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Nuzlocke Light and Conflict in Kalos (Pokemon X Arcaealocke - Idolocke but with Arcaea)

Discussion in 'Other Pokémon Games' started by SAF, Jun 26, 2020.

  1. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Level 1
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    Hullo, folks. I recently watched some of ErynCerise's Pokemon Sacred Gold Idolocke which made me wanna try it out. But there's a problem: I haven't ever played School Idol Festival at all despite my budding interest in rhythm games. So I've decided to go for Arcaea instead.

    And come to think of it, I remember having Pokémon X sitting there in my 3DS emulator (I don't have the real thing, lel). Since I haven't ever tried any Kalos-based games, might as well try that one out too. So there you have it: Pokémon X Arcaealocke. (at least it sounds better than Idolocke - Arcaea edition...)


    As for the rules, here's what I'll go with:
    #1) If a Pokémon faints, it is considered kicked off the team and must be either released or permanently boxed (I'll do the latter). This is basically the death rule in regular Nuzlocke.

    #2) You may only capture the first female Pokémon you encounter in any new area. I'm keeping this rule from the original Idolocke because most of Arcaea casts are girls. Well, except Chuni Penguin who is a boy and originally from Chunithm.
    • 2a) Gender Clause: Any male or genderless Pokémon that appear in the wild do not count as encounters.
    • 2b) Dupes Clause: No duplicate Pokémon or evolutions/pre-evolutions of duplicate Pokémon may be used. I'm not a big fan of encounter limits, so... no limits.
    • 2c) Gift Clause: Gift Pokémon can be used and you can soft-reset to get a female one.
    • 2d) Legendary Clause: Legendary Pokémon may be caught and used provided they are female and would legitimately be your first encounter for an area. This means I can't use the must-catch Xerneas even if I want to. T_T
    • 2e) Shiny Clause: In case of encountering a shiny Pokémon (which is quite rare in itself), it may be caught and added to your team/waiting list immediately. This is the only way I can use male and genderless Pokémon in this run.
    #3) After completing any catch or receiving any eligible gift Pokémon (other than your starter and shinies whose audition is solely for deciding the team), the new Pokémon must perform an audition in Arcaea. The audition process goes as follows:
    • Pause Pokémon X and open Arcaea.
    • Go to "Music Play" and select a song. I'll just randomize it anyway, though.
    • Play the song with difficulty level matching the Pokéball used earlier:
      • Pokéball and Premier Ball: Past / Easy
      • Great Ball and any other balls: Present / Normal
      • Ultra and Master Balls: Future / Hard
    • At the end of the song, determine the score and completion status. More details in "Arcaea scoring system" section below:
    Whether you can use a Pokémon or not depends on this scoring system:
    • Pure Memory (all perfect) : auto-pass (all difficulties)
    • Full Recall (all combo) : use Track Complete system (in Past) / auto-pass (in Present and Future)
    • Track Complete: generate a number between 1 and 8. Your score determines the catch rate:
      • EX+ : 87.5% catch rate (1-7 pass, 8 fail)
      • EX : 75% catch rate (1-6 pass, 7-8 fail)
      • AA : 62.5% catch rate (1-5 pass, 6-8 fail)
      • A : 50% catch rate (1-4 pass, 5-8 fail)
      • B : 37.5% catch rate (1-3 pass, 4-8 fail)
      • C : 25% catch rate (1-2 pass, 3-8 fail)
      • D : 12.5% catch rate (1 pass, 2-8 fail)
    • Track Lost: auto-fail (in Past and Present) / use Track Complete system (in Future)
    So basically:


    #4) All Pokémon must have nicknames. In this case, I'll use characters from various rhythm games as my nicknaming theme. Might branch out to something else when I run out of them, though.

    #5) Since all of Arcaea's songs are in either "light side" or "conflict side", all Pokémon are split into two teams: Team of Light and Team of Conflict. Your party's maximum capacity is six: three for Team of Light and three for Team of Conflict.

