A quick note: You are still able to sign up for this RP! Click on this link here and create your own profile before jumping in: http://lakevalor.net/topic/17133-lake-valor-anime-rp-sign-up-thread/?p=362239 There is also a bit more information on the thread that is worth reading before starting. The Introduction It was a quiet day on planet earth. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and Seprix was reading a history book about the rise and fall of the Third Reich. He was just reaching the end when he heard a giant crash in his backyard! Surprised, Seprix went outside to find... a glowing meteorite. Touching it, Seprix became infused with a power he could scarcely dream of. The meteorite then dissolved into nothing! But this was not a unique situation to Seprix. In fact, the exact same thing happened to many other inhabitants of Planet Earth. These strange meteorites seemed to find their way to certain select people, from all walks of life. Each meteorite was infused with a different power and properties, always dissolving after imbuing their powers into the person who touched them. What would these new-found heroes do with their powers? Would they use their powers for good? Form alliances? Support their local government? Or would they use their powers for personal gain? Or perhaps to instill a better world through authoritarian rule! While all of these dilemmas presented themselves to these select few people, something else was brewing. These meteorites had a purpose, and there was a Great Intellect watching from afar... (Whenever talking to other users outside of the story once it begins, please put all comments within parenthesis and in italics, like this sentence.)
Was it all a dream? I didn't think it was. It couldn't have been real. Things don't just vanish. I pondered these things in my bed, weeks after the incident happened. It was late, but I couldn't sleep. The whole meteorite thing was all so strange. I turned over and checked the clock. It was 115. Of course it was. A long night awaited. I resolved to push the matter out of my mind, at least until tomorrow. I began weaving melodies in my head for quite some time, but I wasn't dozing off like I normally did. I refused to look at the clock. I didn't want to know. For what seemed like hours, I lied there and tried to fall asleep. I became more and more fatigued. I closed my eyes, but no relief came. No sleep overtook me. Finally, I resolved to get up and take some pills. I shook myself out of bed and plodded into the kitchen to fetch the pills. I took a cursory glance against my better judgement at the microwave timer. 117. I opened the drawer to fetch the... Wait. What? I looked again at the timer. 118. There was no way only 3 minutes had passed. Was there a power outage? I usually set my clocks to run at the exact same time. Very odd. I consumed my pills and came back into my room... 11:40. How could this be? I pushed it out of my mind and melted into the sheets, quickly overcome with sleep.
Smug yawned as she rubbed her eyes. She climbed out of bed, looking at her alarm clock that cheerfully read 50. She grumbled under her breath about internal alarm clock as she absently wished for a hammer. Smug blinked, looking at the hammer that suddenly appeared in her hand. She blinked again, feeling it's weight, or the lack thereof. "Wha?" she mumbled as the hammer suddenly disappeared. "It's too early for this," Smug decided as she turned back around and went back to bed.
BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP- Hunter opened his eyes slowly, rolling his head around To see his rather annoying alarm clock. He turned over, and reached out towards it. "Nope," He muttered, putting a hand on the clock and one on its plug. Before he could yank out the plug, the alarm clock ran out of power with a small quiet pztt. "Huh," He mumbled, getting ready to sleep again. But this time he heard someone continuously call his name, urging him to wake up and get out of his room. "Jeez, it's like no one wants me to sleep around here..." He grumbled, getting out of his bed with a flop. "Whoever invented school just made my morning two times worse."
