There are books, movies, and shows with plots or plot points that are good, or maybe not so good. Regardless, sometimes as the audience we go, "I could think of something better!". So, what is a book, movie, show, series, whatever, with a plot or plot point that could use improvement? And how would you improve it? What would you change?
I think that we all can agree that The Last Jedi could use some work and here are a few points that I would be able to improve it: 1. Have the admiral that replaced the main leaders actually work with the commander that got demoted earlier in the movie - this is because they are in a crisis and need to work together in order to effectively survive. 2. Have the same admiral actually announce the plan to go to the planet - so that the mutiny wouldn't have happened in the first place. 3. How about just open with the hyperspace ramming? - so that the majority of the Order fleet wouldn't be able to pursue the rebels with the sacrifice of one or two ships. 4. I think the movie would have been better if the Rebel leaders didn't die so early in the movie - they were experienced leaders and would have to lead the remains of the fleet so much better than the admiral that replaced them later. 5. Have Luke Skywalker actually appear and try to save the Rebels - This is because, Luke would actually be trying to right a wrong that he apparently thought that he causes, but it wasn't completely his fault. 6. Have Kylo Ren change what the Order was currently doing once he killed their current leader - Think about it, why did he kill the leader if he was just going to replace him? And then only just became a cliche antagonist at the end? Really, that was just a waste of time and energy for Kilo Ren. 7. Have Porgs not even a thing - they shouldn't even be able to fly with their current design and that scene with Chewbacca eating some chicken or whatever, only makes the Porgs look like cannibals. 8. How about just ditch the entire thing and just go with Star Wars Legends - this move would go along with the rebels series that Disney has made and would be a very easy move that would take very little time on the writing department and the CGI team would still be happy, but most importantly, fans like me would love a movie that went with legends. (Sorry, not sorry)
Have Harry remember that he had a magic mirror to talk with Sirius. Even better, have Sirius remind Harry that he had a magic mirror to talk with him the first time he breaks into Umbridge's office to talk with him. Seriously, he had to do this TWICE and Sirius didn't think to mention it? Couldn't Sirius have just been like, "Okay I know I'm usually the reckless one and I know you're really impatient to hear if your dad was actually a horrible person, but there's a better way you could be doing this and we could actually be talking on a regular basis so I don't go stir crazy locked up in this house all the time." Problem solved. Tragedy avoided.