    Doubles as a sneak peek of some songs I might play.
    • The team membership is decided by the song played for that particular audition: Team of Light for the "light side" songs (shown by a light blue block below the song's level) and Team of Conflict for the "conflict side" songs (shown by a purple block below the song's level). This is why I'll randomize the songs for auditions.
    • You're allowed to shuffle the members around as long as they don't break the formation.
    • Pokémon may only battle with other members of their assigned team. This means if you're in a battle and you want to switch to another Pokémon, you may not switch out to anyone who is not in your active Pokémon's team. (Exception: switch-training when you only have two Pokémon regardless of their teams)
    • If a Pokémon faints in battle, one of her teammates must switch in and either win the battle or faint alongside her. If you run out of Pokémon in a given team, only then may you switch to a Pokémon in another team.
    #6) As long as you still have usable Pokémon in your PC or the daycare, the challenge is not over, even in the event of a white-out.

    #7) The challenge rules do not take effect until you receive your first Pokeballs.
    Aquacorde Town: Hikari the Fennekin Braixen - Shades of Light in a Transcendent Realm (Past 3)
    Starter (Track Complete - EX+)​

    Route 2: Tairitsu the Bunnelby Diggersby - Red and Blue (Past 4)
    Passed (Track Complete - EX+, RNG 7)​

    Santalune Forest: Eto the Fletchling Fletchinder - Rise (Past 2)
    Passed (Full Recall - EX+, RNG 5)​

    Route 3: Fantasia the Burmy Wormadam Sandy Cloak - Brand new world (Past 2)
    Passed (Pure Memory - EX+)​

    Route 22: Shirabe the Azurill Marill Azumarill - LunarOrbit -believe in the Espebranch road- (Past 4)
    Passed (Pure Memory - EX+)​

    Route 4: Luna the yellow Flabébé Floette - Snow White (Past 2)
    Passed (Full Recall - EX+, RNG 5)​

    Lumiose City: Tempest the Bulbasaur Ivysaur - Lost Civilization (Past 4)
    Passed (Pure Memory - EX+)​

    Route 5: Sonata the Skiddo - Black Lotus (Present 6)
    Passed (Track Complete - AA, RNG 4)​

    Route 6: Fracture the Sentret - Infinity Heaven (Present 5)
    Passed (Full Recall - EX+)​

    Route 7: Grievous Lady the Illumise - Dement ~after legend~ (Past 3)
    Passed (Full Recall - EX+, RNG 2)​

    Connecting Cave: Kou the Whismur - Auxesia (Past 3)
    Passed (Full Recall - EX+, RNG 7)​

    Route 8: Lethe the Mienfoo - Anökumene (Past 2)
    Passed (Full Recall - EX+, RNG 3)​

    Route 9: Kanae the Helioptile - Babaroque (Past 3)
    Passed (Pure Memory - EX+)​

    Glittering Cave: Axium the Kangaskhan - Rabbit In The Black Room (Present 5)
    Passed (Full Recall - EX+)​

    Ambrette Town: Zero the Amaura - 1F√ (Past 2)
    Passed (Full Recall - EX+, RNG 1)​

    Cyllage City: Ilith the Dwebble - Purgatorium (Present 6)
    Passed (Full Recall - EX+)​

    Route 10: Brillante the Sigilyph - Vivid Theory (Present 5)
    Passed (Full Recall - EX+)​

    Route 11: DORO*C the Staravia - inkar-usi (Present 4)
    Passed (Full Recall - EX+)​

    Reflection Cave: Regulus the Solosis - Nhelv (Present 6)
    Passed (Track Complete - EX+, RNG 1)​

    Route 12: Summer the Chatot - GOODTEK (Arcaea Edit) (Present 6)
    Failed (Track Complete - AA, RNG 6)​
    That being said, I hope y'all enjoy the wild ride~ :D
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    #1 Jun 26, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2020
  2. Jeydis

    Jeydis Getting cozy

    Level 44
    Aug 11, 2017
    Poké Ball ★Trainer Card - Cave Theme
    Oh wow this is complex but really neat! Curious to see how this goes, if possible could you post a link to the songs you end up playing for each mon? Would be cool to hear the theme song for each.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
    SAF likes this.
  3. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Level 1
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    @Jeydis no worries! I'll link the mons' song to Youtube videos in the mon lists. None of those videos are mine, though. ;)
    Before I start, lemme warn you about my updates' story versions: I'll go for first person POV and the stories might be quite long depending on my progress. Plus, I'll be using screenshots in both Pokémon X and Arcaea, but don't expect the former's screenshots to be consistent with the time, okay? >:)

