Are you a creature of habit? Are there any habits you'd like to break, or any that you would like to start? How easy do you find it to establish new habits? Do you have any habits that other people would consider strange, or do you know anyone with a habit that you find strange?
Building habits is hard, but I've been able to force myself to do a few. I brew my own cup of coffee the long way every morning, I work out six days a week, just a few patterns like that. But those are things I want to do. When it comes to things I don't want to do (keeping track of money, keeping my email organized), it is much harder for me to make a habit. I wish I had a direct way.
I dont really have any habits. Not any I can think of right now. And, I dont actually make a habit of anything that easy.
I need order (thus habits/daily schedules) to function, but dad likes to live a life of chaos. He is prone to suddenly deciding something last minute, "Lets go out to eat!" or "Lets go to the park." Which I don't handle well. Recently he's started doing his chaotic life with someone else so I'm peacefully in a life of order and habit. I wake up around 7 am almost every day (this morning I first woke up at 4, then again at 8) Have breakfast around 9-10, lunch around 12-1, and dinner around 6-7 I stop working around 3-6 (3 is the earliest, 6 is when the shop officially closes) and do my online things from 3-6 till...11-12 am, when I'll then go to bed. I need to slip in a habit of taking care of my dental health, I keep forgetting and dad's not helping on getting me to a dentist (I have 4 cavities and need check ups on wisdom teeth, as well as a crooked tooth- it's completely sideways)'s hard for me to get a habit, and if I mess up once it's easy for me to get it all messed up for good.
I don't necessarily need to live life by a schedule, but I do like to know what's going on. I actually get super anxious if I think things are going to happen one way, and then out of the blue I learn that it's going to go a different way. If I have a schedule, then I have to follow it. If I don't have one, then I'm just fine.
I need to live my life by a schedule. I always make sure that every hour of every day is cordoned off to do something in particular. Exactly what depends on what's going on in the day, but habits that I always keep constant are getting up at 6am, eating at 5pm, spending everything past 5 lounging, and going to be at 9pm. I can form habits really easy as I can just find a free hour in the day and say that this hour is dedicated to do this one thing. I would like to get into the habit of writing everyday, but that gets hard when you have writers block.
I’ve been cracking like fingers and neck like a tick for almost six years. They just get so tense and I feel obligated to loosen them. Every evening I walk up to my Mom’s bearded dragon and say, “what’s up lizard girl?” Its oddly comforting to do.