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My HATE towards Talonflame...

Discussion in 'Festival Plaza' started by YouHoney, Jan 9, 2015.

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  1. YouHoney

    YouHoney Snow wanderer

    Nov 6, 2014
    Oh Talonflame how i hate you, you flying Falcon poop-stain...

    I feel internet has rambled about it enough, but, BUT, i think i have think i still my word in this.

    Ok some positive things.

    Ok lets see, What is the science behind Talonflame as an animal?

    Well Talonflame is a falcon. A Peregrine Falcon to be precise. Max speed at 320km/h (200 mph). Talomflame is bit faster though. 489 km/h (310 mph). This is possible due Talonflame being Fire-type. It Heats up the air around it, making air molecules vibrate and spread, reducing drag, thus achieving higher speeds. I call good science.

    Talonflame is a Pokémon, whose desing resources went to science behind it. YOU SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT FURTHER!



    The name: Lets break it down. "Talonflame".... "Talon" "Flame"... Literally a Fire-Pokémon with talons. woooooo.....

    Typing: Stealth rocks. Nuff said.

    Usage: Gale wings... I want to find the person who came up with this. I made be pecked by hundreds of Talonflame.
    For any one who has been living under a rock for last year, Gale wings is an ability that makes all Flying- type attacks priority +1. It. Always. Goes. First. Fused with Brave bird and you got yourself a one GOD DAMN linear attacker! 90% Of all Talonflames are the same! Brave Bird, Flare Blitz, Roost and Swords dance! And on top of all that it is strong! The weakest thing in Talonflame is its lack of versatility. its way too predictable. Worst part is that it works too well.

    "But Hey it works! No need for whining about it! Its in the game, so man the fuck up!"


    Do you see what is happening? If Nintendo keeps pumping out Pokémon with ridiculous abilities and ONE usage, we will meet more of these monstrosities. And im not talking about "Breaking the meta game". Im talking about quality. Gen. VI was a mess in my opinion. It had cool things. I can't imagine life without Megas anymore. BUT im talking the gen. VI Pokémon. Talonflame being the best example. Thank god Gale wings is a HA. Otherwise you would have a mini-gun is a larp fight. Of like getting Master sword at the start of Zelda games.
    When making Pokémon like Talonflame, i think should be very, VERY careful of what you make.

    But its not only Nintendos fault, its also Gamers fault. Simply using it will send a message, that we need more broken Pokémon. And i don't wanna see that.

    I don't know if i explained why i despite Talonflame, but i think we as player should not use Pokémon like Talonflame. Using always the strongest weapon is a mark of own weakness as a trainer and shows lack of imagination. It also eliminates the fear of losing. And it does not mean that if you have a Talonflame you win instantly. It just makes the change ASTRONOMICALLY higher.

    I think that is enough...

    See ya and be creative <3
    fabe1089 and Doomhound like this.
  2. Almandine-G

    Almandine-G All Men Are Equal

    (Odd Egg)
    Level 2
    Nov 6, 2014
    I agree Talonflame is annoying to face. I must say, though, that it can be countered, if a player is careful. But I agree, Talonflame being as overused as it is is a little lame: but then again, I'm the guy whose team consists of Pokémon lower than OU, minus Metagross, who isn't even the mega of the team.
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  3. Xarn

    Xarn Sponsor

    Level 56
    Oct 30, 2014
    Meh, It is a nice Pokémon. It breaks many things. But a nice prediction, rocks or any Rock Type move user can deal with it like the Landorus Therian. Every Pokémon has its checks and counters. Talonflame is a hard one sometimes. I don't like too much using Talonflame because of its weakness.

    But the last part when you say "I don't know if I explained why I despite Talonflame, but I think we as player should not use Pokémon like Talonflame. Using always the strongest weapon is a mark of own weakness as a trainer and shows lack of imagination" is a little...criticism.

    Bruh, it is like saying "I don't want Chansey because of the Stall". These are way of playing. Competitive Game is based in your/our ability on how to play and build an strategy. Avoiding using a Pokémon that it is on the same Tier doesn't sound like the correct idea. After all you are fighting other persons that might think different as you do, and like using Talonflame or other Pokémon to cover their weakness or give more coverage.

    Others and I might respect your opinion, but remember that each person has a different thinking, and you can't change them all.
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  4. Pitmore

    Pitmore Mild Internal Pain

    Nov 6, 2014
    Gdi, I can't use that reason...

    -.- really now,
    In my opinion, using a Pokémon I don't like says "I'm a douche" not saying HEY! FUCKING LISTEN! MAKE MORE BROKEN Pokémon! Nintendo was clever with Talonflame though, knowing that players would only use talon competitively if they went through the painstaking process of getting a gale wings Fletchling, and in competitive battling and ONLY competitive do Pokémon carry stealth rocks, making it a balanced threat in competitive, not without its drawbacks, Overpowered, granted, but also balanced
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  5. Doomhound

    Level 2
    Nov 23, 2012
    Oh man, it has like 3 checks and counters. Goes with the usage thing, talonflame has one set, no versatility. Similarly, his counters are also extremely limited. Every OU team suddenly needs a talonflame and a talonflame-counter. If you don't, you chances of winning are astronomically lower.

