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Making of your own PC case.

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by TAPQI, Feb 17, 2015.

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  1. TAPQI

    TAPQI Bird Keeper

    Dec 6, 2014
    I'm thinking of building my own PC case as a school project. :3(Not completely sure yet tho)

    I would use the answers as inspiration. (if good enough i would use them in the build, if i make it)

    If you would build your own PC case:

    Would you build it from aluminium, wood or steel?

    How big it would be? (If you know Motherboard sizes, would be nice if you said it as well)

    What aesthetics would you do? (In example LED lights with Plastic strips, Drawing or painting, logos or something like that)

    What kind of logical neat tricks would you put in it? (Can be wild cards)

    What kind of a shape it would be? (just no circles D:)

    What kind of finishing touches would you do? (In example painting, overlaying with fabrics etc.)

    What kind of LED color(s) would you use?
  2. Steamlined

    Steamlined Jack of all trades

    Sep 20, 2014
    Would you build it from aluminium, wood or steel?
    Aluminium. Because Steel would be heavy and horrible. Don't even get me started on the fire hazards with using wood!

    How big it would be? (If you know Motherboard sizes, would be nice if you said it as well)
    Er... Average size? Yeah, I don't know motherboard sizes very well.

    What aesthetics would you do? (In example LED lights with Plastic strips, Drawing or painting, logos or something like that)
    LED lights, of course! Senseless fins and stuff, you know, cool stuff.

    What kind of logical neat tricks would you put in it? (Can be wild cards)
    Dunno about that. Probably nothing of the sort.

    What kind of a shape it would be? (just no circles D:)
    Good ol' fashioned rectangle. Maybe a couple of tapered edges.

    What kind of finishing touches would you do? (In example painting, overlaying with fabrics etc.)
    Eh, maybe paint it a little. Don't want it to get too complicated, after all!

    What kind of LED color(s) would you use?
    Blue! Purple! Or heck, just all RGB colours and have it changeable.
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  3. TAPQI

    TAPQI Bird Keeper

    Dec 6, 2014
    Ah, thank you from answering! ^_^
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