Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to au kayüga garconi (or, the Sprite Boy), who is simultaneously the cutest and creepiest mascot that Coca-Cola has ever had. You may or may not have nightmares tonight... By the way, I ponified him. "And anyone who is brave enough to see me as a human deserves to see me as a pony!" Any thoughts, FireSpartan5? "Yeah, do you think I'm 'nightmare fuel'? Please don't..."
I'm sorry, what is cute about this? This is just a little creepy, not cute at all! I demand a refund!!! EDIT: Not quite scary enough for my nightmares, but still creepy.
Sprite Boy: "E-eek! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you! I just wanted to make a few friends and tell people it was okay to say 'Coke,' that's all!" I find him a bit cute. I used to think he was seriously creepy until I read up on him. His ponysona's pretty cute, though... "Phew! That's a relief..."