can't let... Derahex know either. It would be taking too many risks. I have to find a cover story so as not to destroy the very things I wish to protect. Time travel is indeed no laughing matter...[/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]However, now he needed to deal with the present concern. Shiny went to awaken him, which was highly unlike her. He would try to play the ignorant to avoid complications.[/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE] [SIZE=10.5pt]"I-I'm sorry. I mistook you for someone else. Who are you? And where am I? I can't recall what happened to me." He dearly hoped Shiny would buy his bluffing, because quite honestly, it wasn't his forte.[/SIZE]
Smug forced her eyes open. The room continued to spin as she stared at the blurry wall. Smug frowned and moved to rise to her feet but laid back down. She gripped her temples and bit back a curse as her head exploded into pain. "Alright Smug," she murmured to herself. "You're trapped in a metal box - no doors, no windows. All you have is a bunch of weapons and your brains. How do you get out?" Smug bit her lip, trying to ignore the painful throb of childhood memories and focus on her escape. She sighed and tried to sit up again. Smug inhaled sharply and leaned against the wall. The room tilted ominously and Smug found herself lying back down. She sighed and tried to sit back up, but began to fall to her other side. Smug scrabbled for purchase for a precious few seconds. Her surroundings spun around her and she tried to stay upright. Smug nearly succeeded, but gravity had done it's work. She screamed as a sharp pain pierced through her foggy mind. She felt tears prickling at her eyes as she rolled on her back at looked over herself. Her stomach rolled as she stared at the long shards of glass buried into her arm, blood oozing from numerous cuts. Smug closed her eyes, trying to even her breathing. But the breaths came quick and heavy, catching in her throat and choking her. "Well, this sucks," she gasped between sobs. Smug opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling, watching as it slid out of focus, her thoughts desperately trying to turn to her childhood.
Shiny had been simply staring off into space, her words slurring aimlessly together, when the figure suddenly bolted up, gasping. Shiny flailed slightly, falling backwards a bit as her tendrils recoiled back and her words trailed off in surprised gibberish. She quickly straightened, scooting back from him a short distance as he turned towards her, mumbling something and quickly covering his face with his hood. Shiny simply stared at him for a moment. In the spilt second she had seen his face, she swore she saw recognition in his eyes. But she'd never seen this being before. He seemed to be mulling something over in his silence, and she was nearly about to tell him to get on with it when he spoke. Shiny stared at him for a moment more, her expression suspiciously contemplative. She was about to speak, when a thought crossed her mind and she paused. "Wait, I actually have no idea where we are." Shiny said suddenly, a tendril rubbing her chin in a thoughtful motion. "As to what happened, I dunno, I just found you here knocked out and already without anything in your pockets I swear." She raised an eyebrow at him. "Seriously, don't you even carry a wallet?" She absently pulled her hair back out of her eyes using a tendril, looking around boredly. "Well, I'm a stranger who was just passing through and totally didn't stop to steal your wallet, also you caused a really big disturbance and I wanted to see if you were something interesting because I've been needing a source of entertainment." She smiled at him, her expression like that of a dragon eyeing a treasure. "And you're looking pretty entertaining, space man." Her expression quickly dropped into deadpan. "Oh yeah and also there's a really annoying invisible chain caught in that bush and I can't touch it so if you'd untangle it that'd be great." She sighed, pointing towards the offending foliage. Paul walked calmly through the seemingly endless fields, humming to himself. He stopped, startled, when something shot through the sky above at incredible speeds, blowing his hair into even more of a mess. He stared at where it had departed too, a curious smile on his face. Starting up a whistle, he kept walking leisurely, changing his course to head towards LV City.
Nbay swooped in on his Mega Salamence in front of the two figures he had spotted in the dense forest. He calmly dismounted and walked towards the two people. He immediately recognized @[member="shinygiratinaz"]. Arceus had told him plenty about her, as well as Nbay's two other siblings Palkia and Dialga (Note: Nbay is adopted. Arceus views him as his own child.), but he had never met any of them face-to-face before. He doubted that @[member="shinygiratinaz"] even knew he existed, or who he even was for that matter. Nbay knew he couldn't just tell her, it would likely anger her completely, so he decided he wouldn't say anything about their relation unless she inquired about it. Anyway, the more important matter at hand was finding out who the guy gasping for his life was, as it was likely him who set off the presence. By this point Nbay was right in front of the gasping figure. Something about him seemed very familiar to Nbay, but he wasn't sure what. He calmly looked at him, and outstretched his hand. "The name's Nbay," he said calmly. "and you likely have a lot of questions buzzing through your head about why I'm here, and what my motives are, but I can promise you that I'm not a threat. You set off a huge presence in the atmosphere a few seconds ago, and it's my job to know how and why you did it. But all of that can wait a little while. First things first, I'd like to know your name."
