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Is it just me or...?

Discussion in 'Pokémon General' started by bubbie, Jan 21, 2013.

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  1. bubbie

    bubbie Sassmaster

    Dec 30, 2012
    I wanna know what everyone's playing quirks are! I'm sure everyone plays a certain way, sorta like self-imposed rules. Like I usually run everywhere instead of using the bike, I rotate my party Pokémon based on level and HP (lowest level/HP out first), and of course I always try to catch 'em all! I also nickname all my Pokémon and my in-game name is always Bubbie.
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  2. Degnne

    Degnne PKMN Breeder

    Jan 9, 2013
    I always name my character after the version (for example, in my White game he was named Whyte). I did this originally to help me remember from which version a Pokémon comes.
    I also rotate my party based on level. I like to lead off with the lowest level Pokémon in my party.
    Originally, I refused to nickname my Pokémon. I found it hard to remember their species names when all I saw was their nicknames. But, I started nicknaming around the fourth gen. and haven't stopped since.
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  3. Nate

    pooper scooper
    Level 2
    Nov 22, 2012
    I only like to name myself Nate,Red, or Steve. (Don't ask why I name myself Steve. I don't even know)
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  4. Oim

    Oim Banned

    Nov 22, 2012
    I name myself either Doima or Matt each time. I always try to catch them all, and I always spend time grinding. I try to keep the levels fairly even, and often don't allow other Pokémon to be higher in level than my main or otherwise "favorite" Pokémon in the team. I never nickname Pokémon, unless I know I will use them for in-game trades, which I never use because they always have stupid ass nicknames (the exception being a traded Machop against Whitney in HG, it's been in the box since and will stay there). If I play a counterpart version of one I have already, I always choose a character of the opposite gender to mix it up. For example I have Heart Gold right now, if I were to get Soul Silver, I would choose a female character.
  5. Doomhound

    Level 2
    Nov 23, 2012
    You copy Steve/Jared! Anyways... I name myself TNT or Pretzel usually, although I did Taco for my platinum. I hate detecting tranquills more than you would care to know
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  6. RubyCarbuncle

    RubyCarbuncle School Kid

    Jan 9, 2013
    In every game I've ever owned I always name myself Justin. (My actual name) Unless I'm playing as a female character than I name my character Kate. I too run everywhere instead of use a bike. I never skip over any trainers, unless I need to heal then I return to the route I was just on. I normally only use 3 different Pokémon throughout the game, and have 3 others to use when I need to revive one of my main 3 during battle. I never try and catch them all, I find it far too tedious to try and catch more Pokémon than the ones I like. I don't normally nickname my Pokémon either. I walk through grass as apposed to running. Once I beat the game's main story I set up a team made out of the teams I used in the past. For example my current team is: Blaziken, Espeon (Ruby), Luxray (LazerArrow), Lucario, Samurott, and Zoroark.

    I absolutely despise any move that can heal more HP than any super effective hit I can through at something.
  7. OmegaBlazeBoy441

    OmegaBlazeBoy441 Poké Maniac

    Nov 24, 2012
    My Trainers name is always Blaze,Omega or Hax and i also rotate my Pokémon based on level and ammount of battle time. I also nickname every Pokémon a clever nickname (ex: rotom wash named Kennmore)
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  8. Primal Moron

    Jan 10, 2013
    my black trainer's name was Prime, Black 2's name was Secon, and rival in Black 2 was Trishar, which mean: Primary, Secondary, Trishary, or 1st, 2nd and 3rd colors.
    I also organized by type in Black and evolutionary stage in Black 2.
  9. bubbie

    bubbie Sassmaster

    Dec 30, 2012
    i thiiiink you might mean tertiary for the color term but i get ya, that's cool. i've always loved color theory.

    ahahah thats great

    yup! me too!