"Hey Lee! Get up, you'll be late for college!" Lee stirred from his sleep as he shook his head in alarm from the shout of a voice calling to him, he wiped his eyes in his haze, "Yeah mom, I'm going now" Lee rushed out of his bed and put on his clothes before rushing downstairs, "Honey, take a seat and eat" Lee rushed to the table and grabbed a piece of toast, "Sorry mom, can't, I'm late already if I don't go now" "Okay bye Lee" The teens mother called out as Lee rushed out of the door and turned the corner before walking down the crowded street that was occupied by builders, pedestriants and cars, Lee carefully walked past the people that seemed to mind their business as he took a bite of his toast. *Flashback* We find Lee at a stage, dozens of people lined up in a line, all saluting then stood straight, arms to the side, Lee was the third to the right, he stood in that pose as his commander came up to him and saluted him, Lee saluted back, "Well done Lee, you deserved this badge" The commander placed a badge on his suit and saluted him, "you've worked hard, Don't forget what you've learned here" Lee smiled at him, "Yes sir" the commanders nodded at him and continued to award the others, Lee looked to his right, the first cadet was his friend who smiled and gave a thumbs up, Lee smiled and gave a thumbs up back. *End of flashback* Lee turned into the alley and walked down there before looking down gloomly, "Why did you become a cop Lee, why...because of you someone died, it's your fault" as he thought about this to himself, he shook his head as he ate the last pieces of bread and put his hands in his pockets staring at the floor as he walked, just then something shined in his face, he put his hand in front of his face as he stared at what seemed as a small crater, in it was a small rock, he slowly approached it and picked it up, just then the rock started to sink into his palm, he quickly tried to fling it away by swaying his hand violently but when he looked again he saw the last pieces of the rock vanish into his hand then suddenly he blacked out. Hours later he opened his eyes to find himself in hospital in bed, he stared around him as he looked around, "What happened to me" he thought to himself as he shook his head in disbelief
What was once a somewhat decent dream, something to do with a rock, was ruined by that irritating noise known as an alarm. Shoving his head further into his pillow, Getus attempted to drown the noise out to no success and eventually his arm lashed out at the clock. Flesh met metal as a loud slap echoed through the now silent room followed by a crash. Tiredly raising his head from its position, Getus scanned his surroundings, and while ignoring the mess, he found what use to be his alarm clock. Now just a pile of metal scraps, it lay below an indent in the wall where it hit. "Huh?" Getus murmured in an indiscernible manner, his foggy gaze staring blankly at the remain of his favourite alarm clock, not too difficult a list to top considering how much he hated the blasted things. "Did I? Wha..." Before he could question what happened Getus let out a sneeze that sent him rocketing back from his bed and the desk beside him falling to its side with a loud bang. Ignoring the muffled shout of concern Getus responded the situation in the only way he knew how, "Uhh.."
Music began to play loudly from Dustin's phone. His alarms were supposed to help him get up eaiser by being music he liked, but when he had been sleeping he always found them strangely annoying. "Don't worry I'll get it" he heard his own voice say. "Thanks" he said, his sleep fogged brain sluggishly processing the implications of the voice. the alarm turned off as he rolled over. His mind had felt weird ever since the incident with space rock. It had felt like the beginning of a superhero movie. There was a strange rock from space, he had touched it, seen a bright flash, and the rock had vanished. Ever since then though, he had felt distinctly unheroic. there had been a constant buzzing in his head, and it was impacting his interatctions with everything. Much as he dispised taking ibuprofen, or any medicine really, he had taken it every one of the 4 days that had passed since the incident with no effect. He realized something as he stood on the threshold of sleep, the buzzing was gone. His eyes snapped open. He had heard his own voice, the version he heard in recordings, the one that always sounded slightly wrong since it was outside his own head. He sat up and looked around the room. sitting at his computer, he saw... himself, or at least some sort of clone. "Hey!" Clone Dustin said, giving hm a small circular wave. "Who are you?" Dustin asked it. "You, but not you." It replied cryptically, "Well if your going to wake up, it is time for class, so we better get moving." It touched Dustin on the shoulder and vanished. Memories flooded Dustin's mind, nothing interesting, waking up around 2, seeing himself still asleep, playing some video games. Dustin realized these were what the copy had done while he had been asleep. "Cool," he thought to himself.
All Peacle did was rest her hand on what looked like a suspicious looking rock that one time. She had woken up, thinking her mother had called her. Running to the hallways, she found that the house was empty. Odd... Looking at the alarm clock, it was around morning. She was going to be late! "Argh!!!" She growled as she hurried to get herself ready and dashed out the door, while thinking madly. 'I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead I'm dead---' Unbeknownst to her, some people she passed by, stared at her parting figure in confusion.