    Chapter 1 - When the Memory Shards Bug Me
    Greetings, folks. This is Rhythmi. I recently moved here to Vaniville Town and it’s my first day going out around Kalos. Should be exciting… weren’t it for that weird dream from last night. I dreamt of this cathedral-like building where I met these two young ladies, one in white and one in black. The lady in black, Tairitsu, told me that some Arcaea shards from their world somehow got leaked to my world of Pokémon and the lady in white, Hikari, practically begged me to gather them all because apparently I’m the only one who can see them.
    Picture courtesy of @PoserPanda

    “Arcaea?” I wondered only for Tairitsu to answer it with a nod. Hikari told me that what they call Arcaea are actually memory shards shaped like glass shards. The two then proceeded to call forth those memory shards. Made even more awesome when the shards separate themselves around Hikari and Tairitsu; the light ones going to Hikari and the dark ones going to Tairitsu.
    “These are Arcaea,” Hikari explained. “You can see them around the first female Pokémon you meet in your first visit to an area.”
    “However, Pokémon with different kinds of memories can’t work together. Keep that in mind,” Tairitsu cryptically warned me with such a serious tone. Before I could ask them for more explanations though, my mom's Fletchling rudely woke me up. Seriously, it hurts. :annoyed:

    Anyway, seems like my new friends in Kalos, Calem and Shauna, had been waiting for me to come out. They told me that Professor Sycamore had a request for five kids, including us. Yes, me too, despite being a newcomer here. So the three of us headed off to Aquacorde Town where the other two had been waiting.

    Upon meeting those two kids (well, boys), Calem introduced the big one as Tierno and the little one as Trevor. For whatever reasons, Tierno suggested getting a special nickname for me. He wanted to call me Lady R, Shauna insisted on Li’l R, and Trevor came up with R-kins even though he’s not a big fan of nicknaming someone he just met. As for myself, I’d rather go by R-kins, effectively agreeing with Trevor.

    Things got even more interesting when Tierno took out three Pokeballs containing our Pokémon starters from Professor Sycamore. I got a little bit startled by a huge amount of glass shards flying around them. The thing is, I remember that these glass shards are what those ladies from my dream called Arcaea and seems like none of my new friends can even see them. They were right, I thought. So I took the little fox one with me who turned out to be a Fennekin and noticed that all of those shards began to gather around her. Realizing that the shards surrounding my first Pokémon bud were just like the ones gathered around Hikari in my dream (a.k.a. the light Arcaea), I decided to name this little fella after her. That’s right, my starter is Hikari the Fennekin. ^_^

    Apparently it wasn’t just Pokémon starters that the professor wanted to give us; he also had Trevor and Tierno deliver this thing called Pokédex and a letter for my mom too. Honestly though, I’m not sure about this Pokédex thingy, but I needed to deliver the letter to mom before venturing any further. However…

    Shauna wanted to battle with me just when I was going to go back home. She sent out the Chespin she picked earlier, so I might as well have Hikari’s debut right there, right then. It was rather easy as my girl proceeded to throw an Ember or two on Shauna’s Chespin until the latter’s knocked out. I then rushed back home for my delivery and caught up with those two at Route 2. Calem and Shauna, I mean. ;)

    Calem gave us girls some pointers on how to catch our own Pokémon. He even demonstrated it by catching a Bunnelby with the help of his Fletchling. We, together with Tierno and Trevor, then took off to our next destination: Santalune City. I also managed to befriend Tairitsu the Bunnelby (not to be confused with the Tairitsu in my dream), Eto the Fletchling, and Fantasia the Burmy while I’m at it. Out of those three, Tairitsu was the only one coming with the dark Arcaea while the other two had the light ones with them. It means that Tairitsu’s gonna be a lone wolf for quite some time.

    And here I am, chilling at Santalune City. Might as well take my time before this gym challenge Calem told me earlier… waitamoment, I NEED TO TRAIN!!! *panic attack*
    Okay, Rhythmi, cool down now. There’s Route 22 where you can do the training, okay?

