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Mortal Kombat - Fatalities and Brutalities

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by eclipse35, May 7, 2015.

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  1. eclipse35

    Apr 16, 2015
    Fatalities and brutalities of Mortal Kombat are a pretty widely disputed subject. They are extremely gruesome. Here's one now - (Warning, gruesome)
    Yeaaahhh. Many are and have a right to be scarred or queasy after seeing one of these. But here's my opinion: If you aren't ok with it, then don't play it! It's been a part of Mortal Kombat for... FOREVER. So if you still don't like it, then here's some advice: It doesn't have to be a part of your life if you don't want it to be. You don't have to rage on others or anything crazy like that. Besides, here are some other popular video games: Happy Wheels? Deadpool? Resident Evil? What about Dead Space? All extremely gory.
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  2. Sachi-Shimazu

    Mar 29, 2013
    I don't have any problem with games like Deadpool, Resident Evil and Dead Space. They are gorey with reason, and they are great games otherwise (well, mostly...). Mortal Kombat I also don't have a problem with, I also go with the philosophy that if you can't handle the gore then don't play it. I learnt my lesson from being curious in MKIX and I didn't watch any of the fatalities in Good Game's review of MKX (I watched the cute puppies instead :D). Happy Wheels is also bloody for comedy, which I did have a problem with a while ago but I occasionally find funny now (TF2 is another good example).

    Hatred and games like that on the other hand are gorey and violent for the sake of being gorey and violent. MK has the right to be that because the gnre is a 2D fighter, but Hatred is unnecessary. I can't even stand the existence of GTA because it is stupidly violent without reason (but at least the main reason isn't I hate everyone).
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  3. Dragon

    Eevee (J)
    (Eevee (J))
    Level 1
    Oct 10, 2014
    Honestly, fatalities are what makes Mortal Kombat.. Mortal Kombat, haha. Like as you say, if you don't like gorey games then you shouldn't play them! Play the games that are fun for you! That said, I don't play Mortal Kombat or any of those gore games too, too much; well I mean, I can stand the gore, but sometimes it can be a liiiittle too heavy. xD
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  4. YouHoney

    YouHoney Snow wanderer

    Nov 6, 2014
    Mortal komvat is so satsfying. And i am pretty much immune to gore right now. Only thing i can stand is sexual torture. But i like gory games. Dead space and Mk being the favorites.
    eclipse35 likes this.
  5. Ravenide

    Mar 23, 2015
    The gameplay is fun, but not really a fan of intense gore, since I'm usually snacking on something when I play games.
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  6. Absolute Zero

    Absolute Zero The second seal

    Level 19
    Mar 17, 2015
    I can understand people who do and who do not like it, and all I can say is this is a pretty good reason why game ratings exist (to help people come to the conclusion of "if you can't handle it, don't play it"). Those of us who are psychology mature and can easily distinguish between what belongs in reality and what belongs in imagination can have loads of harmless fun with this stuff. Sure, there's probably not a single child in America who will try to push his friend's face into a rotating sawblade like we've seen here, but what about the eye-gouging and other relatively possible ways to seriously injure people? Most of us can easily say "Aww, man, that's sick!" laugh it off and move on with our lives, but someone who, due to age or unusual cognitive development, doesn't realize how messed up that is might say "next time Jeremy and I are wrestling I'm totally going to try that!"

    I'm just saying the right audience can appreciate it the way it's meant to be appreciated.

    And yeah, Mortal Kombat does get a disproportionate amount of flak for this, kind of like McDonalds, and it's somewhat unfair. There are other things in their industries that are just as 'bad', but a select few giants of each "evil" industry tend to get all the hate for what they and their peers create.
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