Tonochi had stayed up all night doing tasks and planning out meticulously how her day would go tomorrow.(which was now today) Anything and everything that could happen would happen in her favor, just as it has always been her whole life. "huhu..." The small, sleep deprived girl muttered. "This world really needs to give me more credit...throw something EXTRAORDINARY my way! Spice up my boring life!" Since all of her plans were completed for the day, Tonochi decided to sleep for a hour before she had to go to school. When Tonochi woke up, she found a stone on the desk next to her bed. "Wha..? How could I not have predicted this...?" When she touched the stone it dissolved into her hand, leaving a diamond mark on the palm of her hand. "This isn't good...wh-what is this..?" nothing else seemed to happen, so she just went on with her day. When she got to her class she was still very curious about the mark on her hand. She did the most rational thing and decided to stab it with her pencil. Of course, nothing happened accept she started bleeding a great amount. After she properly bandaged it and was ready for class, everyone was staring at her and whispering. "Maybe this is what I've always wanted...kukuku..."
Chris was just minding his own business, hanging out in his city apartment, before everything suddenly changed. He was on the balcony, sitting on a chair and staring at the sky, seeing how many stars he could count in the light-polluted sky. It wasn't a large number, that's for sure. His headphones were blasting his favourite playlist, drowining out the white noise of the city below him. "Hmm, I'm not sure why I thought this would relax me. Oh well, back to the grind I guess. That shiny Type: Null isn't gonna reset for itself." Chris sighed, getting up from the chair. As he took one last look at the sky, he noticed something streaking across it; a shooting star! As if by instinct, Chris clasped his hands together and made a silent wish. He then opened his eyes to see the star off, before wondering why there were now two, and why one was heading straight towards him. Then, it hit him. Literally. It was only a small fragment of whatever had been shooting through the sky, but it made impact on Chris's forehead, sending him toppling backwards into his apartment, where he proceeded to lay unconscious for the next few minutes. When Chris came too, he felt a sharp pain on his forehead, so he instictively began to rub it. That's when he realised how cold his forehead was. "Wait, why am I so..." Chris wondered aloud, before he took a look around and noticed that the door was still open. "Ah, that's probably why. When that thing from the sky hit me... How long was I out for?" Chris said as he stood up, closing the door to the balcony. He yawned, looking at the clock on his wall. 70 AM. "W-Wha? I slept the whole night!? Aw biscuits, I was supposed to meet Senpai at the park today! She's gonna be so pissed at me, I'd better go get ready." Chris ran off to the bathroom, turning the faucet on and splashing water on his face. Except, it wasn't water that hit his face, but instead a collection of small icicles. "Owowow, what the...!?" Chris muttered as he placed his hand under the water. The stream of water froze up, all the way to the tap, and it made a loud groaning sound. Chris quickly turned off the tap, knowing that the ice was probably blocking the pipes. But, how? How was there ice. He looked up into the mirror, and was shocked to see that being able to freeze water wasn't the only thing that had changed about him. "M-My hair! It's white!!" He shrieked, staring at his reflection in disbelief. He rubbed his eyes, but his hair was still white when he opened them again. He also began to notice frost form when he exhaled. "What the heck is going on..." Chris muttered to himself, before his conscious slipped from him and he passed out, landing on the bathroom floor.