    Also, I'm so glad you pointed out the name, I hated it from the start. Its worse than toxicroak.
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  6. Spammernoob

    Spammernoob A Spammer or a Noob?

    Nov 6, 2014
    Talonflame is god.

    The reason people use Talonflame is because it's strong. If Pokémon was a game for fun, it wouldn't be competitive. :3 People just want to win.

    Talonflame lets you break through a lot of offensive teams as well as SD letting you hit a lot of scary defensive threats. In fact, there are even niche moves like Natural Git that allow Talonflame to decimate its counters. However, whatever the set, there are Pokémon that can wall it. It's an amazing 'mon, though really it can get walled by certain PhysDef 'mons like Defensive Lando-T and Hippowdon.

    Speaking of which, Water-type Natural Gift might not be too bad. It hits Lando-T, Hippo, T-tar, and Heatran. Though it does have problems against Rotom-W. :[
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  7. fabe1089

    Dec 20, 2014

    I too share your hatred for Talonflame. Talonflame is the cheapest gimmick ever! All Talonflame is "push button; win game." It requires little to no thought process when deciding which moveset to put on it, nor how to use it during a battle. Just "Bird" everything, and U-Turn when approached with a Rock type.

    I'm thankful that I have good ol' Cofagrigus to nerf that thing. B)
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    Shayminlover123 and YouHoney like this.
  8. Garudarocks

    Jul 19, 2013
    How dare you mock my Avatar and Signautre (and my fav Gen 6 Poke xD).
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    YouHoney likes this.
  9. eeveeongirl

    eeveeongirl Collector

    Aug 25, 2013
    So people use talonflame, who cares? That's their choice, its a great Pokémon for competitive teams. Don't go hating because of it. Is it broken, well duh! But it is beatable.
  10. pokegamer32

    pokegamer32 Bug Catcher

    Dec 23, 2014
    Can we talk about the talonflame up there ^ or is the topic closed?
  11. Almiraj

    Almiraj Black Belt

    Oct 8, 2014
    I notice quite a few teams with Rhyperior on them, as well as people who say he's actually viable in OU despite being a RU Pokémon. I think the main reason he is RU is because of his type, but... I wonder if that's why people would use him is to counter Talonflame?

    But really, Talonflame is just another DISGUSTING looking Pokémon that gets to be powerful while all the really cool monsters rot in the lower tiers, all while hideous OP **** like Greninja and Aegislash get to be strong. Seriously, it's one thing I've ALWAYS despised about Pokémon.
    YouHoney likes this.
  12. Doctor Tomiz

    Jan 4, 2015
    While I don't mind Talonflame itself, everyone using the same all out offensive set is kinda annoying. It's like no one has imagination when it comes to Talonflame when there's much more you can do. It gets U-Turn, it gets Flame Charge, it get priority Tailwind. But nope, it's just Swords Dance, Flare Blitz, Brave Bird, Roost. Heck me and my friend refer to Talonflame as Brave Bird because it uses the move so much.
    YouHoney likes this.
  13. Meowing

    Meowing Youngster

    Jan 6, 2015
    Actually, there's several Talonflame sets; Swords Dance, Bulk Up, Choice Band, Stallbreaker, etc. Of course these sets all share key elements (Brave Bird), but that's just what Talonflame does best. Really, that's all it can do. Imagine how broken it'd be if it got moves such as Wild Charge, Superpower, Knock off, just to name a few. But right now it's hardly broken, it has numerous checks and several counters.

    It does require a bit of thought; being so allergic to rocks means you have to keep them off the field for it, its poor bulk means it finds a hard time switching in. Flying is arguably the best offensive type in the game; most teams should carry a flying check anyway.
  14. JirachiWish

    JirachiWish You only get two wishes

    Apr 9, 2013
    I understand why you don't like it, but I'm okay with it :) I actually don't see it used that much on Pokémon showdown XD
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  15. Nator

    Nator Banned

    Oct 22, 2014
    I like to think Talonflame is one of the best things to happen to competitive Pokémon this generation. It encourages the use of more Rock type Pokémon, which are normally one of the most underused types. You know that Rhyperior or Golem you looked at and doubted for so many years? They could be put to some good use now.
  16. The Unknown

    The Unknown Collector

    Nov 22, 2012
    Talonflame is annoying for sure. I always have to keep a defensive check on my team to prevent bird spam.
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  17. Shayminlover123

    Level 27
    Dec 30, 2012
    I actually agree with this. I always have to keep Talonflame in mind when i'm creating a team and it's very very annoying. I know all the defensive walls in OU, but I don't use them since they are just to predictable at least in my opinion. Plus it just tears through things like it's nothing from what I have seen....
  18. Skye

    Skye Bug Catcher

    Jul 25, 2014
    Meh, I guess Talonflame is alright.
  19. Synthesia

    Synthesia Bird Keeper

    Nov 6, 2014
    Yeah, I know. Talonflame can be a cactus.
    Talonflame OHKOs some of the most used Pokémon in the VGC format (Even if this is OU format)
    like amoongus, ferrothorn, M-Venusaur and bisharp. But it can be countered by some Pokémon and
    the weaknesses and even bulk doesnt help from being the strongest Pokémon.
    Its a good Pokémon, but dont worry about it, since the usage of talonflame in OU got down
    since in OU stealth rocks are pretty much 90% and that rock types wall that thing.
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