Hey all you trainers! Pokémon Let's Go has officially been released! This game is available for the Nintendo Switch for $60. It is a remaster of the Kanto region, and also has its own take on it! One of the things you'll notice off the bat is how catching mechanics are similar to Pokémon Go. This feature matches the fact that the game will be compatible with Go, and you can transfer Generation 1 Pokémon from your phone to your Switch! As you travel with your companion Pikachu or Eevee (depending on which game you purchased), you will meet a lot of familiar Pokémon and familiar faces, as well as some new ones! Pokémon Let's Go also features a Switch bundle with a special Pikachu and Eevee themed Switch and Joycons! There is also the Pokéball Plus that is included in the bundle (as well as available for purchase on its own). With the Pokéball Plus you will be able to play the game as well as take one of your partners with you outside of the game! Along with this accessory will be the Mythical Pokémon Mew! For more information on purchasing the game, check out the site here. The material in this thread was written by RunTime256 who moderates r/Pokémon, the official Discord of the aforementioned sub-reddit.
Huh. Here it is, then. And here comes the Pokéball discount. Truth be told, I wasn't too excited for the new game other than the fact that it would have cool graphics.
I received my Switch today, a very exciting moment. I played the game up till Brock, I didn't really enjoy it very much sadly, the only thing I like about it is the battles and dressing up Eevee. I also played with the pokéball controller that came with it, I figured I might as well since this is the only game it's compatible with, but I just put it back into the switch's box, it's dreadful and it doesn't seem like it was designed very well, you can't enter certain menus using it, other controller options are bad too, I don't find a single joycon pleasant because of the position of the buttons and the stick when I hold it with one hand, I bought a pro controller but of course I can't use it with this game. Catching pokémon is also something I really don't like doing, I constantly miss and I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I have to throw the ball really hard to make it work and I don't know what the moving circle does. Anyway, shaking that thing gave me a headache so I'm just going to ignore all of the wild pokémon except for the ones I want to add to my party. And as I was afraid you can't turn off the Exp Share because it's not an item. Music is a bit hit and miss for me, I really like the trainer battle theme remix but some other tracks aren't so great imo, there's no remix of the Kanto Wild Pokémon battle theme when you're trying to catch a Pokémon, and there's no Pokémart theme either, because of course it didn't exist in the original, nothing from FRLG appears to be in this game, which really makes me sad. I was mostly looking forward to hearing the music so that's kind of a downer. You also cannot open the HOME menu while playing with either the joycon(not even the one with the home button) or the Pokéball, you can only do so in handheld mode, very bad design IMO. I'll give the game another chance later, but for now I'm just going to try playing another game on the Switch.
Cannot currently buy it but ahhhh hopefully soon! The visuals are stunning and I've heard some of the music tracks were decent too. Am especially excited to do some shiny hunting.
After playing the game a bit more and switching to a joycon I'm actually enjoying the game quite a bit. Joycon feels somewhat comfortable with the strap on but it is making my hand cramp a bit, I also realized you actually can open the HOME menu by turning on another controller or the other joycon, so at least that way you can put the game into Sleep Mode. Catching Pokémon is also a lot easier with the Joycon than the Pokéball from my experience.