A few days later Lee had been discharged from Hospital, he put on his jacket and walked out until he decided he was feeling a bit thirsty. He gazed around desperately and lucky for him he saw a vending machine which sold bottled coke, he approached it and took out his wallet, he took out the money and was about to place it into the machine when it gave him a zap, he yanked his hand away and was surprised, he didn't feel pain, a second later he shook his head and placed the money into the machine before leaning on it, the machine started to spark and people started to take notice. Unexpectedly the electricity of the machine climbed up his arm leaving an electric aura behind on his arm, Lee took notice of this and yanked his arm away, he stat it for a second, turning his hand front and back before looking at the machine which left off sparks but then died completely, a medical assistant came up to him quickly, thinking he was in possible shock, "Sir, are you okay?" Lee turned slowly before raising his hands in defence, "I'm fine...surprisingly" The medic looked at his arm for a second before saying, "Alright sir, you can go" Lee nodded in agreement as he walked past, he also noticed that people were staring at him like it was a miracle but he didn't pay any attention to them, thinking it was nothing. Lee walked down the same alley home, "If that happened...then the small landing is still there" he thought as he ran towards the spot where he found the rock and sure enough he found it, Lee gasped realising that he now had powers, he gazed around himself as he thought of a way to duplicate the incident with the vending machine, he clicked his fingers and looked around until he realised he was near the exit and so ran around the corner and walked towards a street pole and touched it. Nothing happened he frowned thinking that something was wrong, he banged his fist against the metal, still nothing happened so he took away his arm and thought in his head how did he did it, he thought for what felt like 5 minutes until he realised he was thirsty then so what he did he made himself feel like he really needed the electricity. What happened next was that the electricity ran up his arms and into him, the street light popped as shards fell down. Lee smiled realising he felt renewed, refreshed, powerful. *A day later* Last night his mother nagged to him the whole night and he found it extremely annoying so he promised to his mom he would be more careful and in turn she had to worry less about him, she didn't like that idea at first but she soon saw it had more pro's than con's so agreed. That morning as he walked home ran into a pack of 4 stray German Shepherds on the way to the college in the alley, they barked as they grew near, Lee backed away into a corner, they kept approaching until he hit the wall, "Please don't bite me, I'm not trying to be in your territory" One German Shepherd made a run for Lee, Lee raised his hand, "Stop!" Just then a bolt of electricty shot out and hit the dog, the dog moaned until he finally hit the floor with a thud, the other dogs started to whine and run away, scared that they would be next. Lee gasped as he realised he learned how to use it. The next 4 weeks he spent his time training parkour and learn more about his power by testing, turns out he could spam electricity missiles, electricity grenades, force push, glide on wires, hover in the air, there is so much more that he learnt that he thought he was typically unbeatable. The next day he climbed up a hotel with balconies, he reached the top and looked down before sitting at the edge, "I wonder if there are anymore conduits like me out there" he thought to himself
"ERRR!" Hunter made the classic buzzer noise, crossing his arms like an 'X'. "Ya messed up there buddy. Big time." His opponent, whose face was showing more concern than shock, looked down at their 3DS screen, watching Hunter's Nihilego use an Acid Spray. The opponent's Primarina took the attack, its HP bar getting slowly closer and closer to 0. "Looks like I'm gonna win this one," Hunter almost taunted. The opponent only scoffed, and with a few button presses, the next turn began. Hunter's Nihilego, who had superior speed stats, attacked first. He watched it shoot another Acid Spray, which hit Primarina. But much to his disappointment, the attack still left HP. The opponent's turn began, and the in game Trainer began to do a dance. It charged the Primarina with Z Power, and the powerful Oceanic Operetta devastated the Nihilego. "Craaaaaaap," Hunter moaned, standing up to congratulate the winner of the match. He held out a hand and said, "Good job, winning the tournament title." The opponent said nothing, and Hunter went to go leave the Pokémon Tournament building. "Ugh..." He muttered to himself as he began to walk home. He kicked a rock on the sidewalk, and tried to shake it off when he noticed that it had stuck to his foot. "Let go," He mumbled, bending over to pick it up. He halfway expected for something to happen to him, but nope, no such luck. He instead slipped the interesting looking rock into his pocket, and walked back home quietly. ... Hunter sat in his room, beginning yet another IV grind on his copy of Pokémon Moon. He kept on feeling a little buzz coming from his pocket, but he just ignored it. But when something inside of it started glowing, he closed his 3DS and fished his hand inside the pocket. It was the rock. "Huh," he frowned, holding up the rock for inspection. "What are you-" The rock immediately disintegrated in his hand, leaving a weird buzzing feeling in his nerves. "Uhhhhhh.... that was weird."
