This is entirely meant as a joke...maybe ;p But who are your guy's favorite admins/moderators? It's fun to know something like this. Mine is personally Wizard as he's easy to talk to and crack jokes with. (He also likes pineapple on pizza and thus is the best in my eyes)
Mine is Laserdragon14 because she’s always in the game corner (my favorite section) and always has questions for my Q+A
Probably gotta be either Wizard or Vig. Does King Dedede count as a mod? I mean, he's a Discord Mod, but still.
I don’t any of them super well, but Wizard, Vigilance, Laserdragon14, Gwoomy, King Dedede, and BZrich64 all seem pretty nice.
All of them are awesome in my opinion, but I do feel particularly close to Wizard, Vig, and Zero in particular. Not gonna lie the staff here is top notch compared to other places I have been, they are very helpful and personable no matter when and how you approach them.
I'm biased because I'm friends with Laserdragon; I wouldn't have even come back if she hadn't suggested it.
This is honestly the only correct answer, and it's the answer I'mma gonna go with. Even though I've really only had actual interactions with Vig, who is a delight.
I like them all (which is a nice change from another board I was on before) I do have a particular kinship with Vigilance though, we talk photoshop and he likes giving me creative freedom with his requests which is quite fun. Plus he's a comic book nerd like I am so I can appreciate that.
I don't have many interactions with the staff, so I don't have a real favourite. Gwoomy seems to be the nicest in my opinion though.