Just a thingie to store rather extensive information on my OC(s). For now its just Lu, as she's really the only OC i main at the moment, but maybe one day I'll bring in the rest of her gang~! This is rather long, too, my apologies Spoiler http://pre00.deviantart.net/523c/th/pre/i/2016/356/7/1/lu_sandre_by_missmalkavya-dasijyx.png Name- Miss Lumina Malkavya, or Lu for short. Age- 19, 20 in March Gender- Female Affiliation- At some point, she was affiliated with Team Flare, and after their disbanding, she left to try and remake her old team Location- Lumiose City Original location- Lumiose City Hair color- Bright red Eye color- Blue Height- 5'5'' Weight- 220Lbs Voice- Lu has a pretty interesting voice. Its a bit high pitched, but not ear bleedingly so. If it wasn't for her crappy attitude all the time, it it might even be nice to just listen to her talk. She also has a slight French accent, and when she's really emotional about something, whether that be really excited, or really pissed off, she'll slip into speaking French entirely. ---------------------- Clothing- Lu has a very extreme taste in fashion. She probably got into Boutique Couture as soon as they saw her, and when she's visiting Lumiose City, she can almost always be found there. Usually she sticks to wearing very fancy dresses with a waistcoat over the top, or a nice dress shirt, with stockings and a pair of high heeled boots, but she's been spotted on multiple occasions bumming out in jeans and a nice jacket. When she's at home, her clothing becomes much more relaxed, usually wearing a sweater and a pair of stockings, or any large shirt with stockings, for that matter. She also loves to critique people on their own fashion choices, or better yet, harass them and rant about how hers is superior to theirs. Currently, Lu is sporting the jacket of her late boss, a black skirt, and a pair of black stockings with the logo for Team Flare on the left outer thigh. ----------------------- Personality- Good Golly. To strangers, Lu is pretty much an all around terrible person. She sees herself as much higher than others, and goes so far as to consider people she doesn't respect as peasants. She's a rather harsh bully, to be frank, and doesn't really show any sort of pity when harassing people. For the people that she does show the slightest bit of respect for, she's a bit less of a jerk, and her true colors begin to shine JUST a little bit. To people she really enjoys the company of, she's a lot more relaxed and outgoing, but still pretty self centered. Despite being a total bully all around, Lu is pretty physically weak. She depends on the aid of her Pokémon team to do much of her work for her, and has built her team accordingly, full of much larger, physically stronger Pokémon. Oftentimes Lu picks on the wrong person and immediately runs behind her team to protect her. And although she's absolutely terrible to people, she is absolutely caring and supportive of her team, in her own harsh way. ----------------------- History- Lu was adopted into the Malkavyen family by her fathers close friend, as her parents had gone off traveling the world, researching regions for a book they were in the process of writing, however, despite the Malkavyens efforts of getting ahold of her parents, they never returned any sort of letter or call. Lu grew up in a very loving, wealthy family, and quickly became the favorite child, loved by the maids for her long vibrant, curly red hair, and by the butlers who adored listening to her sharp tongue when others said something she disliked. Once her adopted uncle Reid had his first child, however, Lu found that she wasn't receiving the same amount of attention as she had before, and quickly went back into a hateful persona, as she had been when her parents left. At some point during her childhood, she was gifted a Pancham by one particular maid who felt like Lu could use the company and protection. When she was older, she decided to leave her family, and with the aid of Black, Reids brother, and Lu's favorite uncle, the two left the family with no warning one night, and Lu joined up with Team Flare at age sixteen, and once again found herself as a favorite among the other members, and she began to build her Pokémon team, starting with her Pancham. After the disbandment of Team Flare, which Lu had no idea had happened until she came back to a destroyed HQ, Lu and her uncle found themselves traveling around regions in an attempt to reform the late Team Flare, while also going through the grieving process of her boss. Lu quickly realized she had a talent for picking up information from conversations, and warped that into a means of making money and getting what she wanted out of people, by eavesdropping on important conversations, and then later selling the information to people desperate enough to buy it. This was also how she received her Rhyhorn, as someone had traded it for her information. This was the start of her developing her criminal gang, and she's been slowly growing ever since, not afraid to go as far as to steal Pokémon if she deems the situation favorable and worth her time, such as stealing a Teddiursa from a someone she was eavesdropping on, overhearing them talk about wanting to release it anyway due to it being weak. ----------------------- Likes- Pokémon contests, fashion, seafood, shiny Pokémon, talking about herself, her Pokémon, music, cute cafes, brushing her hair, battling, showing off, sleeping and watching TV. She also really enjoys letting all of her Pokémon out of their pokeballs and falling asleep in the heap of them. Dislikes- Water, ugly things, people with bad tastes in clothing, being alone, being ignored Strengths- Talking, eavesdropping, Pokémon contests, manipulating people, and she's surprisingly good at raising Pokémon, despite her poor attitude. Weaknesses- She isn't physically strong by any means, she can't swim, scares easily, and oftentimes in the middle of terrible situations, she'll continue to talk and progressively make it worse on herself. She also has extreme abandonment issues. One major weakness of hers is her inability to fall asleep unless she's with someone or shes completely exhausted. The problem doesn't show itself very often, as she almost always has her Pokémon with her to keep her company, but its worth mentioning. She doesn't function well alone due to her abandonment issues. Quirks- She sometimes slips into French when overly emotional, or refers to others using French phrases, such as sarcastically calling her Pancham 'Ma Petit Navet', or something silly like that. Pokémon TeamPangoro (received from family)LV - 44RaichuLV - 40Ursaring (Stolen Teddiursa)LV - 40SkarmoryLV - 41Rhyhorn (received from trade)LV - 30LitleoLV - 3 Goals:Lu's goal is to reform Team Flare, and find a way to bring back the late Lysandre, who she believes died during his final battle.