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Name Changing

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by East, Dec 9, 2015.

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  1. East

    East Look to the Stars

    Nov 14, 2014
    Hey guys! I bring up this topic in light of my username being returned to Kouhai after being Bryce D for a while, as well as the strong possibility of my real name being legally changed.

    So, here is where I ask you guys: what does a name change mean to you, and would you ever consider legally changing your name, or even just changing your username here on LV? Why or why not?

    Also, has anyone you know changed their name for a reason other than marriage?
  2. Bubbles

    (Diancie Egg)
    Level 14
    Jun 10, 2014
    Mewnium Z  ★★★★★Ice Stone ★★★★Heart Scale ★★
    Name changes are really important! Your name is one of the most important things in your life and it helps define who you are. In almost all instances your parent(s) choose your name at birth, but that is what they wanted you to be called. Not everyone likes their name that was given to them at birth, so a name change would be a good thing so that a person can like being called whatever they like. Some name changes are a bit ridiculous (like that guy who legally changed his name to a bunch of superhero characters) but for the most part they are normal. Some people get name changes to better market themselves as well since some names do have an impact on your success (Bob Joe vs Billy McNilly in acting and Shalaquanfondra Radiance vs Denise Jones in business etc.)

    On LV I have only changed my name once (❀Bloom❀ to Bloom) because people had difficulties tagging my name. I've stuck with Bloom for a longtime and have been tempted to change it, but I can't think of anything more appealing as of now.

    As for legally changing my real name, it is tempting. A lot of people spell my name wrong and pronounce it incorrectly. What's worse is that my last name starts with two "a"s so I'm almost always first for everything which is not fun because I have pretty bad anxiety when put on the spot... (You should have seen me at my High School Graduation... it was a nightmare). However, I still do like my name. Its unique and special to me and if people started calling me something else IRL it would feel weird. I think if I were to get my name changed it would be to change the spelling from Laila to Layla.
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  3. Deltheor

    Deltheor The Demon of Shikoku

    Level 2
    Dec 21, 2012
    I have actually changed my first and middle name legally for reasons other than marriage! Simply put, I hated my birth name and I honestly didn't identify with it at all. I've had the nickname "Danny/Daniel" for many years now, and that kind of turned into my actual name after a while, haha. I wanted to change my name to Alphonse, but since so many people already called me Danny, it would have been kind of awkward.

    I'm considering changing my middle name to Alphonse in the future, though. My middle name right now is Jay, and my mother only chose that as my new middle name because my birth name started with "J". I really don't want any ties to that name, so once I'm out on my own I will probably change that.
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  4. Pitmore

    Pitmore Mild Internal Pain

    Nov 6, 2014
    I'm fine about not changing my real-life name, it is AMAZING in a certain context.

    And awful an another context...

    I have debated changing my name a few times, buuut I never did because '[member='Bionic Puppy']' is my name EVERYWHERE and it'd only confuse people.
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  5. East

    East Look to the Stars

    Nov 14, 2014
    I'm planning to change names to cut ties with my father's family as well as strengthen ties to the person I've become over the years. Provided I do change my name, here's the breakdown:
    • Grey will be my first name since I believe it is most representative of who I am as a person, and it has a very nice flow off the tongue.
    • Eastman will be my middle name because it is actually the name my mother planned to give me at birth, it's a family name on my mother's mother's side, and.. Come on. It's pretty cool.
    • My last name will be changed to my mother's father's last name. (You can ask for it via PM if you know me decently well.) It's to pay tribute to all the things my mother's parents have done for me all these years as well as show them that the family name will not end with my mother.
    I think it's also noteworthy that I'm keeping my usernames as Kouhai for the foreseeable future since I'm used to being called that online, and I'm often younger than those I talk to :)
  6. Eclipse

    Level 82
    Apr 3, 2015
    Marshadium Z ★★★★★Dragon Fang ★★★★Luxury Ball ★★★Comet Shard ★★★★Mewnium Z  ★★★★★
    How intriguing. My best friend also embodies this ideal and swears by it. When we talked at length once, he mentioned that getting his name changed was one of the most liberating moments of his life. (He completely changed his name - first, middle, and last.)

    As for myself I believe similarly. Names are tied to first impressions, since when you meet someone, the label you will tend to usually affix to that person is his/her name. While that's all well and good, being saddled with an undesirable name (be it a name given by relatives you don't like, or even a nickname given by others around you that you don't like) only creates friction and division. It's entirely possible to hate one's name.

    This is why, when perusing places on the internet, especially forums, I take great care and thought as to what I wish for my username to be. I want to control (to an extent) what everyone's first impression of me will be like. And while my attitudes, actions, and mannerisms contribute to that heavily, the first thing that people will see and remember is the name.