    Anyway, I happened to bump into this Azurill with dark Arcaea while training the gang at Route 22. Somehow I got to connect with the baby girl (because Azurill is a baby Pokémon) whom I named Shirabe. And there goes Tairitsu’s lone wolf status. Yay~ ^_^

    *fast forward to the first gym battle*
    Man, here goes the first gym I’ve ever challenged. This one is a bug-type gym led by Viola. I forgot that Fantasia couldn’t even fend herself at that point, so Eto the Fletchling had to fight Viola’s Surskit on her behalf. Eto then proceeded to Peck on the Surskit even with the latter’s Bubbles coming to her. Surskit eventually went down, but not without setting up Water Sport which weakens fire-type’s moves (and by extension, Hikari’s Ember attack). Oh, shoot, I thought, so I had to rely on Eto to deal with Viola’s Vivillon. Vivillon got to trap Eto with Infestation, preventing us from doing a switch. I, no, we both went like, “Screw it!” as my birdie kept Pecking the gym leader’s butterfly. Not without Potions’ help, of course. Eto also landed some critical hits while she’s at it, with one of them even knocking Vivillon out cold. That being done, I got my first badge. Yay~
    • Started the game as a girl named Rhythmi (sounds like a character in Shadows of Almia, but still...)
    • Chose Hikari the Fennekin (with 1 soft reset; also doubles as Aquacorde Town encounter) who immediately joined Team of Light
    • Got my first Pokeballs after some story fluffs
    • Caught Tairitsu the Bunnelby at Route 2 who joined Team of Conflict (RNG: 7)
    • Grinded a little bit before entering Santalune Forest
    • Caught Eto the Fletchling at Santalune Forest who joined Team of Light (RNG: 5)
    • Caught Fantasia the Burmy at Route 3 who joined Team of Light
    • Caught Shirabe the Azurill at Route 22 who joined Team of Conflict
    • Grinded for preparations against Viola
    • Battled against Viola and won without any members fainting (MVP: Team of Light)

    I forgot Fantasia's level at that time :sweat:
    #3 Jul 1, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2020
    PoserPanda likes this.
  4. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Level 1
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    Since this chapter turned out to be a pretty long one, I really should split the story in two parts. :sweat:

    Chapter 2 - What a Rocky Path to Cross
    Greetings, folks. This is Rhythmi. Right now I’m just chilling while treating Eto for soloing Viola on Fantasia’s behalf as well as treating myself to a fancy hat at Santalune’s boutique. Once I’m done with that, I might as well move on to the next destination: Lumiose City. I also get to befriend Luna the yellow Flabébé while I’m at it. Could it be… because of her light Arcaea? *shrug*

    Anyway, I got to meet Professor Sycamore’s two assistants, Sina and Dexio, just when I was going to enter Lumiose. Dexio asked me if I’ve ever heard of Flabébé… while Luna’s literally by my side. He got excited, of course, since he and Sina were testing Fairy-type Pokémon against other types of Pokémon at the professor's request. Sina then offered to show me the way to the lab, which I naturally accepted. I mean, that’s where I’m going anyway.

    Aight, here goes. The biggest city in Kalos, Lumiose City. For now, all I had to do is to follow Sina to the lab. She told me to meet the professor on the third floor upon entering. And then…
    We got to meet in person. Ooo boy, he’s surprisingly handsome for a professor~ *literally swooning over him*

    A little bit later, Calem and Shauna caught up with me. We’re all supposed to head the same way, after all. Only then did the professor challenge us to a battle. Well, more like me, since Calem wondered why it had to be me and Shauna wondered why having a battle in the lab. Either way, good thing I switched Fantasia with Eto beforehand, because I'm gonna need it. Really. ;)
    Professor Sycamore started with Bulbasaur and I started with Eto. She did a good job Pecking the Seed Pokémon, honestly. Squirtle’s the next in line, so I switched to Luna. Apparently Vine Whip and Fairy Wind did quite a number on the turtle, and so did Tackle and Water Gun on the yellow flower holder. After that, it’s the fire starters’ showdown: Charmander vs Hikari. My baby fox decided to land some Scratches on the professor’s fire lizard until the latter’s knocked out. And now that the showdown’s over, Professor Sycamore offered yet another choice of starters, this time it’s the same set as the one he just used a moment ago. Again, I saw those Arcaea shards flying around them, this time they’re as dark as the ones I saw gathering around Tairitsu in my dream. Nobody else noticed though, not even the professor, so might as well pick the Bulbasaur whom I nicknamed Tempest. I also got this thing called Mega Stone (specifically a Venusaurite). Not sure what it’s for, but I’ll keep it for now.

