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LF: Shiny 5-6IV Naive HA Froakie FT: Shiny Bashful 5IV Quagsire and a bunch of 5IV Adamant Bagons

Discussion in 'Festival Plaza' started by Hylian, Nov 26, 2014.

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  1. Hylian

    Hylian Hero of Hyrule

    Captain Falcon
    Level 1
    Nov 14, 2014
    The Froakie must have the Protean ability and the following IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31. It can be any gender, but I would prefer it to be a male.

    The Quagsire is Female and has Water Absorb, as well as the following IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/xx.

    All of the Bagons have the Rock Head ability, the Dragon Dance egg move and the following IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/31. I currently have 2 male and 2 female, but I can breed more upon request.

    Thanks in advance!
  2. Xarn

    Xarn Sponsor

    Level 56
    Oct 30, 2014
    I think that I already solved it....You didn't refresh it...Finally you wanted a Froakie 5/6 IV Naïve HA, now you have it Congratulations!!. I hope you enjoy it :D. If you need other Pokes talk with me :D
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