(Warning, long post ahead.) Rythin slowed to a stop outside his humble home. It wasn't much, a small stone building situated on a hill overlooking LV City, but it was home. He frowned as he came closer. That's odd... I don't remember there being plants all over the roof... he thought, slightly confused. "No matter." he said, opening the door to the sitting room. It had a nice rustic feel to it, something he didn't know he liked until he made it. Swiftly moving through the sitting room and into the workshop, he moved past a shelf of tools and pressed his hand against a divet in the wall, pushing slightly upward. With a low rumble, a section of the wall moved downward, revealing a hidden passage into a much more advanced part of his home. Ducking into the corridor, he walked down the hall as it sloped downwards, before stopping as small sentry drones popped out of the walls, lights flashing orange. Allowing them to passively scan him to confirm his identity, he twiddled his thumbs as they hovered around him for a good ten seconds, before flashing green and returning to their sockets in the walls. Walking past them, he entered the sole doorway at the end of the hallway. It opened into a raised platform overlooking his secret lair (mwahahahaha). Sighing in content, he walked off to his left and down the steps, past computers that were offline and shelves of books. Moving to the other side of the room, he looked over the ritual circles engraved into the wooden tables. Seeing nothing out of place, he went back and stopped in the center of the room, looking at a raised platform opposite to the doorway that had a pedestal jutting out of the floor. Casually walking up to it, he smiled slightly at the elegant object, its jet-black coloration giving off a mysterious air. His smile turned slightly bitter as he picked it up with reverent hands and slipped it over his head, a satisfying hiss signalling that it had sealed everything above the base of his neck. It provided protection from injuries to his skull and neck, and protected his air supply from toxins and strangulation. "Ry, you're back!" a feminine voice called in his ears. It also happened to be the vessel of his partially-dead girlfriend, Argo, once known as The Tempest. He rubbed his neck slightly. "Yeah, I'm back. Sorry it took me so long to visit, I got caught up into... something. I'm still not entirely certain as to what happened though..." he trailed off, lost in thought, before shaking his head. "It doesn't matter. I figured that you were bored down here and I wanted to talk again, so I came back." he said, smiling softly. "Awww, did my little Ry miss me?" she asked, a slight mocking tone discernible. "Yes, I missed you." he said flatly. "You're so cute when you're annoyed!" Argo said, as though she were talking to a small child. Her tone shifted suddenly. "Something tells me this isn't a social call, however. What's the issue?" she asked seriously. His gaze hardened. "Unknown energy readings coming from the City, figured I could use your help." he said seriously. "Well, let's go and check it out then!" she cried, anxious to get out of the house. "We're going on an adventure..." The way she said the last part made him shiver slightly. Oh yes, it is going to be an adventure alright... An adventure into the limits of my sanity. Oh, the things I do for this girl... he thought, sighing mentally. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leaving the house, he looked out over the lands around LV City, allowing himself to drink in his surroundings for a moment, before getting serious once more. I doubt that whatever it was is in the City right now... Last I checked it was in one of the forests bordering the walls. he thought, before sighing and activating his visual overlay. "Argo, can you run a scan on foreign energy readings within with ten klicks?" he asked. "On it." was her reply, as she set to work. "There seems to be some residual flux from a small space-time tear about three klicks northeast of us. There's also a substantial source of energy nearby, and something else..." she trailed off, murmuring quietly. "That can't be right." she said, shock evident in her tone. "If it is... We're getting involved with one of the most powerful beings in the area. @[member="shinygiratinaz"], if my memory serves me." she said in wonder. Rythin frowned, before building up energy in his legs and shooting off towards the the anomaly. Reaching it in just over a minute, he smiled slightly. "I've gotten faster." he said quietly, before hopping silently into a nearby tree to observe the events unfolding. He could see @[member="Nbay64"] and @[member="shinygiratinaz"], but the other... person... was unfamiliar to him. He was confident he'd been undetected, and so he decided to merely watch from the shadows.
(*Doesn't know what else to type ;w;'*) As Ashlee and Plusle continued to walk to LV City, Ashlee suddenly realized something! What if no body recognizes her new appearance. She begins to panic in her mind, but sees Plusle looking at her and stops. She has to calm down; but at the same time, all of this changing and Pokémon talking is really new to her. She hopes she can find someone that can help her solve this mystery and find a cure. If not, then she'll really freak out.