A couple of days flew by, although to Getus it didn't feel like it. So preoccupied with the new strange phenomenon in his life that he barely noticed the passing of time. Trudging through the rain-soaked streets of his town of residence, he hummed considerately as he pondered over the events in his room a few days back. 'What happened back then? It's like when I sneezed a hurricane swept through..' Idly kicking a can of soda as he walked past, he scowled in annoyance. 'I haven't even been able to replicate the event no matter what I did.' Sighing, Getus swept a hand through his soaked hair and grimaced, "Geez, I really shouldn't be out when it's pouring like-" Suddenly, as he turned to enter an ally, there was a loud clang as a metallic bin fell over from the wind. Startled, Getus let out a cry of surprise. A cry that turned into a yell of fright as he watched the garbage in front of him get launched away from his person. Watching the proceedings with wide eyes, Getus gasped, "Wha- What the hell!" His gasp turned into a shout, the shout causing any object not attached to the ground around him get flung away. Shakily taking a step backwards, Getus shook his head in denial before turning and running out of the alleyway, shouting at an innocent bystander who was walking past at the wrong time. Of course this shout had the added effect of causing the bystander to get knocked off their feet and into a puddle on the side of the road.
AAA was up late at night with three of his good friends (lets call them Andy, Boris, and Karin) playing Smash 4, a game he's gotten good at due to practice, in Andy's house. It was all in a very sleepover-esque fashion. Unfortunately, in this particular game, he found himself being triple teamed by his friends since they were tired of AAA doing so well. With they're combined efforts, they made AAA, who was playing Kirby, lose all of his stocks first, and made him come in dead last. "Wow guys. That was uncalled for." AAA said, having an expression of clear annoyance. "Nah, man," Andy replied, "We were just testing your 'skills'." Light chuckling could be heard from all his friends. "Yeah, well, I think it says a lot about how good I've gotten if ya'll have to team up on me." AAA put on a smug smile as he said this. The usual banter in the match continued until a they heard something make a loud noise outside the window in the living room. Boris paused the ongoing match as they all turned to face said window. "Holy crap, what was that?" "I dont know..." Karin started "But I think the loser of the match should go investigate it." All eyes suddenly laid on AAA before they all got up and started pushing him to the door. "N-no, come on, guys! I won most of the other matches!" AAA tried defending himself, but they still kept pushing him towards the outside door. "All right, all right! Stop pushing me!" Once he said that, his friends all stopped. "Sheesh, I'll go. You'd think the person who'd live here would go investigate for their guests." He says this knowing full well that he's made Karin check something spooky out when they were all at his house, but he didnt want to think about that. AAA slowly crept around, looking while keeping his ears on the lookout for any strange noises that arent his. One wierd move, and he'll be sprinting all the way home, even though he has a rather low stamina. A couple of minutes of creeping in the dark and he stumbled upon some wierd... stone. It didnt look like anything you'd normally find nearby... or at all, for that matter. "I think I found it, guys." He says as he picks it up and brings it to the others. "See?" He says, holding it in the palm of his right hand. "Woah." Boris said out loud in wonderment. "That's one strange looking rock." "Yes... actually, that looks like a-" Before Karin could finish speaking, the strange rock suddenly disintegrated in AAA's palm. Everyone stood in awkward silence for a good minute before Andy finally spoke up. "...How'd that just happen?" "I dunno, but..." AAA's started. "But I have this wierd tingly feeling now... let's just go back to playing for now." They all nodded in agreement as they all headed back inside the house. The feeling didnt shake AAA for the rest of the night, though.
Smug leaned against her office chair, looking out the French door as she twirled the pencil in her hand. "Urgh!" she exclaimed as she looked back at her computer. Smug frowned and let the pencil dissipate before turning back to her assignment, but her mind kept returning to that strange rock she had touched, because yolo, and the increasingly odd occurrences that kept happening. She snorted and wasn't that surprised to see steam blow from her nostrils. "When did I become an anime character?" she muttered as she turned her focus back to her paper. The sun was setting when Smug resurfaced. She clicked save before leaning back in her chair, only for it to tilted too far back for comfort which sent Smug leaning forward. She huffed as she did the only thing she could think of: googling 'strange occurances after touching meteorite'.
