The ValorDexEver since the introduction of our Pokémon Catcher feature, users have always been keen to report their own findings to something we call a "CatcherDex". This was the primary way for users to find and report Pokémon found around Lake Valor so that others could have a chance at finding them. Today, that is getting a big upgrade. Introducing: The ValorDex The CatcherDex was such a fun part of our community, and we loved seeing users find and report new Pokémon, so we felt it was time to take that up a notch and give you few special tools. 1. You can now access a fully fledged, mobile friendly PokéDex called the ValorDex on site via our navigation tabs. For the optimal experience, you will need to use Valcadia (our default and main theme). We plan to bring updates to future themes too. 2. You can report sightings within this section rather than piling them all into one thread. This time, not only can you report a sighting, but you can do a full "field report" on a Pokémon by submitting a bio or some art for it. Or both, if you'd like. Submitting a Sighting Seen a new Pokémon that has no Location data in our ValorDex? Seen a Pokémon that DOES have location data but is missing the area you found it in? Submit a Sighting. First, click New Thread. When creating a Sighting, you must first select the Sighting prefix next to where you put in your new threads title. You MUST check first to see whether this Pokémon has been sighted before. If it's been sighted where you found it, don't make a new thread. Instead, you could submit a Field Report. You can check via our actual ValorDex. Submitting a Field Report This is the fun part. Like an actual Professor, you'll have the chance to do a "Field Report" on any Pokémon you might have found. First, click New Thread. When creating a Field Report, you must first select the Field Report prefix next to where you put in your new threads title, like you would a sighting. When creating your Field Report, you must include at least one (or more, if you'd like) of these: 1. A short, snappy bio for the Pokémon you're doing a report on. 2 sentences max. Keep it interesting and/or funny. Doesn't have to be totally accurate to the games or LV. Think of PokéDex descriptions. 2. Artwork you made of your Pokémon of choice. We will check. 3. How your Pokémon of choice evolves, or when your egg of choice hatches. Post the levels! Just because you reported a Pokémon doesn't mean we'll use the bio or the artwork on the ValorDex, but we'll make sure your work is permanently placed in our upcoming ValorDex Gallery. New evolution/hatching info will always be used. If you want to see a users Field Report included in the ValorDex, hit the LIKE button on their report thread. Staff are able to like and show their support too. However, likes aren't everything, we still retain the right to accept or deny based on the quality of the submission which you must understand is subjective. Got any further questions? Reply to this thread and we'll help you out.
If I could draw, I would enjoy this better, but yeah, I can't draw to save my life. I still like this idea.
You can write though. That's just as important a part, arguably more important since you need to write in to report sightings.
Quick question. How exactly does the field report do? Is it about a Pokémon within the Lake Valor Forum or any existing Pokémon. And if we do that, does that mean that the Pokémon gets officially added to the Valor Dex? Like, can I make a field report on Scorbunny? And If I make a report on Scorbunny, will that now appear in the Valor Dex with a Galar region section added?
Overtime new Pokémon get added to the site by the staff. We typically leave it a mystery as to where they like to hang out. Field reports are a way for members to let their fellow members know where certain Pokémon can be found. Once reports are confirmed the location information will be added to the Dex page. We are pretty behind on this sadly and its on our list of projects, at least folks can refer to the field reports posted in the meantime to find and catch their favorites! The ValorDex gallery was an old project that I dont think really reached the public forum stage by the time Vigilance and Ryan stepped down. Its on our list of projects but will require a lot more time since it would need to be coded in.