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Mixed Lucario (Experimental)

Discussion in 'Festival Plaza' started by ID Zeta, Feb 23, 2013.

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  1. ID Zeta

    ID Zeta Resident Physicist

    Level 1
    Jan 11, 2013
    If I posted this in the wrong area, let me know.

    I got this idea because Lucario's base Attack and Special Attack are only 5 points apart, so in my eyes, they're basically interchangeable. As such, I decided to see if a mixed offensive set would be a good option for Lucario. Here's what I came up with on Pokémon Showdown:
    Item: Life Orb​
    Ability: Justified​
    Nature: Naive​
    Moveset: Aura Sphere, Psychic, Earthquake, Extremespeed​
    EVs: +178 Atk, +136 SpA, +196 Spe​

    The given EVs make Lucario's Attack and Special Attack equal in this set. The Speed EVs and Nature give Lucario a solid 265 Speed stat. Lucario's Defense and Special Defense are also equal with this set.
    Aura Sphere is Lucario's main STAB attack in this set. I chose it over Close Combat because I didn't want to lower it's defenses more than
    they already are. Psychic is Lucario's other Special Attack, nailing Fighting-types like Breloom and Conkeldurr. Earthquake provides coverage over Fire-types like Heatran and Ninetails. Extremespeed fills the last slot because of the fact that it outspeeds any other priority attack and has a solid base power of 80. It's primarily used to hit anything that survived any of the previous attacks, or to hit faster threats before they can strike.
    The obvious threats Lucario faces are Ground-types, as it has no coverage moves against them. Threats like Garchomp can dispose of our friend before he can even strike, unless you use Extremespeed. Volcorona is another unique threat, since it takes neutral damage from Earthquake and may outspeed Lucario, but it probably can't stomach Earthquake due to it's low Defense. Breloom can easily use a Technician-boosted Mach Punch to deal a heavy hit quickly. Bronzong and Skarmory also resist Earthquake (assuming Bronzong has Levitate) and take neutral damage from Aura Sphere.

    As mentioned in the title, this is a purely experimental Lucario set. Feel free to comment on this or make suggestions.
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  2. Stark


    Did you consider how you'll deal with the flying intimidate users? Salamence, Gyarados, etc. You're stuck with using Psychic vs them.

    Ghost/Psychic types may be a problem too, as the levitation users will dodge all but one of your attacks (if its a ghost) and the psychic types will prove tricky. Things like Slowbro or Reuniclus will hard counter you without Crunch. Gengar or Rotom formes will have similar issues for you.

    You might want to use Crunch in place of Earthquake. If you're staying in vs Heatran, you have Aura Sphere for Super Effective damage. If other Fire-types come in, I'm sure you would be able to handle them or switch. A Dragonite is also gonna be tough for you to handle.
  3. Trainer_Ebony

    Jan 18, 2013
    No pokemons perfect, so youll always have trouble with something. I think Ice Punch instead of Extreemspeed would pay off. While you lose that speed advantage, an ice type attack would wipe out Ground, Flying and Dragon types, which would mean your only real threats are Ghosts, and anything that can dodge your Earthquake. With the Life Orb, most Pokémon wint need a 2nd one of those.
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  4. Spire

    Spire Banned

    Nov 22, 2012
    I would personally have PlusSpeed Minus Defense as the nature. Speed is so important in the meta game. IMO, this Pokémon is more of a "finisher" Than actual attacker. I would have a stat boosting move such as Swords Dance, and cut Earthquake. But this is my opinion.
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  5. Slugkid

    Slugkid Slacker Extraordinaire

    Nov 23, 2012
    I'm pretty sure naive is +Spe +SpD, so it's what you said only specially. And he needs the coverage. Besides, a 4 attacks moveset works with any choice item, unlike one with a setup move.
  6. Azalea1

    Azalea1 School Kid

    Feb 27, 2013
    Mixed Lucario isn't too uncommon!

    I'm unfamiliar with Gen V's biggest threats as I was a Gen IV junkie, but typically Psychic isn't the best option. Dark Pulse may be able to broaden your horizons but it's entirely up to you and as I've admitted, I'm not up to the recent metagame ^^;

    Like aforementioned as well, Ice Punch may be in your better interest over ExtremeSpeed, as a Naive Lucario should be able to outspeed a number of its opponents without priority.
  7. diesel165

    diesel165 Youngster

    Nov 24, 2012
    you might be better off running a set such as:
    Ability: Justified/Adaptability
    Hasty nature
    - Close Combat
    - Dark Pulse/Flash Cannon
    - Bullet Punch/ExtremeSpeed
    - Aura Sphere

    It's probably best to run Dark Pulse/Bullet Punch as with Adapatability and Bullet Punch you get an 80 bp Steel type Priority move which is even better than E-Speed because you can hit those Fairy types on their weak defensive side. Dark Pulse also guarantees you can catch Aegislash no matter what seeing as how it doesnt make physical contact for your attack to be lowered. Adaptability Close Combat and Aura Sphere are insanely powerful and will take care of any Breloom/Conkeldurr/Heatran/Ninetales problems you might have. Honestly if you're looking for any good mixed attacker Lucario, making it go into its mega form is probably your best bet because not only does it match the power Life Orb gives but Adaptability increases the power of your Fighting and Steel moves to be extremely powerful.
    You could also try 80atk/176spa/252spe if you so please.
    edit: just realized this was posted before gen 6, which in such a case then ignore this o.o
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