    And then Tierno and Trevor came… only to miss the chance of seeing my battle with Professor Sycamore. Unfortunate, yes, but at least they still got the professor’s pep talk. He then suggested checking Camphrier Town out if we wanna know about, uh, whatever Mega Evolution is.

    Just when I was going to go out, Sina got me to meet this one man with such an unusual hairstyle, looking like a lion’s mane and all. His name is Lysandre, and his desire?

    *fast forward to Route 5*
    Okay, this is awkward. This Lucario came to me like, out of the blue. I wasn’t sure what to do about this fella until their trainer came with another Lucario. She briefly introduced herself as the Shalour City gym leader, Korrina, then took off with both Lucario. And me? Off to Camphrier Town. And oh, Sonata the Skiddo with dark Arcaea tagged along too~

    ...wait, what? Eto, you gotta be kidding me, right??? :o

    Hikari, you too? o.O

    Anyway, Shauna and I visited Shabboneau Castle in Camphrier Town. Yes, the castle is so beautiful outside, but inside? Looks rather barren, I’d say. According to the owner, whoever owned this castle before him (or maybe the owner himself?) used to give a lot of their possessions away. But when asked about Mega Evolution, he seriously had no idea about it.

    *fast forward to Route 7*
    A Snorlax is blocking the way. The only thing that can wake them up is the Poke Flute. But here’s the catch: the flute is now in the Parfum Palace for whatever reasons.

    *at Route 6 main road*
    Okay, this really is my lucky day. Eto, Hikari, Tempest… who else?

    *fast forward to the Parfum Palace*
    Wow… :o
    This is what I’d call a true palace. So regal, so exquisite. And yet, 1000 PokeDollars for the entrance fee? That’s… something.

    As soon as Shauna and I entered the palace…
    This man’s desperately looking for his Furfrou. Very, very desperate, it seems. I mean, it’s really that bad to the point of Shauna wanting to help him. *sigh* Oh well, whatever.

    Anyway, I might as well roam around the palace, looking for the Furfrou while I’m at it. Looked for the doggo everywhere but nope, not in here. And hey, the courtyard looks pretty. Just. Look. At. This:

    The courtyard next. Seriously, this garden is really, really big that I might get lost in here. And speaking of getting lost…
    Gotcha. Here goes the lost Furfrou. Shauna and I managed to trap it somehow. In return, the Furfrou owner (who turned out to be the palace owner) invited us to watch a fireworks display from the balcony. But since it’s rather awkward to watch it during the daytime, we might as well wait for the night to come…
    The next day, Shauna and I went back to Route 7. Don’t worry though, we did get the Poke Flute before going there. ;)

    Apparently the owner of Shabboneau Castle is the only one who can play the Poke Flute. So he did, but not without a warning:
    And yep, Snorlax actually attacked. This huge thing was actually a boy, so I needed help from Team of Conflict to defeat him. Tairitsu stole his Sitrus Berry, then Tempest managed to set up a Leech Seed to help whittling the Snorlax’s health because he couldn’t be poisoned due to Immunity. From there, Tempest mostly used Vine Whip to attack. She did switch to Tackle at times, though. And upon being defeated…

    Anyway, the adventure continues. Had to backtrack to Lumiose for a moment because I wanna get a new haircut: black and bobbed hairstyle.
    Then back where I left off only for Calem to propose this:
    The catch? Calem and I were to battle Tierno and Trevor in a multi-battle. Calem’s Fletchling and my Luna went up against Tierno’s Corphish and Trevor’s Pikachu. Fletchling focused on attacking the Corphish while Luna would rather spam Razor Leaf of all things. Then Pikachu knocked Fletchling out right after the latter doing a Quick Attack to the former. On the other hand, Corphish’s Vice Grip hit Luna like a truck to the point that I had to heal her while Calem’s Frogadier knocked both opponents out with a, uh, Bubble.
    As much as Tierno would like to have a round two, all he had was that one Corphish, so Trevor had to fight Calem and me all alone. That’s right, it’s Trevor’s orange Flabébé vs Calem’s Frogadier and my Luna (a.k.a. yellow Flabébé). Ganging up on the orange Flabébé, Frogadier and Luna managed to win the battle with Bubble and Tackle, respectively.

