I have quite the affinity (graphic design pun) for the Adobe software suite and have been working hard to master Photoshop and Illustrator for my design work. I'm currently focusing on logo design and branding in Illustrator. Is anyone else interested in this sort of stuff or have any of you guys tried it out? I actually picked up this skill years after learning how to make forum signatures on PS. I'll post some of my work in the Art Corner so you guys can take a look as well.
I did a semester of high school in basic photoshop, but I'm mostly self taught. I'm not that great, but I really love the concept of graphic design and try my best at it! I initially opened my signature shop as an attempt to learn some basic principles.
Mostly just basic photoshop skills and how to navigate the application. I think we did some face blending, how to render, and a few other minor things. It ultimately helped me to learn GIMP.
Yeah that's always good to learn from an early get go. My college actually has mini free workshops to learn such skills which is great too. I recommend learning illustrator if you're interested in vector art.
I might have to see if my college offers anything like that. I need some elective credits here soon, anyways. Vector art isnt something I've looked much into either, but maybe I can find a class or something.
Not so much focused on logo design, but I love making graphics. :> Tend to only do it from time to time though, so there are quite a few things I want to improve on. Primarily typography effects and placement right now, so I feel more comfortable with my text banners.
Typography is super interesting to learn + most design freelance jobs ask for a strong sense of Typography. I do love making banners though so please share if you come across a good tutorial!
I like making websites, but I suck at javascript. I'll have to learn it more if I want to be any good though.
Im kind of interested in Graphic Design but I'm a little intimidated by it. I think it would be neat to learn it though
I actually went into a course specifically for graphic design but dropped out due to a combination of a terrible teacher and my now hatred for print work. Photoshop and illustrator are fantastic tools though and I very happy I learned them with another teacher back then.
Oooh, I'm taking a JS class as well. Let me know if I can be of any help. Maybe we can bounce material off each other. It seems intimidating but it's really just learning to use tools. Do you have Photoshop? Yeah a teach will do that. It's tricky but glad you learned the basics with someone who was nice.
@Vigilance No I do not. Its a bit too expensive for me. I use a different art program for my drawings though
If you have the time, I would suggest grabbing GIMP for free. Essentially, it's a bit more full of tools than your standard drawing program (though Krita or something may have the same features) and it's a great starting point. I actually learned to design using GIMP before moving to Photoshop.
Well I have heard good things about GIMP but I was mostly after how well it is as a drawing program rather than an editing program. I suppose it wouldnt hurt to try it one of these days though. (FYI I use Medibang Paint and Fire Alpaca which I dont think has those tools youre talking about)