    gawd i know the feeling
  10. Snivinerior

    Snivinerior Poké Maniac

    Dec 28, 2012
    Well, my current trainer's name is Note, I know you're probably wondering why, that was my alias in another forum so I kinda stuck to it. I usually lead my weaker Pokémon before my stronger ones so they can level up faster. I don't skip trainers but I use the bike often cause I like to travel fast. I hate Pokémon using detect/protect cause they're only making the battle longer and wasting my Pokémon's moves... so annoying. And lastly, I don't give nicknames to my Pokémon because I have no idea what to nickname them... XD
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  11. Slugkid

    Slugkid Slacker Extraordinaire

    Nov 23, 2012
    My team usually consists of over 6 Pokémon, though I train four at a time only, because I always have two HM Slaves. For Gym Battles and the Elite Four though, I stick the slaves at the box - I'm not flying anywhere!

    I usually nickname Pokémon after having used them for a while, or after hatching a bunch of Pokémon and deciding which one I'm going to use (I'm a pretty decent breeder). I usually take more than 20 minutes to nickname my Pokémon and I make sure it's a name I like.

    I never use Master Balls, and I try to catch every legendary with a Premier Ball, even roamers, by Baton Passing Mean Look. I've succeded in most attempts, having caught only three out of like 30 (Haven't played Gen V yet!) with dusk/ultra balls.

    And I also catch every other regular Pokémon with normal Pokéballs. I think in future games I'll catch EVERY Pokémon with Premier Balls instead of just legendaries. I really like the idea even if it's way more expensive.

    I set out to complete the Pokédex when I'm too lazy to continue with the story, and after the main story and sidequests. I'm currently on it, in Platinum, with almost 400 Pokémon out of 493...
    And I never grind during the main story, and I even skip some trainers and grass, sometimes I just don't want to battle at all. Usually I'll beat gyms with the leaders being more than 5 levels ahead me, but it never takes me more than two tries.
    Usually I'll use the bike only in places I've already visited, because the first time I go somewhere I'll look for hidden items like a madman.
  12. Ashe

    Ashe Silly

    Nov 21, 2012
    I'm not sure if any of these are odd quirks but here's some things that are pretty consistent when I play:
    • Someone mentioned this but I used to use the bike a lot in the older generations. But once the running shoes were implemented, I rarely use the bike.
    • I never used a "HM slave" Pokémon. I stuck to my team of 6 only and played through the game with them learning the HMs xD
    • I'm always named Ashe or Ashley in my games.
    • I've replayed a few times as the male character ;)
    • I use Pokémon I like, not which are stronger.
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  13. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 45
    Nov 22, 2012
    --I name my hero/heroine after their official names (unless the official names are lame, or their official names are not known)
    --I use Pokémon that have worked well for me in the past--this explains why past Pokémon usually comprise my teams, unless past Pokémon are not availiable, period, or after clearing the main story.
    --I don't agonize over stats, natures, movesets, and EVs--I work with what I have. That said, I will try to give each Pokémon a balanced moveset to cover as many different types as possible
    --I usually have very specific names for my Pokémon that only make sense on a certain gender--that means that I may spend hours looking for that gender.
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  14. Typhloser

    Dec 27, 2012
    From 2nd to D/P, my character's name was Amanda. I liked the way it sounded. Now I use my real name, Dani.

    I replay 3rd Gen games to recatch legendaries and starters, then transfer them to newer games.

    I name all my Pokémon if I plan on using them.

    I name certain Pokémon after my characters:
    -Clefable and Liligant are named after my main girl, Crystal. She has sword and magic attacks. Clefable is always physical and Liligant special.
    -Shiftry and Magnezone are named after Crystal's companion, Shadow. Shadow's an electrical lizard with metal armour, so Magnezone fit the Ele/Steel typing/moves. Shiftry because it seemed ninja-like and Shadow has personality traits similar to it. Also Shiftry's Shadow's height.
    -Arcanine and Rapidash are named Frisk, after my 'cute, furry, annoying thing.' Frisk can shapeshift into a unicorn-based form, a rodent with a super fluffy tail, and a winged serpent. Dragonair would fit the serpent. Why Arcanine? The fluffy tail. Also, Frisk's rodent form has dog-like traits to it.
    -Honchkrow is named Silver, after Shadow's father. Silver wears a blue cape and top hat, and Honchkrow is a blue with a hat. Both can learn Psychic moves, as well. Metagross is an alternative due to the Steel/Psy typing, which would match Silver.

