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MOTM QnA w/Katanaeyegaming

Discussion in 'Question & Answer' started by Jeydis, Oct 28, 2021.

  1. Jeydis

    Jeydis Getting cozy

    Level 44
    Aug 11, 2017
    Poké Ball ★Trainer Card - Cave Theme
    Welcome everyone to the special QnA for the October MOTM, @Katanaeyegaming! Now this was done all through the month both on the PMs here and Discord so things were a bit scattered but it should still be fun to read, enjoy!

    My answers are in plain color (whatever your default is for the site skin you are on)
    Katana's answers will be in Red


    So starting off: How did you find LV?
    The old Pokémon showdown server

    Oh dang, not what I expected, that will make Duo happy, he's our Showdown programming master. Winding back the clock a bit here, when were you introduced to the Pokémon franchise?
    2010 when I got pearl on my DSI. I'm hype for the gen 4 remakes

    What would you say is your favorite Pokémon from that gen then?
    For non legendaries Gallade and lucario. For legendaries Palkia and giratina.

    Oooh some proper powerhouses there for sure. What would you say was your favorite part of the game? Either story or location.
    Both favorite and least favorite is the 7th gym. Favorite because of the jokes I've made of it and least favorite because the ice puzzles in Pokémon suck.

    Oh a controversial pick for sure. Have you gone back to play the older games much or did you just go forward from gen 4?
    Oh yea as of now I've played all of them outside of sword and shield

    What would you say would be your ideal team of 6 mon?
    Hard to say. Depends on the generation.
    This would be all gen inclusive.
    Palkia, Ho-oh, Primal kyogre, Giratina, Mega mewtwo y and Mega blaziken. The team i used in Pokémon showdown some 7 odd years ago

    Some straight up badasses in there for sure. Let's get into gaming more generally, I know you are into rhythm games as well as monster hunter, are there any other styles/series you are into?
    Oh certainly. Sonic, Fire emblem, Castlevania, Megaman, Dark souls, No more heroes. A much longer list but those are just a few series.

    In case people dont know: How deep into competitive rhythm games have you gotten? And what game of course.
    Deeper in some cases than others, for example:
    on ITG I am one of the best in my field of the game or in etterna where I am a respectable all rounder

    That is awesome, I am sure our rhythym game buffs will enjoy going through those. Being into rhythm games do you have particular songs you listen too on loop or a favorite musical style?
    A lot of the stuff from sound voltex yes but I am a metalhead above all else.

    Going to the classics, do you have a favorite all-time DDR Song?
    Hard to say honestly prob trip machine phoenix

    Oh man I remember a version of trip machine from my times in the arcade. It is indeed a sweet mix though.
    Arcade going in my town is still a thing, at one spot in particular actually

    Ooh very nice, would you say you got into rhythm games at the arcade or did it start on consoles/pc?
    Well, I saw a DDR machine at a chuck e cheese for my birthday that year.
    I got a guitar and dance pad and the rest is mostly history

    That is pretty awesome
    I think so too

    Going back to your more general gaming, what's your favorite Megaman?
    A tie between X1 X4 MM1 MM4 and MM6

    Dang, a true fan. Now for the truely hard question: Best Megaman soundtrack?
    A tie between MM1&2 on the nes and x1. 3 game soundtracks I listen to quite a bit.

    NES OSTs definitely have their charm. Moving away from gaming a bit, you have shown with your pop up shop that you are into writing quite a bit, has that always been the case or is it something more recent?
    Oh hell yea I love to write!!! It's one of my two most major passions outside of gaming!!!

    More RP or fanfictions?
    I do plan on an RP at some point. Fanfictions while they are something I do the aren't entirely all I do given I also write several original ideas alongside them.

    Do you have favorite fandoms to write for?
    In order from most to least for fandoms I write for
    1. Pokémon
    2. RWBY
    3. Monster Hunter
    4. Fire Emblem
    5. Sonic

    Nice variety among those picks. Which one would you say is hardest to write for? And which one is easiest?
    Hardest is easily sonic because trying to add something without it seeming very amatuer or childish is actually quite difficult. Easiest is a tie between Pokémon and RWBY as both of them have a variety of ways you could spin something.

    With your mention of RWBY, that brings me to the show/movie side of things. What would you say are your favorite series? (animated or otherwise)
    Hard to say honestly. Probably a tie between earlu RWBY hellsing and black lagoon

    Definitely high octane action there. What would you say was the first anime you watched as a kid?
    There were plenty I watched when I was younger
    Hellsing, Basilisk and Fist of the north star were some of the firsts

    Last question then, do you have other hobbies we havent touched upon yet?
    We touched on writing and gaming. I love music, I am involved in a band with a few buddies and it's awesome.

    Very nice, what instruments do you play?
    I am a vocalist. I also play trumpet and drums and am learning guitar and flute

    Wow, a nice mix of things. Which one would you say was the hardest to learn?
    Easily flute. The amount of control you have to have to get the right tone is intense.

    Thanks for doing this with me! Sorry it was so scattered, its been a busy month.
    Last thought I have is that to put it simply. Keep working as a mod/admin on LV you have done a fantastic job here so I have high expectations.

    Aww thanks! Have a good one.
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    Katanaeyegaming, SAF and Wizard like this.
  2. Katanaeyegaming

    Katanaeyegaming #FEARTHEWYVERN

    Level 46
    Feb 6, 2015
    Poké Ball ★Potion ★Oran Berry ★★Thunder Stone ★★★Helix Fossil ★★★
    Glad to have been MOTM this came out of nowhere I'll still be here on the forums and discord so do expect more of me :)
    Jeydis likes this.

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