Peacle was starting to find her life really weird. She had been thinking long and hard about what to have for lunch while looking in the general direction of her classmate, when said classmate spoke. "Hey, Peacle. I know somewhere we can get Korean ramyun!" Peacle was shocked to say the least. "You read my mind!" "No, I can almost hear you talking to me in my brain..." She looked indignant. "I couldn't hear the full sentence, just 'Korean ramyun'....'yes or no...', like that. How do you do that? You've never done it before..." Peacle became confused and thought back to when it started happening. Prior to touching the mysterious meteorite, all was normal. But people have been giving her strange looks lately. Nothing as far as she knew had changed, except this weird incident. "Don't worry, just keep a clear head, maybe you won't let your thoughts slip! Or you could just casually walk past the guy you've been crushing on and drop him a hint!" "Hey!" The bell had rung and a cascade of classes was in order.
When we last left our hero, Chris had passed out on the bathroom floor after discovering that he now has ice powers, as well as his dark brown hair turning stark white. We now return to your regularly scheduled program, as Chris regains consciousness, finding that the bathroom floor is covered in frost. "Oh man, my head..." Chris muttered as he sat up, then noticed the frost all around him. "So it wasn't a dream... I really do have powers. But... how? How did this happen? I need to find out..." Chris slowly exited the bathroom, shivering as he did. "Man, I'm still cold! Probably from lying in that icy room for so long. I'll just go outside for a bit and warm up..." Chris walked outside to his apartment balcony. The sun was beaming down on him, and he could instantly feel its warmth. "Oh yeah, that's nice... Wait, why are my hands- HOLY SHIT!!" As Chris opened his eyes to see why his hands were suddenly sweaty, he discovered that it wasn't sweat; it was his hand, melting in the sun. He ran back inside, holding his left arm with his right hand, a deformed stub instead of a hand was at the end of his left arm. "Oh my god, oh my god, what the hell is going on? I-I can't just make ice, I am ice!!" Chris shouted to himself. Then, the words came back to him. "I am ice... That's it! If I concentrate, I should be able to..." Chris said, focusing on his left arm. Slowly, but surely, his hand began to reform. In fact, it was better that it had been before - the used to be a mole on the back of his hand, and he had blisters from playing video games too intensely. "O-Oh my god... This is amazing!" Chris said to himself. Once his hand had fully reformed, he sighed with relief. "OK, so let's recap, Chris. Yesterday, you were outside looking at stars when a rock hit you and you passed out. Next, you woke up this morning and felt cold, only to discover that you have ice powers. Your hair is also white now. Being in the sun melts you, but you can reform, as long as you're calm." Chris listed to himself, before grabbing a piece of paper and a pencil and writing it all down. By the time he'd finished, the pencil had completely frozen over, so he left it to thaw outside, this time without melting any of his body parts. "Alright, this is... new. I'm not sure if it's a blessing or a curse, but I should make sure I take care of myself. Oh, but I was supposed to go meet Senpai in the.. park... outside... Hmm, this is going to be tough..."
"Having this ability was somuch fun" Dustin thought to himself, having just had an intense Pokémon battle with himself. It had been close but he had won. He chuckled at his own mental joke, then checked his laptop. He was over there as well, pushing through the homework for the day. "Hey!" he called over to his clone "Let me know when you finish and we can swap," No reason one of him should have to do all the homework. Knowing himself he would be getting distracted soon anyway. He could already tell that three was about the most he could mentally handle. Perhaps he could train and practice some of his skills and he might be able to increase that number, however he wasn't sure that he wanted to. having copies of memory tended to cause disorientation for a while after his reforming with a clone. he also wasn't sure what the other effects would be. There would be a time of experimentation he was sure. In the meantime he was curious about the reason behind his gaining this ability. He hated to look a gift horse in the mouth, as the saying goes, but there had to be some reason. The only thing out of the ordiary was the space rock. he remembered that there had been a large metor shower that night as well. perhaps there were others. Maybe he would meet up with a whole team of superheroes. After his homework, he might have to do a little internet research.
