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Lend Me A Hand

Discussion in 'Creative Zone' started by DracoFeathers, Mar 31, 2015.

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  1. DracoFeathers

    DracoFeathers D to the R to the A C O!

    Jan 24, 2014
    Human hands can be quite beautiful when shot right, and they can be pretty fun to doodle too if you're into drawing people. I'm one of such artists.

    Currently, in my quest to practice drawing humans more, thought I'd split up the task by body part rather than the whole body at once. This is where you guys come into play!

    While yes I could just look up high quality photos to reference off of, and while I may do that along with this, I still wanted to include fellow Valorians to make it more fun, not only for me, but for you guys. 83

    What I'm looking for: Good quality photos of your hands in a pose, unique and/or creative if possible. The more I know how hands can bend and such, the easier it will be later on, and soon enough I won't have to reference at all. Thats what I'm hoping at least.

    Anyway, have fun with it! Make an animal, or symbol maybe. Simple is also acceptable if you can't think of anything.

    If I use your shot, after I'm done drawing them all and putting them together, I'll post it in my portfolio for everyone to see, as well as on my dA most likely. I may even take a few photos myself to show. ;D

    So get out there and lend me a hand~! (lol)
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  2. murmurlade

    Mar 2, 2015
    Nice pun there X)
    I have pretty freaky hands tbh so no pics from me, but I totally support this~
    inb4 someone flips you-- is that even allowed
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  3. DracoFeathers

    DracoFeathers D to the R to the A C O!

    Jan 24, 2014
    I don't care, a pose is a pose. As long as it's not actually aimed at me D8 (lol).
    murmurlade likes this.
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