    Just when we’re wrapping up this friendly match...
    Seems like Shirabe was so dang happy to the point of her evolving like that. ^_^

    *fast forward to Route 8*
    ...I swear, of all times it could happen, everyone just wanna evolve on our way to the next gym. :sweat:
    Also, seriously? Shirabe’s Marill phase was so dang short. Too short, even.

    Anyway, let’s go back to our research about Mega Evolution. Calem thought it would be a good idea to visit the Fossil Lab in Ambrette to learn more about it. And nope, the researcher there had no idea about it. Although… he did mention his assistant who’s in the Glittering Cave at the moment. They might know something and it’s up to us to find out.

    *fast forward to Glittering Cave*
    Yay for added ground-type~
    Considering these happened right after my encounter with this group of people who call themselves Team Flare, I’d say that the battles were worth it.
    And now that Calem and I found the researcher’s assistant, he let us pick one of the two fossils he just got: Jaw Fossil and Sail Fossil. Calem picked Jaw and I picked Sail. The three of us then went back to Ambrette. I decided to revive my Sail Fossil there to be this cute Amaura whom I nicknamed Zero while there. Not sure about Calem, though.

    *at Cyllage City’s bike shop*
    ...wait, what? You’re not pulling my legs, right??? *surprised Pikachu face*
    Oh well, seems like lady luck is on my side for this one. The bike owner here decided to give me a free bike out of the blue. Since he let me pick either green or yellow one, might as well pick the yellow one just because. That being said, gotta roam around Cyllage and do some training for the next gym with this new bike of mine~

    *fast forward to the second gym battle*
    Some rock climbing later, I got to face the second gym leader: a rock-type specialist Grant. He went for Amaura (not Zero, mind you) and I let Shirabe take the lead. Thunder Wave sure is annoying, especially when it came from an Amaura. But still, thanks to Shirabe’s Thick Fat and natural bulk (?), dealing with Aurora Beam was no biggie for her. Her Bubble Beam, on the other hand, was proven to be too much for Amaura despite Grant giving them a Hyper Potion medication.
    And then there’s Tyrunt who decided to kick things off with Bite despite its ineffectiveness to Shirabe’s type. But on second thought, I prolly should let Tairitsu handle this guy instead. And good thing I did exactly that, especially since a Bulldoze from Tairitsu turned out to be much better than a Bulldoze from Shirabe. Long story short, a Bulldoze from Shirabe and two from Tairitsu knocked the Tyrunt out cold, thus letting me secure the second badge for myself.
    • Battled Professor Sycamore at his lab in Lumiose City (MVP: Team of Light)
    • Had a friendly match with Calem, Tierno and Trevor; I tag-teamed with Calem to fight the other two (MVP: Team of Light)
    • Got the Poke Flute to wake Snorlax up at Route 7
    • Fought the Snorlax blocking the way which I’d love to catch if it were a girl (MVP: Team of Conflict)
    • Encountered Team Flare for the first time
    • Got a Sail Fossil from a researcher’s assistant in Glittering Cave
    • Got a free bike at Cyllage City bike shop
    • Grinded for preparations against Grant
    • Battled against Grant and won without any members fainting (MVP: Team of Conflict)
    • Caught Luna the yellow Flabébé at Route 4 (RNG: 5)
    • Caught Fracture the Sentret at Route 6
    • Caught Kou the Whismur in Connecting Cave (RNG: 7)
    • Caught Kanae the Helioptile at Route 9
    • Revived the Sail Fossil into Zero the Amaura (RNG: 1, no soft resets; also doubles as Ambrette Town encounter)
    • Caught Brillante the Sigilyph at Route 10
    • Chose Tempest the Bulbasaur (with 4 soft resets; also doubles as Lumiose City encounter)
    • Caught Sonata the Skiddo at Route 5 (RNG: 4)
    • Caught Grievous Lady (Grievous L in-game) the Illumise at Route 7 (RNG: 2)
    • Caught Lethe the Mienfoo at Route 8 (RNG: 3)
    • Caught Axium the Kangaskhan in Glittering Cave
    • Caught Ilith the Dwebble at Cyllage City