Janet strolled away from the helicopter towards the burning wreckage. "Of course, she would have a self defense," a nearby grunt muttered. Janet spared him no glance. She walked to the edge of the weakened forcefield. She let her power pool into her left hand as she analyzed the shield. Frost began to trail up her arm as she lazily looked back at the large group of grunts circling around a runestone. "Incompetents," she drawled as she raised her left hand and smashed it into the sheild. A loud crack, not unlike thunder, echoed across the clearing, followed by the sound of shattering glass. Janet took another step, and the flames grew in intensity. She turned to face the group of grunts, half of them reaching for their weapons as they stared at her. "Citamorcha wants anything salvageable back to HQ," Janet told them. "He also wants LadySmugleaf alive, preferably." She glanced back at the wreckage. "Use Rain Dance to douse the flames. I don't want to write casualty reports because you are a bunch of idiots." She turned around and walked back to the helicopter, uncaring as rain began to pour from the heavens.
Kane watched as Shiny explained how she knew nothing about the forest and how she didn't steal his wallet. After which she stated how much she would enjoy observing him as he seemed a wealth of entertainment. Typical Shiny... Kane thought. He was about to aid her with the troublesome Red Chain, but something was nudging him on the back of his mind... She had also asked him if he carried any belongings, as he didn't hold any... It took a few seconds for Kane to register. His eyes widened as he realized what he didn't have: THE LINKING BOOK! Kane jumped to his feet, and frantically began looking around the area. "Where is my book?!" He said, his tone mildly panicked. "I need it to- There!" Kane had spotted lying around a few paces from where he laid moments before. He rushed to take it and was relieved to see that the piece of the previous world Shiny's picture was still intact. Obviously she had not recognized it, else her disposition would have been quite different. He tucked the book amidst the folds of his cloak and turned to Shiny. "Sorry about that. This tome is of great importance to me. Now, about that tangled chain..." He said, still on one knee from picking up the book when a Pokémon came down from above, and from it dismounted... Nbay. He slowly walked towards them both. He cast a short gaze towards Shiny before turning his attention to Kane. "The name's Nbay, and you likely have a lot of questions buzzing through your head about why I'm here, and what my motives are, but I can promise you that I'm not a threat. You set off a huge presence in the atmosphere a few seconds ago, and it's my job to know how and why you did it. But all of that can wait a little while. First things first, I'd like to know your name." Kane once again adjusted the hood of his cloak to better hide his eyes. Things were accelerating faster than he had expected. And he still didn't know when exactly he was... Come to think of it, now that it came back to him, hadn't he been obliterated by Primal Dialga? He would have to resolve this later... For now, he had to deal with his new false identity. Suddenly playing the innocent ignorant wasn't so advantageous. He needed information... "Pleased to make your acquaintance... Nbay." He clutched his head in mock head-ache, hoping they would buy his act. "Ah... I think... I'm starting to remember now. I come from far away... And I was cast from my home by a powerful being, who warped me to this place." This was the truth, of course. However, he was still conflicted as to how much of it he would reveal. "I am called The Oracle." He smiled, releasing his head. "I have a good feeling about you, Nbay. Ahem, now if you'll excuse me, I must assist this lady in untangling herself..." Kane said, turning to Shiny.
Shiny raised an eyebrow as the cloaked stranger stiffened, before shouting about a book and running over to the green tome she had discarded earlier. He slipped it into his cloak, seeming much more calm. Shiny smiled slowly. It seemed that book was very important. She just barely kept the toothy grin off of her face in time for the stranger to return his attention to her and for @[member="Nbay64"] to walk into their sight. Shiny's expression immidiately soured, and she leaned casually back against nothing, levitating boredly. She noticed the cloaked stranger seeming to pause in consideration, and took the moment to sigh loudly. "Oh, here we go." She sighed, flipping onto her back in the air and lounging there with her tendrils coiling aimlessly. "Somebody who knows it's " their job" to get in other's business. You're a hero then, aren't 'cha?" She flipped onto her stomach, propping her elbows on air and resting her head on them. She raised an eyebrow, looking Nbay over. "Gross, a noble hero too by the looks of you." She groaned, sticking her tongue out and rolling her eyes. She was about to continue when the cloaked stranger seemed to clutch his head, speaking again. Shiny snorted slightly when he mentioned his name, but before she could make a comment he turned back to her, calling her a "lady." She smiled slightly, gently returning to a standing position. "I don't think I've been called anything that flattering in quite a long time." Shiny chuckled. "You just get better and better, Oracle." Her smile faded a bit as she eyed the nearby bush and the chain tangled within. "Oh, yeah, careful." She muttered suddenly, trying her best to appear nonchalant at the idea of Oracle holding onto the red chain. "It's... tricky and stuff. Might sting you or something." She quickly added. "Maybe you could just catch the bush on fire or something and then you can go talk to Mr Hero and I can go not do that and it'll all be fine. I'd do it myself but-" she chuckled awkwardly, crossing her arms almost protectively, "-well that's tended to not end well for me when I try."