(I see this hasn't really gone anywhere. If anyone has any ideas how we could proceed from here, someone should speak up.) The next morning, AAA's friends had awaken, all still having thoughts about the strange rock that crashed outside. AAA didn't sleep a wink, though. The tingling sensation in his body kept him awake, and he had no clue what would happen to him if he slept. "G' morning guys." Andy yawned, still half asleep and trying to make himself wake up. "Good... good..." Before he could finish, he let off a long and loud yawn. "...morning, everyone." "You sound like you didn't sleep well." Karin noted. "I didn't... sleep at all..." AAA managed to say before letting off another yawn. "I'll be ok, though..." He tried to put on his best face, but his best face couldn't hide the fact at how tired he was, especially as he was standing up. "Dude, why didn't you sleep? Were you off playing more Smash while we were all asleep?" Boris asked, trying to hide the fact that he would have loved to stay up just to play more "Nooooooooooooooope. I did..... absolutely nothing last night." He said as he stretched. "Like I said... I'll be fine... What I could really go for is..." He let off another big yawn. "...is some breakfast... Maybe some Eggs with Bacon... that sounds amazing..." A couple of seconds after saying this, a peculiar smell drifted through the room. Smelling like freshly cooked scrambled eggs and bacon. It was coming from the kitchen. Sure enough, there were some eggs and bacon waiting on a plate. "Holy crap... Andy, dude... your mom's the best." "Uh... I could have sworn she said we were completely out of eggs and bacon yesterday." Andy said, confused by this. "I mean, she could have just went to the store earlier this morning..." Karin said. Andy just signed, as he had to explain this for about the 14th time so far. "She is not a morning person. Like. At all. She will eat you alive if you try to make her wake up any earlier than 10 AM." Meanwhile, AAA was already finished eating the scrambled eggs and bacon, and started wondering around aimlessly like a zombie. The tingling feeling had gone away after he found breakfast, but now it's back and he didn't like it. He's also really regretting that he didn't bring his 3DS with him. Maybe if he started playing some Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance, he wouldn't feel like crap... A few seconds later, he suddenly found what looked like his 3DS in his hand. It even had a copy of the Kingdom Hearts game already inserted. He knew he was tired, but this definitely wasn't hallucinating this. So he zombie walked right back to his friends to show them the DS, trying to explain how it appeared out of thin air. "Clearly you have old man memory if you really think you forgot your DS." Karin said. "But I did... forget it..." "So what, it just appeared out of thin air?" Karin is very clearly in disbelief. "Duuuuuuhhhh..." "Ok, then go ahead and do it again if you're so sure of yourself. Like... summon an umbrella right now." AAA is confused as to why Karin asked for an umbrella, but he lazily nodded and held out his hand, concentrating. Nothing was happening for about 10 seconds. "Ha, see? You just have bad me-" Suddenly, an umbrella materialized on top of AAA's hand, leaving everyone speechless for an entire minute before someone said something. "...that's amazing. I wonder what else you can summon?" Basically the entire day was spent testing AAA''s ability to materialize things. They managed to materialize things like a table, a laptop, a bookshelf, a bed... and even a car. The car took some time, though. "Interesting..." Karin said. "It seems like the bigger or more dense the object is, the longer it takes to summon." AAA, wide awake thanks to the energy drinks he's had, replies. "I wonder what my limits are to this power..." "I would be surprised if there was a limit." Karin theorized. "You could probably summon whatever you wanted if you gave it enough time. But then that just leaves it up to your patience." By the time everyone left, AAA materialized a bike and rode it home, the entire way thinking about how amazing it is to have this sort of stuff... and maybe thinking there could be others with wierd powers like his.
Smug closed her computer, huffing as she had found nothing on the subject. "Just perfect," she grused under her breath as she stood up and stretched before turning to head towards the kitchen. "Maybe a snack..." she mused as she pulled out a pint of ice cream and a spoon appeared In her hand. Smug shrugged as she went to dig in. "What the hell?" she asked as she watched the spoon go through the pint. "Tch!" she snarled, forcing the spoon to disappear while she turned to grab a real spoon. Illusions. Just great, she thought as she ate the creamy goodness and winced at the brain freeze.