    "That person writes insightful posts, is helpful, and always finds ways to bring smiles to others. S/he must be named _____."
    "That person is named ________. I have seen him/her write insightful posts, is helpful, and always finds ways to bring smiles to others."

    Think, which one do people say more? The second one. That's because the name is the most obvious identifier of a person. It doesn't matter if that happens in real life or via an online medium. It is just how we identify people instinctively. Qualities can be shared between people (when writing those two above quotes, I thought of qualities I myself possess, but also knew - and intended - those are qualities that a bunch of other people here have as well), but the name is more unique. It is what is more close at hand. (It's possible to have the same first/last name as someone else, but it's doubtful you both will be exactly the same. Though, that's a bit of a different issue than the above.)

    But that doesn't really answer any of the questions directly. All that was more so explaining my thought processes, as a lead-up to my answer.

    I have no problems whatsoever with name changes. Your name is your own identifier - not someone else's identifier for you. We all forge our own identities by what we do, not by what others would have us do. Thus, if it is pertinent for you to re-write your primary identifier, then that is a valid enough reason for you to do so. Why should I call you a name that you dislike and have disavowed? What right have I to that? So what if I knew you when you went by an earlier name or moniker? That is no longer your name. Were I to call you by that name, that you dislike, I disrespect both you and your decision. And if I have no respect for you, my fellow man, then what good am I?

    I not only speak in the personal 'you' here (referring to myself), but also in the ephemeral 'you' (referring to anyone and everyone). We all make decisions in our lives that we have our reasons for doing so. They may not always be the strongest of reasons, and we may not agree with them either. But, these decisions and choices are still to be respected. Names and name changing is but one of many decisions in our lives that we run into - though, I will admit, this is one particular decision that I feel stronger about emphasising this point on more than others (largely because I have witnessed many people who disrespect it).

    ...Oh my. Writing this post felt akin to writing a blog entry.
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  7. PROJECT: Glaceon

    PROJECT: Glaceon PKMN Breeder

    Nov 26, 2015
    I.... can't really stand my first name. I'm changing it when I get the chance. To what, I don't know, but it would definitely be better. My middle and last name could use some adjustments too.

    My display name is something I change on a regular basis. On here, that hasn't happened yet, though I might get on that in a few minutes (lol, apparently I'm in a big rush), but I go from all kinds of names, between something like this and the name of a Kingdom Hearts character (I swear, I'll play those games someday)

    This is what I get for not reading the contract
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  8. Pari

    Pari poyo

    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 9
    Jul 31, 2014
    I've considered the possibility of changing my real name, but I doubt I'd ever go through with it. Names are important, and I don't think I'd be able to let mine go, since the only reason I ever considered changing it was minor and insignificant.

    Now, usernames are a different story. On the last site I was on, I changed my username four times with a six month cooldown. I've been on LV for almost a year and a half, and I've change my username twice. Once to Zoroark, and more recently, and probably more permanently, to Kaneki.
    I like changing my username. I'm not sure how to describe it, I guess it helps me feel better about myself because I've had some really bad ones in the past lol.
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  9. Sanctuary

    Odd Egg (S)
    (Odd Egg (S))
    Level 2
    Sep 6, 2014
    I almost had a legal name change a couple years ago when I was 14-15 I believe. It was only to change my last name to my dad's last name.
    Now, I know what you're thinking. Don't children usually take their father's last name? Clearly the answer is yes. But speaking technically, he's my step-dad who my mom married when I was about 4 years old, and I've been with him ever since. He's been there pretty much all of my life, and I love the guy to death, so to me, he's my real dad.
    I was supposed to get my last name changed to his, but for a few reasons I can't remember, we weren't able to because of some obstacles. Not that it mattered much to me, but I still feel like I'll get it changed to that some day.

    As far as my first name, I don't really like it simply because it's hard to pronounce for some people lol. My name has been pronounced multiple different ways as I was growing up, so at one point, I was just like "pronounce it however you think it's pronounced man", cuz I just didn't care anymore.
    I kinda wanna change it in the future, but that'll be a while from now. If I ever do, it will more than likely be something for shits and giggles. :P

    As far as usernames go, I've gone by multiple usernames during my time on the internet.
    However, the only serious ones I've ever gone by were "Guardian" and "Sanctuary". Guardian I took from Gears of War, since it was my favorite game mode, and I stuck with that for about a month.
    After I switched to Sanctuary (clearly taken from Kingdom Hearts), I've stuck with it ever since. I've been using the same username for over 3 and a half years now, and I don't plan on switching any time soon, simply because it's just stuck to me to an immense degree. It'd be waaaay too weird having people call me anything other than Sanctuary or Sanc.
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  10. Absolute Zero

    Absolute Zero The second seal

    Level 19
    Mar 17, 2015
    Wow. Lots of people are really open to the idea. It makes sense to me to want to change a one's own name: after all, the person who a name applies to had no say in choosing it unless they did change it.

