Ah, inside jokes. Those jokes that you share with those close to you that other people just don't get because they aren't in the know about it. They can come from just about anything, be it a misspoken sentence, a typo, or just something really weird. Share your favorite inside joke stories here!
If you've seen me on the Discord server, you know I make the worst typos. Even my Discord profile has typos: Spoiler And me and my sister have a lot of inside jokes because of all the videos we watch together. From meme videos to song lyrics, a lot of stuff cracks us up. @WhiteKyurem72 Yee.
Most of my inside jokes are between me and my family members, particularly my sisters. Usually the jokes are in the form of oddly timed tv show quotes or something stupid one of us did. Once my sister misspelled sweety as sweaty. Please no one ever call me sweety, because I will immediately think of that.
Me and my friend were talking. We ended up talking about how to make money through drugs. I pitched the idea to use jelly fish toxin that dolphins can be seen getting high on, and my friend wanted to use morphine since it was the most addictive substance. Then we decided to combine the two to make, jellyfish toxin morphine injected cupcakes. And thus the inside joke "buy our cupcakes" was made. (This was all just for lols. We never partook nor condone the drug trade.)
My boyfriend and I have this weird inside joke where one of us says 'knee' in a scared voice whenever one of our knees gets hit by something.
boi you best believe i have a plethora of inside jokes. too many to name. most of them are with my best friend. one of them is "the best part of waking up is children in your cup" we just have a lot of really weird inside jokes that are only understood in context but aw jeez. me and her have had so many inside jokes over the course of almost 6 years.
The DMs between me and SkittleBox are inside joke enough on their own. Otherwise we just have tons on jokes on characters and stuff. It's really awesome.
A friend of mine was saying something about the "element of design" for why I should change the font I was using for something. Except he didn't say element. He said "elephant". I proceeded to change the font to Elephant and never let him live it down.
A lot with job's partners haha... When we are working and someone asks something absolutly stupid and one of us says something like "do you want me to teach you how to got to the bathroom or act like if you were making and intelligent advice".Yup, the adult world sometimes surprises with the most non-sense questions from people that just want attention ¬¬ Thank you my partners for making my day a bit less heavy <3
I think a lot of my inside jokes come from doing pit orchestra, where we make an abundance of music and meme jokes. Outside the orchestra room there's a "Meme Wall" where there are memes of the orchestra's conductor and the musicians, and there are a lot of crappy memes. My friend and I plan to carry on the tradition of bad memes!
Me and my bf have a few inside jokes. References to Vinesauce, typos, silly moments in our rps, ect. Namely it's me typoing when I have to go wash up before starting a game with him, and also 'Spinning to winning'. XD
I generally have a fair amount of inside jokes with friends in my 'inner circle'. Each of them have different ones, whether it's getting into a fight with a fork and losing, or just saying sentences that don't make grammatically sense. Other than the inside jokes that the LV Discord chat as a whole has - and another Discord server I'm on where we developed an entire Cards Against Humanity deck that is nothing but our inside jokes...I don't really have many inside jokes to call my own. But perhaps it's better that way.
A friend of mine on a Discord forum has a go-to answer of "ok." We make fun of it sometimes; other times, just for kicks, a bunch of us will sort of band together and just terrorize another person with "ok"s until one of us has to leave. It's pretty great.
Most inside jokes are between me and my brother. His birthday is literally on Valentine's day, so my whole family calls him Cupid on occasion.
Well...there's a lot of weird jokes me and my friend have. Mostly through RP. Like, we were doing an AOT Marco joke contest (don't ask) and then we started this 'clap and a half' thing. It was very weird. And it's now our go-to thing. It looks like the clapping emoji and the single hand emoji. Then there's 'regrest', which happened when I typed 'regrets' too fast and then accidentally hit Enter instead of Delete (they are far too close together on the keyboard) and sent that. Now it's a very embarrassing never-let-you-live-it-down thing. Finally, there's 'yuno', which is used in place of 'you know'. If anyone knows The Future Diary, you'll know what I'm talking about. The rest of them are just too weird to share, so this is the end. #MissingNo
Back in high school some friends and I were waiting for a friend's brother to pick us up and take us somewhere (I forgot were exactly) and I was not really paying attention to the conversation my friends were having. I hear my name mentioned and I instantly say, "I am." My friends start laughing as they were talking about some spelling mistakes I had made in the past so the phrase, "Harry's horrible spelling, I am." began. After a few years I made it my own and changed it to "My horrible spelling, I am."
We do lots of inside jokes at the airport. A lot of pointing out every traveler stereotype From the lost foreigners to the "gate lice" that crowd around the boarding area as the process is going on
Literally everything between me and my sister is an inside joke somehow. Our DMs are ultimate proof. But an example? Once my sister was typing "breadroll" but terribly misspelled it as "tbrwdroll" (I may have said it once in the Discord but who knows for sure). I still have that strange word memorized and drop it into some typed conversations we have. Other more personal examples are certain headcanons on characters that can be identified with one word, hence the looks we share in class whenever a teacher or classmate says such trigger words (like "cat" for a cat loving character we would both be reminded of because of these inside jokes).
I think I might have briefly mentioned this during the mythos themed trivia week in the summer scramble. The answer to the first question was Sun Wukong and I just had the worst giggles when I first saw the question because Sun Wukong is an ongoing joke between me and a couple of friends. Unfortunately I wasn't there when it started, but from what I've heard, it was the result of two of my friends playing Guild Wars 2 at 2AM. There's a tonic that can turn a character into Sun Wukong and there's also a miniature Sun Wukong that can follow its owner around. One of my friends used a tonic to turn into Sun Wukong and used a Sun Wukong mini, so he was a full sized Sun Wukong with a mini Sun Wukong standing next to him. So he said "I am Sun Wukong, the monkey king and this is my son, Wukong." Over time, this continued to evolve, getting longer and longer. I think the full version now is: "I am Sun Wukong, the monkey king, and this is my son, Wukong, the monkey prince, who will one day succeed me as Sun Wukong, the monkey king. We hail from the Valley of the Sun, Wukong."