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How do you pick your version?

Discussion in 'Pokémon General' started by phineas81707, Feb 11, 2016.

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  1. phineas81707

    Jul 31, 2014
    This one's a bit trickier, but you have to make the decision earlier... what version do you get?

    Well, there aren't too many reasons- it's largely version exclusives, so you'd have to sit a little and wait for them to be discovered first. Once you know the version exclusives, plus any major story differences or the like... what game do you go out to get and play through?

    In my case, Gen VI was also my first chance of buying Pokémon myself, and thus choosing the version myself. I remember the decision was agonising, because there wasn't anything in one version or the other. I don't remember why exactly I went with Y, though I suspect I was more interested in Yveltal. As for Omega Ruby... Groudon, Team Magma and Mawile. That last one, big time, but I do enjoy Magma a lot more.
  2. Absolute Zero

    Absolute Zero The second seal

    Level 19
    Mar 17, 2015
    I answer two ways: remakes and original.

    With remakes, I buy the same version I had originally. With the exception of Firered (I had Blue, so I made a choice between Charizard and Venusarur and made the obvious selection), I got the same version remakes: SoulSilver and AlphaSapphire, and I plan on getting the Pearl and Black remakes. Only catch is that I don't have a Kalos game yet, but we're far away from a remake.

    For original versions, I tend to pick the legendary whose theme and visual appeal applies to me more. I'm more moony than sunny, so I'm glad I picked Silver. I defaulted to Sapphire because my brother got Ruby. I like(d?) Palkia's design more than Dialga's, I like everything about Zekrom moderately more than Reshiram. If I got X or Y, I think I'd pick Y, because I like Yveltal's design better than Xerneas'. It's just the visual appeal of mascots for me.
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  3. Wizard

    Wizard Do you feel it? The moon's power!

    Level 3
    Jan 18, 2016
    Funnily enough, I have never had a Pokémon game that's been remade, as Emerald was my first game, and it wasn't remade, Ruby and Sapphire weren't, so I haven't had the opportunity to pick my games based off of that. I base them off of how much I like the cover legendary, tbh. That's why I chose SS over HG, Diamond over Pearl, White over Black, White 2 over Black 2, Y over X, and OR over AS. I was a little more logical and thoughtful in picking out a game with ORAS though, as I picked it because of the version exclusive Pokémon.
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  4. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 45
    Nov 22, 2012
    I pick my version by which mascot looks cooler (Diamond over Pearl, Black over White) and which one has the exclusives I want
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  5. Megarai111

    Megarai111 Elizabeth 3rd

    Dec 23, 2014
    I also pick my version depending on the legendary Pokémon's design. That's exactly why I bought Heartgold, Black, X and Alpha Sapphire. I simply preferred the Legendary Pokémon. Other than that, I don't really care about what version I buy.
    For some mysterious reason, I start to prefer the legendary Pokémon I didn't get though... strange
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  6. Doomhound

    Level 2
    Nov 23, 2012
    My first 2 games, blue and sapphire, were given to me by various people so i didn't have a chance to choose one over the other. I guess with sapphire i chose that over emerald, without knowing emerald was the same but with more extras. I just liked blue better at the time. When buying games, the first one i actually bought was Pokémon black. I liked reshiram's design over zekrom's, even if i liked electric over fire at the time. And it was kind of a counterpick, everyone seemed to be getting white so i went with black. Then I got white2, even though it was the same legendary again. A counterpick of sorts again, and he was just the cooler of the two. Once it came to X and Y, it was either dark (my favorite type) or fairy (the type I absolutely despise). Not much of a choice... then I got alpha sapphire because sapphire is still my favorite game so nostalgia. Basically the choice is on the legendary, because what other notable difference is there? Region exclusive Pokémon are so much easier to get now with GTS, even the legendaries, so its about who you get in the story for me.
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  7. Weedle Enthusiast

    Weedle Enthusiast Resident Weedle Enthusiast

    Best Boi
    Level 1
    Oct 29, 2014
    Crown of ValorDome Fossil ★★★
    For ORAS, i picked off the fact that I had Ruby. All the rest I've gotten that i picked out myself, i picked based on popularity. I pick whichever is considered less popular.
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  8. Maantijger

    Nov 23, 2015
    Hmmm. First I look at the mascot Pokémon, then the version exclusives and if I prefer either of those over the other I'll see which one is more worth. For example, when deciding on getting HG or SS I noticed HG had a lot of cool Pokémon I'd be interested in my playthrough but SS had Lugia as a mascot Pokémon, which I prefer over Ho-Oh. In the end I still went with HG and I don't regret that decision at all, I got to use Arcanine >_> When it comes to remakes, I'll just get the remade version of original game I had.
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  9. Reckless

