Lake Valor Gift Thread So with a new member, I welcome them and offer them a free signature + avatar sometimes from my shop to get them started! I decided, why not take it further right? The "Gift Thread" is simple. Whether it's a new member you want to welcome or a old one you want to surprise, I'll help ya out! Post who you want a gift signature + avatar set for, and I'll make one and tag em in it! Based on who it is, I'll pick out a random render and some resources and make something that I think will suit them! It's totally free! How to ask for a Gift Set: Post something along the lines of: "Gift Set for <insert LV Name here*> *Remember not to tag them so it's a surprise when it's done! To start it off I created a new signature and avatar set for @[member="Shaymin-San"] who just joined our community and is a fan of Shaymins! Avatar: Signature: Request Gift Sets for random members on LV and show some love!
I think @[member="Achromatic"] deserves a gift. He works so hard on this site to make sure everyone has a great time
@[member="ConfettiCat"] I don't really feel bothered that he knows that I think he deserves a gift. It's not intended to be a surprise. I'm straightforward about that
Syaoron the Fox should get a gift. He is relatively new here and I think it would be a nice surprise for him.
Vigilance deserves a gift. Hey you heard it right. I want you to make something for yourself. I don't know what to gift you for your awesome job and artwork and I m gifting your thing to you xD but it's just a way to thank you