"One's only a hero when he is considered one by others," Nbay said in reply to @[member="shinygiratinaz"]. "I think of myself as less of a hero, and as more of a man on a mission, and who is willing to help others along the way." He turned his attention back to Kane. He knew that Kane was not from this world, because a presence as strong as the one he generated would require a force powerful enough to rip a hole in the space-time continuum. But it was obvious to him that Kane wanted to keep his true origin a secret for now, so he decided to play along. "The Oracle hmm?" he asked his newly found acquaintance. "What exactly does that entail? An Oracle normally keeps prophecies, but it might mean something different where you're from."
Jill carefully probed the ground as she descended into Leaf Palace. She glanced up at the ceiling as creaks echoed throughout the rubble. Jill sighed and kept scanning her surroundings, the hairs on the back of her neck rising at every sound. She felt her breath catch in her throat as a loud crack sounded as she put her weight on her eight foot. Jill froze for a second before frantically grabbing a ledge ans the floor in front of her fell through. She peered over the edge of the abyss to see a small lab, the rubble hit the table with a tuthunderingndering crack, followed by the sound of glass shattering as the table collapsed under the new weight. A low mist billowed across the lab floor and Jill heard a wailing sound. She clapped her hands on her ears and stumbled baxk away from the hole as a monotone warpled: "War...g chemi... tion... ...cute" Jill turned around, slipping on various bits of ceiling. She fell to her knees as a shock wave struck her. Janet narrowed her eyes as she felt a magical shockwave emit from deep inside the ruins of Leaf Palace. It wasn't nearly as big nor as realty-tearing as the one earlier that day... Janet frowned. "Looks like she sent out a distress signal. Follow it to the source," She instructed the few remaining grunts.
Paul paused. He looked out over the field he was walking in, narrowing his eyes for a moment as if unsure. He could have sworn he had felt something else, a much smaller but still noticeable disturbance. He frowned, chewing absently on a fingernail as he thought it over. It felt almost like a distress signal. He gained a determined look, nodding to himself. He'd just go see what it was. After all, it might be somebody who needed some help. Or it could be a trap. Or Shiny tricking him again. He stopped his train of thought before it could spiral out of control. He focused on where he had felt the signal, and blinked. He immediately recoiled, breathing sharply, as he found himself in a ruined room. With a small squeak of distress, he fell backwards, looking around wildly. "O-oh dear." He muttered, before raising his voice. "Hello?" His voice echoed hollowly around the ruined space, as if he had found himself encased in metal. He saw someone lying on the ground nearby and slowly scooted over to them. He gasped as he came closer, noting many serious wounds and shrapnel on the person. "Oh dear!" Paul exclaimed worriedly, kneeling over the figure. "Can you hear me? What happened to you?"
Smug groaned as she forced her eyelids open. "Wha?" she rasped. She blinked and tried to focus on the looming face. Smug squinted as the world slide out of focus. "You... Need to leave," she slurred, closing her eyes. "Room's going boom..." Smug tried to lift her head, but groaned as the throbbing became worse. "Please help me..." she mumbled as her eyes slid close.
"Boom?" Paul repeated, his eyes widening. He noticed her slipping back into unconsciousness and groaned. "No, wait! You... I..." Paul looked her over, nervous. She'd lost a lot of blood, and the glass stuck in her arm couldn't be very healthy. Though blowing up wouldn't be healthy either. "Ohhhh." Paul breathed, running a hand through his hair. He could swear he heard a countdown, but it was just as likely his imagination running away from him. He slid a hand gently under the wounded woman's head, placing the other on her back. He concentrated, trying to focus and slow down his nervous breathing, before shutting his eyes tight. He focused his power, and in that moment a piece of plaster scraped off the ceiling and grazed his wings. His eyes flew open in surprise, and the world twisted disorientingly as his teleport activated prematurely. He felt his feet touch grass and he stumbled forwards a step, thrown off balance by the slight incline of the ground and the weight of the wounded woman now in his arms. He found himself in another field, a forest and lake in the distance. He looked around, before noticing a yellow-ish figure in the distance ( @[member="LunarRabbitPikachu"] ). "Hey!" He cried out, beginning to walk towards the figure. "I need help! Please!" He stopped for a moment, frozen by the idea that the other person might be hostile. He prepared to try and teleport again, but looked back to the wounded woman nervously. He didn't know how wounded she was, jostling her with another teleport could be anywhere from harmful to deadly. He gulped, but waited cautiously for a response.