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Kylo Ren, Luke Skywalker are you?

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Thunder, Oct 28, 2015.


Do You Think Luke Skywalker is Kylo Ren?

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  1. Thunder

    Thunder The Alolan Archer

    Apr 19, 2015
    For those of you that have seen the new Star Wars trailer, something might be picking your brain. Why isn't Mark Hamill, aka Luke Skywalker, in the trailer? His name is written in the credits, we hear him speak but we don't actually see him. Now, there is a theory that Luke Skywalker is Kylo Ren, this is most likely untrue but it is possible. In the trailer, we see Kylo Ren holding Darth Vader's mask. It was old, it looked like it was going to crumble when he touched it. Kylo Ren said that he would finish what Vader started, could this be Luke, turning to the dark side, it could be, Vader actually saved Luke from the Emperor and his thunderous powers, could Luke have changed because of his father's death. If this is true and Luke has become the crossed-lightsaber menace we've been hearing about, how come Kylo Ren is so thin and fit. I know, this is a bit mean to Mark Hamill but it's true, Mark Hamill, is quite big, there's no way he could act this well and the makers aren't going to reduce his body size, it will look even more unrealistic than the whole Star Wars Saga! Of course it's just unrealistic in the Star Wars universe, it's outrageously unrealistic for us though. Kylo Ren does back-flips, if it was revealed to be Luke, there's now way Luke could do that. We see Leia, Han and Chewie, all of them, even Chewie, are old and grey, Luke would have to be the same as them, they're all close to the same age! We have to think, think hard for new clues that lead us to Ren's identity. Once we find more, we get more and find out who Kylo Ren is, it's perfectly possible that Ren is some new person that is an Empire patriot but as of now, we just have theories...

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  2. Nate

    pooper scooper
    Level 2
    Nov 22, 2012
    To be honest I feel like Luke being the main villain is way too obvious.

    It's gonna be his son, calling it now. Luke had to deal with his father going to the dark side now he must face his son.
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  3. AK2198

    AK2198 PKMN Breeder

    Sep 14, 2013
    i don't believe that kylo ren is luke skywalker as we have seen some footage of luke that does not quite resemble kylo also the fact that luke hasn't been heavily advertised may mean that much like yoda he will be a primary character in the next film. last but not least they have different actors portraying them.
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