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Me first

Discussion in 'Festival Plaza' started by NativeBlasion, Jan 29, 2015.

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  1. NativeBlasion

    Oct 30, 2014
    SOOO. It has come to my attention that this great move has taken a back seat in Pokémon and I have no idea why since there are some great Pokémon with access to this move and they could utilize them well.

    For those of you who don't know, Me first is a move that copies the opponents attacking move, and uses it on the opponent, before the opponent can even launch the attack themselves. Not only this, but the damage to said move is multiplied by 1.5.

    Hold on, lol what?! 1.5 times on a powerful attacking move? Yes please. But wait, this is probably a move that only crappy Pokémon can have. Its like the curse of unique and good abilities, with only the frailest and most useless of Pokémon can wield.

    But No! It can be used by acceglor, meowstic, Pinsir, Toxicroak, Hawlucha, M-Absol, M-lucario, and freaking Mewtwo. There are others on the list but I felt as though these Pokémon could make the best of this amazing move.

    This is a perfect move for these Pokémon because while you really don't know what attacking move your opponent will use, unless you are a master predictor, you don't know if it will be a special or a physical move (though you can usually tell by the Pokémon). This can tailor to mixed attackers, giving them a very strong move that could potentially end a Pokémon with its own move.

    But what do you guys think? An underappreciated move that should be used more, or do you have a reason why it shouldn't be viable? Also, if you could pick a Pokémon who would use it the best of its abilities (*ahem; protean greninja) who would it be?

    P.S. Forgot to mention talonflame gets this move also :o
  2. Pitmore

    Pitmore Mild Internal Pain

    Nov 6, 2014
    Oh! I never realised how powerful me first actually is! I always thought it halved the move, not times it by 1.5!
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  3. shinygiratinaz

    shinygiratinaz Boats Against the Current

    Dec 18, 2013
    I knew of the power boost, but I never used it because I prefer to be able to know what it is I'm using. To use me first you have to be faster than your opponent naturally, so you won't be copying fast hitting Pokémon like talonflame or greninja. Me first will also fail if your opponent uses a priority or status move. And it's also likely that the move they'll be using will be good against you but not against them and not end up dealing much damage. I've had an m-lucario me first my jellicent's scald and it only do 13% damage due to typing. On the flip side of that, though, I've also had an m-lucario me first a draco meteor from my giratina and wreck me.

    Though, if you're good at predicting and your opponent runs Pokémon with mostly standard usage or moves you already know, I can see you getting some great use out of me first.

    All in all, I'd rather use a move I know can hit hard and do at least neutral damage. Though I will admit, on fast Pokémon like m-lucario, me first is certainly fun to use, if only just to see lucario using moves like draco meteor. xD
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  4. Weedle Enthusiast

    Weedle Enthusiast Resident Weedle Enthusiast

    Best Boi
    Level 1
    Oct 29, 2014
    Crown of ValorDome Fossil ★★★
    Some problems i see, Self-destruct/explosion would screw you over. Except dragons and ghosts, STAB moves wouldn't be very effective. Then What of non attacks like toxic, recover, or calm mind?
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  5. Prosecutor

    Nov 19, 2014
    I am a user of Me First. Accelgor really uses it well for me in RU and NU. I have always appreciated this move a lot and I think that it deserves more credit than it's given credit for.
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  6. Martsian

    Martsian Gym leader

    Nov 6, 2014
    well, this move is a nice way to hurt theopponent really hard!
    Especially ghost Pokémon!
    If a gengar use shadow ball, then its dead!
    Really hard to predict though!
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  7. Nator

    Nator Banned

    Oct 22, 2014
    The risk isn't worth the reward. What if you're facing a Landorus who's intending to use EQ, but you think it's going for something like Stone Edge? You then make that prediction and you wind up hitting the EQ on Landorus, which would have no effect.
    What if a Water type is going for Hydro Pump? You use Me First to mirror its move, but even with the 1.5 boost, it wouldn't do all that much. I'm not saying Me First is a bad move, it's just too much of a risk to be reliable enough to use.
  8. Bubbles

    (Diancie Egg)
    Level 14
    Jun 10, 2014
    Mewnium Z  ★★★★★Ice Stone ★★★★Heart Scale ★★
    I used to run Me First on my Choice Banded Talonflame. I rarely used the move, but when I predicted an obvious attack, rather than do a typical brave bird suicide, Me First with banded talon flame gets a massive boost (1.5x from CB and 1.5x from Me First) resulting in a tremendous amount of damage. Me First is a pretty unique move, but you have to use it wisely and unexpectedly. If you keep using Me First continually, your opponent will purposely use moves that will render yourself helpless, such as status moves or moves that would result with little to no damage.
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