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LF: HA Lileep, Burmy & Budew

Discussion in 'Festival Plaza' started by Potatrobot, Apr 5, 2014.

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  1. Potatrobot

    Potatrobot Resident Potato

    Jan 8, 2013
    The title says it all. I'm looking for any Pokémon in the Lileep, Burmy, and Budew lines with their hidden ability so that I may breed it down to some eggs. If you want them back, you can have them back, I just need them for a few eggs each so long as I have the abilities. Please let me know if you can help.
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  2. DracoFeathers

    DracoFeathers D to the R to the A C O!

    Jan 24, 2014
    I have a HA Mothim you can borrow. I may be able to breed for the other HA ones. I'd have to see what they could breed with of the ones I have with their HA.
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  3. Potatrobot

    Potatrobot Resident Potato

    Jan 8, 2013
    Yes thank you! If you're breeding for the other ones, you'd have to start off with a Pokémon in that line with the HA. If it's a female, just breed it with any non-Ditto Pokémon and chances are the egg will hatch with the HA. If it's a male, breed with a Ditto to pass down the ability.
  4. Splasher

    Splasher Black Belt

    Nov 29, 2013
    I have a Modest Leaf Guard Roselia sitting in my box and I don't really need it, so you can have it.
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  5. DracoFeathers

    DracoFeathers D to the R to the A C O!

    Jan 24, 2014
    I have a HA Tentacruel which is in the same egg group as Lileep, so I should be able to breed you one of those from that relatively easily. Also found some for the other two, it will just take some breeding now. 83

    If you see me on tonight I can give you the Mothim to start while I get the others, and I'll let you know when I have those ready.
  6. Potatrobot

    Potatrobot Resident Potato

    Jan 8, 2013
    Oh yes please, I'd love that.

    I don't think you can actually do that. You need to have a female Pokémon in the line you want to breed to have the HA, so either Lileep or Cradily, and breed those without a Ditto. You can't pass the HA down from a male unless you breed with a Ditto, which obviously won't give you a Lileep.

    Either way, I'm adding both of you.
  7. DracoFeathers

    DracoFeathers D to the R to the A C O!

    Jan 24, 2014
    Yes, I know. I'm going to breed my lileep with ditto to get a female first, then breed her with the male tentacruel for the HA. Same with the other two, or perhaps just the last one if you take Splasher's offer. I also added you.
  8. Potatrobot

    Potatrobot Resident Potato

    Jan 8, 2013
    No, I mean you can't pass the hidden ability down from the male. You have to start off with a Lileep or Cradily, male or female, with the HA. You can breed the female with any Pokémon as long as she has the HA, and it'll pass down. You can pass the HA down from the male, if you breed him with a Ditto, but that won't give you a Lileep, it'll give you a Tentacool.

    I would like to take up your offer on the Mothim and Splasher's on the Roselia, please. PM me when you have time to trade.

    EDIT: I have received all three needed Pokémon, so this thread can be moved to the archives now.
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