    Reckless Won't take the easy road

    Jan 11, 2013
    I'm not really fussed, to tell the truth. I largely want to play through the stories first, where the new games are concerned, and where remakes factor in I'm starting to buy both at the same time anyway.
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  10. Vanillite

    Vanillite Cat Lady

    Nov 24, 2012
    Generally, I look at the version exclusives and the main Legendary that can be caught. The Legendary is usually my main concern, because I can just trade for version exclusives with my buds! However, eventually, it's more than likely that I'll go and buy both copies eventually :')
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  11. Shayminlover123

    Level 27
    Dec 30, 2012
    I base my decision based on which ledgendary I like more. So far I have picked every first version of every Pokémon game (Black, Diamond, Heartgold, etc). I don't plan this either, which is strange...
  12. Nate

    pooper scooper
    Level 2
    Nov 22, 2012
    I go completely off which Legendary I think is cooler. I've done that since Diamond/Pearl and have yet to change that. I just like Dialga, Zekrom, Black-Kyurem, Yveltal, and Primal Kyogre more than their counterparts.
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  13. EchoSouls

    EchoSouls Contributor

    May 4, 2016
    Version-Exclusives and Mascots.

    I'll always take HeartGold over SoulSilver (Even though my username is EchoSouls... Maybe it should be changed to EchoHearts?)

    I have a habit of going for the 'Red' version of the game first, then realizing I prefered the other mascot and regretting my desision, though.
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  14. Starry Windy

    May 15, 2015
    Personally I would refer to version exclusives at times, and also to the theme coloring and Legendaries that are available.
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  15. Lucy

    Lucy ☆ 𝖉𝖗𝖆𝖌𝖔𝖓 𝖘𝖑𝖆𝖞𝖊ð

    Sep 28, 2014
    I usually do it based on version exclusives (be it Pokémon, aesthetic design, what have you); however, I almost always end up owning/playing the "red" game first. Not counting imported copies, I've played Red before Blue (which I still don't own), Gold before Silver, Ruby before Sapphire, FR before LG, Pearl before Diamond, HG before SS, Black before White, Black, Y before X, and OR before AS. (I played B2 before W2 which, depending on how you wanna see it, could either be the "red" game because it is the sequel to Black or the "blue" game because of Kyurem-B having plenty of blue on it.) Even when playing spinoffs, I favor the "red" game over the "blue" one if there are two different versions (e.g., Red Rescue Team over Blue Rescue Team and Explorers of Darkness over Explorers of Time).

    Might end up breaking this pattern with Sun and Moon, though we'll see.
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  16. Deltheor

    Deltheor The Demon of Shikoku

    Level 2
    Dec 21, 2012
    I always end up getting both, since that's been a tradition for me ever since the 2nd Generation. Which version I choose as my main file and which I pick as my replay file, however, is a bit complicated. Sometimes I pick which version I like better in terms of legendaries and Pokémon to be my main version, and sometimes I leave my favorite as my replay file due to the fact that I like the Pokémon in it more. It really comes down to my opinion of the games at the time, plus I can always get another copy of my main game if I ever want to replay it for whatever reason, haha.
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  17. ~Nova~

    ~Nova~ Birby Friend

    Apr 30, 2016
    I normally choose what legendary I prefer, which applies to all my games except ORAS. My brother pretty much forced me to get Alpha Sapphire. He always gets the good ones.
    I mainly pick the 'blue versions'; SoulSilver, Diamond, X, AS... I chose Black, but isn't that more of the 'red' one? I dunno. I'm not sure if I want Black 2 or White 2, yet... I guess I'll see the version exclusives.

    ... I'm choosing Moon.
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  18. MegaBlastoise15

    Nov 21, 2015
    I pick Pokémon games on what the legendaries look like as well as their version exclusives.
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  19. Apawn

    Apawn Modern Gen 2 Artist

    Level 49
    Oct 1, 2014
    Shiny QuilavaQuilava
    For me its which name (Such as Y) sounds cooler :P
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  20. brsajo

    brsajo Girl Boss Baby

    Level 16
    Dec 31, 2014
    I tend to go for the version with the legendary that looks more 'evil', so that when I catch it, it's like I'm saving the world by taming the powerful beast.
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