    Starting with HG, I hardly Bike- I run everywhere.

    I become emotionally attached to my Pokémon and always want my teams to be good so my Pokémon don't get beat up.

    I use Mawile in Ubers.
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  15. Trainer_Ebony

    Jan 18, 2013
    From johto to the first time through unova, my character was Max. My friend helped me start up my first Pokémon game (silver) and picked it from the list of auto-names. It just never felt right using any other name. the exception to the rule is any reigon hes already been to once. I dont mean like from silver to crystal, but ones with different storys. Like, my leaf green character was Red because Max hit Kanto in the GSC gen, and my Black 2 is Ebony for similar reasons.

    Before post-game, I will not catch multiples of a species for nature purposes, and instead stick with my Pokémon throughout the game. However, recently, ive been changing out my team for other species i prefer (like recently in my W2 playthrough, I switched zangoose for pawniard)

    I tend to stick mostly to basic pokeballs, with the exception of any GSC based game, where I use many of Kurts custom pokeballs aswell.

    More and more recently, likely due to creepy pastas, I've made more frequent trips to Pokémon centers to keep my Pokémon healthy. Its come to the point that I try not to save and quit until they are all fully healed. Its not realy because I am afraid this could happen, but that the thought always persists "What if they realy do feel these things?"

    Rare candies are saved till the league, and used as emergency revives, coupled with a healing item. Any left over are used for random things, like when I get a LV 99 over GTS. Many just arent used untill the next game is released and the Pokémon are about to be transfered.

    I keep my Pokémon at about even level, and only keep afew on me at once till I reach the later gyms. I also tend to keep my starter just abit higher, and feel oddly annoyed when others are stronger than it
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  16. Fluffy_Eevee

    Fluffy_Eevee Black Belt

    Mar 23, 2013
    • Since Pokémon SoulSilver my trainer-name is always "Sou"
    • I only use my Bike to hatch my Eggs faster
    • All my Team Pokémon have the same Level
    • I never talk to all People, look for items or inspect new places (Since BW2 I try to do it I promised my Boyfriend :sweat: )
    • Every single Pokémon got a Nickname
    • I always buy the Magikarp
    • I always save my game two times because I don't know if I have saved yet
    • in important fights I turn the music louder (I need it!)
    • I always buy to many Pokeballs
    Yeah...something like that x3
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  17. Potatrobot

    Potatrobot Resident Potato

    Jan 8, 2013
    I train my Pokémon in set teams of six, and I mark each one to keep them organised. Almost every team has a water type for surfing, and that one is always the last in the party. The flying Pokémon goes in fourth. If there's a grass type, that goes in first. Once I level my party up to 50 or roundabouts, I box them and move onto the next team. Even if I make many other teams, I refuse to stop grinding my current team before moving to the very next one.

    I breed Pokémon that I think go well together (or like each other, as far as my imagination goes :P), and most of the time, the offspring ends up in the next party. I often try out new move combos with it if it is from a species with loads of possibilities. Right now I'm considering breeding my Haunters to have an offspring with Hex, Venoshock and Toxic.

    I always name myself Brendan, and if possible I name my rival Alex. It's like we're being reincarnated across every game.

    I always, always migrate my Pokémon across generations. That's a lot of effort I refuse to leave behind in a dusty cartridge.
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  18. Fizzysoda

    Fizzysoda Valor Lake Cryptid

    (Jirachi Egg)
    Level 3
    Nov 23, 2012
    Soda Pop ★Reaper Cloth ★★★Amulet Coin ★★★
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  19. Fizzysoda

    Fizzysoda Valor Lake Cryptid

    (Jirachi Egg)
    Level 3
    Nov 23, 2012
    Soda Pop ★Reaper Cloth ★★★Amulet Coin ★★★
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