    • Eto evolved into Fletchinder at Route 5
    • Hikari evolved into Braixen at Route 5
    • Tempest evolved into Ivysaurat Route 6 main road
    • Shirabe evolved into Marill after the friendly match at Route 7
    • Luna evolved into Floette at Route 8
    • Shirabe evolved into Azumarill at Route 8
    • Tairitsu evolved into Diggersby right after first encounter with Team Flare
    • Fantasia evolved into Wormadam Sandy Cloak right after first encounter with Team Flare
    #4 Sep 7, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2020
    PoserPanda likes this.
  5. SAF

    SAF Team of Conflict

    Level 1
    Apr 18, 2017
    Potion ★Lucarionite ★★★★
    Spoiler: first loss is a bit... ouch. :(

    Chapter 3 - Fight for the Mega Evolution
    Greetings, folks. Rhythmi here. Right now I’m chilling in Cyllage Gym, comforting Tempest because seems like she’s feeling down for missing all the action time Shirabe and Tairitsu had. Sorry about that, Tempest. :(

    ...Okay, that’s enough. Time to continue the trip~

    Route 10, also known as Menhir Trail thanks to all those huge stones neatly lined up. Not sure why, but I can feel something ominous here…
    And yep, those Flare people again. He wanted revenge for whatever I did back in the Glittering Cave (which I honestly have no idea whatsoever), so I had to take him out once more. And not just him, I had to take two more of these Flare people on. Long story short, I did, eventually reaching Geosenge.

    Welp, here comes one more of those Flare guys. Dunno why, but seems like he’s excited about this town of Geosenge. Oh well, whatever. I’ll just visit that monument while I’m at it. *shrug*

    Now that I’m done with the sightseeing, gotta move on to Shalour City. And speaking of Shalour… What the heck are Korrina and her two Lucario doing here?
    *sigh* Okay, fine. I won’t say no for battling challenges anyway.
    Korrina’s first Lucario went up against Fantasia, so it’s Light gang’s time to shine. Being a bug-type, Fantasia did well for tanking Lucario's Power-Up Punch. And being a ground-type, she managed to Bulldoze her way through the Aura Pokémon. As for the second Lucario, not even their Feint could faze my Wormadam. Instead, she actually Bulldozed them big time.

    Anyway, the trek through Route 11 was rather uneventful until…
    According to Professor Sycamore, there’s this person in Shalour City who is known as the Mega Evolution guru. He didn’t tell me their name, though. *shrug*

    And then karma got me right after befriending DORO*C the Staravia: Eto the Fletchinder lost her light Arcaea thanks to a random trainer’s Mr. Mime. Their Psybeam, to be exact. Ouch… :(

    *in the Reflection Cave*
    Mirrors, mirrors everywhere. Honestly, this kind of sight somewhat reminds me of the Arcaea world from my dream back then. Not that I even know why, though.

    *fast forward to Shalour City*
    Now that I’m here in Shalour, I wanna challenge Korrina’s gym, but…
    The Tower of Mastery, huh? Come to think of it, Trevor did mention it too. He also said that it should be related to this Mega Evolution guru the professor talked about earlier. Might as well check it out~

    ...so this is the place, huh? Pretty majestic, I reckon. :o

    By the way, I forgot to say that there’s this lady that needed help from either Psychic or Flying type Pokémon. But now that I have Brillante by my side… why not both?
    Thanks for that, Brillante. ^_^
    A grinding session and change of outfit later, I’m finally ready to see both Korrina and the Mega Evolution guru in the Tower and Mastery. And yeah, they’re both here.
    And then Tierno and Trevor arrived. That left us with… huh?