    I've considered changing my full name. I like my first name, but my middle and last are... meh. I wish my name more like a superhero name, something powerful and regal. There's just something about "Bruce Wayne" and "Virgil Hawkins" and "Alexander Luthor" and "Slade Wilson" that have some kind of awesomeness to them (even "Dick" is cool next to "Grayson"). My middle and last lack that trait entirely. Not to mention that my last name is one of those European-originated my-name-is-my-job names, and I don't like that job for what I think is a very good reason.

    So yeah, maybe one of these days I'll be Isaiah Nasir Freeman. Or something like that. I just came up with it on the spot.
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  11. Megarai111

    Megarai111 Elizabeth 3rd

    Dec 23, 2014
    I wouldn't want to change my first name, but adding in a second name would be fun. People wouldn't be using that name, but having added something "me" added to my name just feels awesome...
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  12. East

    East Look to the Stars

    Nov 14, 2014
    It's funny you mention that; I'd considered Greyson before Grey. Dick, on the other hand, is a name I definitely avoid since several men in my father's family are named Richard.

    Overall, though, I'm happy to see this most of all:

    ...since this is a strong reason that I have for changing my name.

    Just so you know, getting your name changed at our age (18) is rather inexpensive at $250 (+ time for changing your name on all legal and relevant documents).
  13. ✯Ho-OhLugia✯

    ✯Ho-OhLugia✯ Pokemon Masters

    Dec 12, 2014
    To be honest, I don't really agree with the concept of changing your name. I would have loved to be named after one of my favourite characters, but I love my name either way and I won't change it.

    As for usernames, I've always had Ho-OhLugia wherever I went, then someday last year, before I joined Lake Valor, two stars were added to give it a little pizzaz.
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  14. Maantijger

    Nov 23, 2015
    When I was a bit younger most kids would come up with stupid nicknames because my name isn't all that common so back then I considered changing into some more normal, I guess. No one I know is childish enough to keep using those nicknames and now I think it's actually a pretty cool name, it alliterates with my last name too which makes it 10x better. Funnily enough, it also works as an internet name so whenever the Blast username is taken I can use that too without anyone thinking anything of it, though it feels weird when anyone on the internet doesn't call me Blast so I probably won't be changing that anytime soon >_>
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  15. Garudarocks

    Jul 19, 2013
    I don't really have a reason to change my real name and, on here, I've only changed my username once, at the end of 2013 iirc
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  16. Starry Windy

    May 15, 2015
    Even though my current username was actually the renamed username that I used in one of the forums, I think I'll sticking with this name for good.

    Oh, and this reminds me, speaking of Chinese name, several years ago, I find out that my parents were set to having the original Chinese name on me before the last/third letter being altered to the one I was using that time, which have totally different meaning than what my parents want to give me. (In case you didn't know, Chinese name has 3 letters, the first stands for the surname and the latter two were assigned as personal name). Since then, I've been undergoing a legal Chinese name change to the original one, which sticks to the meaning that my parents want to convey at me.
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  17. Eru Iluvatar

    Eru Iluvatar Poké Maniac

    Nov 26, 2015
    I quite like my real name. I can't imagine there being many people with it and it's got a nice ring to it so I doubt I'll ever change it.

    As for my username, I change it very often. I use diferent usernames in different places (it's often hard to identify me in other places so I try to use one avatar everywhere!). If you've seen me the Showdown server, you'll see me using a new new every other day and you'll see the same if you've added me on Skype as well. They're usually names of stars, constellations and other cosmic objects or elven words, phrases and names. I force myself to hang on to usernames for months, if not years, on forums though, as changing it often would lead to some pretty confusing moments.
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  18. East

    East Look to the Stars

    Nov 14, 2014
    This is one of the main reasons I've decided to stick with Kouhai after all this time. I've used literally countless names on PokemonShowdown in the few years I've used it, and that lead to a bunch of confusion. Some time ago, in 2014, when PokeBattle came into being, I changed names a couple times before ending up with Kouhai. Kouhai became my rather permanent name online (barring the short period where I was Bryce D) just so everyone would know who I am.
    The only problem is there came a time when a guy chose the PS name of YourKouhai, and many assume him and I to be the same despite the fact that we're two very different people. He's actually approached me several times asking for my username :P
  19. 8542Madness

    Apr 6, 2014
    I have no desire to change my real name or my username. I like my name. I feel like it really fits me well. My username, too, I feel is perfect the way it is. I've had this username for about seven years now and don't foresee it changing at all.

    I did consider changing my name to James for a while, mainly for the irony. James means "supplicant; to replace" which would be funny. A replacement name that means replacement makes me giggle a bit. I like my name too much though.
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