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Hiyami's Sprites and maybe Drawings ^^'

Discussion in 'Art Corner' started by HiyamiDorachi, Nov 30, 2012.

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  1. HiyamiDorachi

    Nov 30, 2012
    I started to invent arena champions for fun, but once i finished their teams i started to do some sprites and i liked this so i did some sprites for represent these champions in sprites ^^ and now i love to do it ^^. Here some of them :

    Arena Champion :

    First Arena : Ground Type

    Champion : Saul

    Badge : Mountain
    Badge Montagne.png

    Signature Pokémon : Trapinch > Flygon in revenge's Team

    328 Kraknoix Saul.png > 330 Libegon Saul.png

    Second Arena : Grass Type

    Champion : Priya

    Signature Pokémon : Jumpluff
    189 Cotovol Priya.png

    Third Arena : Fire Type

    Champion : Floris

    Signature Pokémon : Evildog the Houndoom
    229 Demolosse Floris, 'Evildog'.png

    Fourth Arena : Rock Type

    Champion : Rena

    Signature Pokémon : Aggron
    306 Galeking Rena.png

    Fifth Arena : Ice Type

    Champion : Glen

    Signature Pokémon : Froslass
    478 Momartik Glen.png

    Eighth Arena : Psychic Type

    Champion : Phylicia

    Badge : Feeling
    Badge Sentiment.png

    Overworld :
    Championne Phylicia.png

    Battle Sprite :

    VS Sprite :
    Championne Phylicia.png

    Her predilection Pokémon( I decided that the predilection Pokémon of every champion is unique in its species.) : Espeon
    196 Mentali Phylicia.png

    Phylicia with her Pokémon :
    Championne Phylicia, Mentali.png

    Her revenge's team :
    Championne Phylicia, Mentali, Charmina, Symbios, Mushana, Neitram, Sidérella.png

    Pokémon League :

    Fourth Master : Darkness Type

    Master : Tria

    Overworld :
    Conseil 4 Tria.png

    Battle Sprite :
    Conseil 4 Tria.png

    VS Sprite :
    Conseil 4 Tria.png

    Her Predilection Pokémon : Luna The Umbreon
    197 Noctali Tria, 'Luna'.png

    Tria with her Pokémon :
    Conseil 4 Tria, Luna.png

    Master of the League : Damien

    Overworld Sprite :
    Maître Damien.png

    Battle Sprite :
    Maître Steeve.png

    VS Sprite :
    Maître Steeve.png

    His predilection Pokémon : Feraligatr
    160 Aligatueur Steeve.png

    Damien with his Pokémon :
    Maître Steeve, Aligatueur.png

    Damien's team :
    Maître Steeve, Aligatueur, Phyllali, Minotaupe, Aéroptérix, Pyrax, Elekable.png

    His Chamber :
    Maître Damien V4.png

    Rival : Wendi

    Battle Sprite :
    Rival Wendi.png

    VS Sprite :
    Rival Wendi.png

    Signature Pokémon : Milo the Milotic

    Her with her Pokémon :
    Rival Wendi, Milo.png

    Special Trainer :

    Trainer Steven (My avatar of Pokémon Black And White) :

    Overworld Sprite :
    Dresseur Steven,Shade.png

    Battle Sprite :
    Dresseur Steven, Shade.png

    VS Sprite :
    Dresseur Steven.png

    My Signature Pokémon : Umbreon, but he is not in my team

    My favorites Pokémon (it is not my team ) :

    Attached Files:

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  2. Oim

    Oim Banned

    Nov 22, 2012
    The other two will be deleted.
    Do not make the same thread again. Use this one thread.

    If you are running into limits with uploading images, use the BB Code to post the images directly in the thread, for example, host the image, then type [img*] (url of hosted image) [/img*]. Remove the * of course. That way images can be posted directly in the thread.
  3. Ashe

    Ashe Silly

    Nov 21, 2012
    Your sprites are very well done^^ I think my favorites are the ones of the trainers. Keep it up!
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    HiyamiDorachi likes this.
  4. espeonbird

    espeonbird Poké Maniac

    Nov 22, 2012
    I think the hairstyles are really cool, you used a mix of different styles instead of just the regular ones from other sprites - I like it :D
  5. HiyamiDorachi

    Nov 30, 2012
    Thank you ! ;).
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