    Hoo boy, look who just arrived here~
    And now that everyone’s present, it’s time for the talk. About the Mega Evolution, I mean. :sweat:
    But here’s the catch: the transformation only lasts for a certain period and it needs certain something to trigger it, namely a Mega Stone and a Mega Ring. The guru would love to give us all the latter, but he only had one, so…
    Welp, it’s either Calem or me in the end, so we might as well battle for it.
    Since Calem decided to kick things off with a male Meowstic, I gotta go with Axium. One Fake Out from the Meowstic flinched Axium, but her natural bulk let her shrug it off. He tried to put up a Light Screen only for it to ignore her Shadow Claw. I mean, Shadow Claw is a physical move, right? And Light Screen only works for special moves, right? Go figure.

    Once the Meowstic got out of commission, Calem went for Absol. This time, Axium went for Rock Smash instead of Shadow Claw, but a critical hit took her down. This big oof made Tempest want to avenge her, which she did via her Poison Powder.

    Third mon of Calem’s: Frogadier. This guy sure is a big fan of Quick Attack, seeing that they tried Water Pulse only for it to be resisted by Tempest’s type matchup. What did she do? She tried to chip their health down with Leech Seed and Poison Powder, then strike the Frogadier with a Razor Leaf. Yeah…

    And in the end…
    But it won’t be that easy, dude. I need to fight gym leader Korrina first~

    *some rollerskating in the gym later…*
    As expected, Korrina’s there, waiting for me. Not sure why she decided not to have her Lucario battle this time, but I digress. She sent her Mienfoo first (not Lethe, mind you), so I let Luna have her moment. When the Mienfoo used Power-Up Punch, I facepalmed. I mean, did they just assume Luna to be a grass type?

    Anyway, two Fairy Winds later, Mienfoo’s down. Korrina chose Machoke next and they used Rock Tomb -- which Luna managed to take on despite her (relatively) neutral type against the rock-type move. Two Leers from the Machoke later, they used Power-Up Punch… on Brillante instead of Luna, rendering the latter’s defense drops useless. This Sigilyph of mine proceeded to set up a Reflect to reduce opponents attacks. And yes, it worked wonders for the Machoke’s next Rock Tomb despite its apparent type advantage over Brillante.

    Machoke’s down (thanks to Brillante’s Psybeam), Hawlucha’s next. Again, I facepalmed at their Power-Up Punch on Brillante, of all things. And yep, not even Flying Press could faze her, who proceeded to knock the Hawlucha out with Air Cutter.

    Aight, third badge get, and… what???
    You gotta be kidding me, right? ._.
    *sigh* Okay, fine. Might as well do some workout on my part while there.

    *in the Tower of Mastery*
    Out of the random facts I got during the trip, here are the most interesting ones for me:

    And yep, Korrina’s here. With her two Lucario. She gave me the Mega Ring after all that tiresome climbing.
    With that, we decided to have a one-on-one battle, Lucario vs Lucario, with one of them taking my side.
    Korrina Mega Evolved her Lucario first and I followed suit. The two Lucario used Power-Up Punch against each other, leading to my (rather quick) victory. Well, at least I got the basics. Just enough to Mega Evolve Tempest when the time comes. I mean, Axium could, but I already lost her before, so...

    After that short battle, Korrina suggested to take the Lucario with me… which I half-heartedly refused due to my predicament. As much as I wanted to, the guy doesn’t have any Arcaea shards with him. Not that Korrina could see it anyway. Sorry, Lucario. :(
    • Fought more of Team Flare grunts on the way to Geosenge
    • Checked out the Geosenge monument
    • Battled Korrina’s two Lucario (MVP: Team of Light)
    • Caught DORO*C the Staravia at Route 11 who joined Team of Light
    • Lost Eto by a Psybeam from a trainer’s Mr. Mime
    • Caught Regulus the Solosis in the Reflection Cave who joined Team of Conflict (RNG: 1)
    • Caught Summer the Chatot at Route 12 who failed to join Team of Light (RNG: 6)
    • Grinded for preparations against Calem and Korrina
    • Fought Calem for the Mega Ring, but lost Axium in process (MVP: Team of Conflict)
    • Battled against Korrina and won without any members fainting (MVP: Team of Light)
    • Took a trip to the Tower of Mastery’s topmost floor
    • Got a Mega Ring from Korrina
    #5 Nov 3, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2020

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