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Kirby Vs. Pikachu

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by DoctorFlygon, Jan 11, 2015.


Who do you think would win?

  1. Kirby

  2. Pikachu

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  1. DoctorFlygon

    DoctorFlygon myagical girl

    Jan 2, 2015
    I'm going with Kirby, in both who would win and personal preference.
    In battle, I think Kirby would win, hands down. Kirby is possibly the strongest Nintendo hero there is, given how he can PUNCH A FREAKING PLANET IN HALF. And as Hypernova Kirby, he can inhale pretty much ANYTHING- Screen-wide, one-hit kill lasers? No problem. Entire tanks? Laughable. The health bars of bosses? Yeah, he can eat them, too. Oh, and he can spit them all back out as an attack. His Warp Star travels at the speed of light, which is faster than even Pikachu could ever be, as well as having several copy abilities he could use. Kirby is, as I said, arguably the strongest of Nintendo's big characters, and he could probably take out legendary Pokémon- Let alone a fairly weak Pokémon like Pikachu. Heck, even with the Light Ball, neither of Pikachu's offensive stast are any higher than your average Lucario's. I mean, sure, Pikachu is very fast, but that's nothing compared to the Warp Star- And if we go off of the Kirby and Pokémon animes, then Kirby can throw a monster UP TO THE SUN AND BACK, as well as swallow the Warp Star to get the Star Rod, which is possibly his strongest weapon- Even Pikachu's anime feats pale in comparison to that kind of stuff. Also, Kirby has his whole stomach dimension, which isn't an anime-exclusive thing- In Squeak Squad, it was the main gimmick, and he could use any copy ability he had stored in there- Who's to say he doesn't have a Miracle Fruit stored in there to turn into Hypernova Kirby? (Like he did in -SPOILERS- the Kirby Vs. Majin Buu death battle, where he ended up winning thanks to it.)
    Now, onto my preference. I love Pikachu to bits, and it's both one of my Smash Bros. mains and one of my team members in Alpha Sapphire (My Pikachu Belle Cosplay Pikachu, with a Light Ball, solo'd Drake's entire team. It made me proud.), but I simply love Kirby more. I find something absolutely amazing in the fact that something so small and adorable can take out what are pretty much gods of evil like Zero, and I think Kirby is overall cuter. And even if I love Pikachu, I still feel it's way too over-marketed and kinda annoying- Kirby doesn't actually get that much attention, which I guess makes him feel like a bit of an underdog. Plus, Kirby was the second video game franchise I really got into after Mario (My all time favorite), so I have a lot of... nostalgia for him as well.
    So, who do you think would win, and who do you prefer?
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  2. DIO


    Legendary Egg
    (Groudon Egg)
    Level 12
    Sep 14, 2014
    Kirby would crush Pikachu, no contest. If he can beat Majin Buu, why shouldn't he be able to beat a little electric mouse?
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  3. TehAbsol

    TehAbsol Psychic

    Aug 30, 2014
    I like Pikachu more, but I'm better with Kirby on Smash. xD
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  4. Garudarocks

    Jul 19, 2013
    Kirby for both. The anime kind of ruined Pikachu for me and I'm better with Kirby in SSB, anyways.
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  5. Hylian

    Hylian Hero of Hyrule

    Captain Falcon
    Level 1
    Nov 14, 2014
    I honestly love Kirby more than Pikachu, but I do think that Pikachu would win in a fight, especially in Smash Bros. Why? Two Words: Down. B.

    Ok in all seriousness, it's because Pikachu is broken beyond belief. Seriously Nintendo, give this guy a good nerf.
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