In the recent Pokémon Direct it was mentioned that "New Pokémon were to appear". This is oddly vauge. But I have a few ideas on what this could mean: Ultra Pokémon- Essentially Mega Evolution x Z-Stone. Some Pokémon gain special looks for doing so (Ultra Lunala for example) but otherwise Pokémon have a Blue Glowing Aura and Stats are each (Except Hp) boosted by 10 Alolan Pokémon- More so what I expect. They can get away with it because in all technicalities they are new forms and it makes patching, if the want to for SM, much easier. Just New Pokémon- With the small amounts of new Pokémon, new ones would be really nice, but unlikely as sad as it is.
I am hoping to see new Alolan forms for sure, I feel like that is a certain since they were so well received. As for new Pokémon, I have my doubts but again my hopes are high. I like your idea of more ultra Pokémon to make the tie in for the new game more interesting
I'm hoping it's new Pokémon in general, but I don't think that's going to happen. I think they meant Lunala and Solgaleo when they said never before seen Pokémon...
I have a feeling that it's going to be Pokémon that weren't obtainable in Sun & Moon without the use of the GTS. I'm hoping for the introduction of many new different species, but this is a complete longshot. Your theories are pretty good. I for one, would love to see new Alola forms. Maybe they'll branch out to Johto ones...One can hope!
I doubt it'll be new pokémon as in never seen before. Maybe new Alola forms if we're lucky but it might just be pokémon you couldn't encounter in SM.
My guess would be just new Alola forms, and maybe fifth Oricorio form or something along those lines. More Ultra Beasts would be nice, and make sense given the titles, but that seems less likely.
I'm expecting to see new Alolan forms and maybe some evolutions to old Pokémon, like what they did in gen 4.
I wanna see more Ultra Beast, it's more likely that's that's the case. I really enjoy the presence of ultra beasts in the Pokémon game.
I think when they talk about new Pokémon they mean more past gen Pokémon will be in Alola since so many are transfer only right now. New Alola forms are possible as well, after all ORAS gave new megas.
I'd say new alolan forms and a bigger variety of Pokémon in general, but nothing new other than new forms for existing Pokémon.
My optimistic side says that there's totally some new Alolan forms! My actual side says OH HELL NO they just mean Dusk Rock and Darth Vader Bat and I-Have-Better-Claws-Now Leo. #MissingNo
Same, some new Alolans would be really nice but I guess the two UBs we got might be what we get. I don't really count the fusions and Lycanroc's new form as a new mon.
I just want some non Kanto Alola mons. If the new Pokémon are only the two UBs, I'm going to be veeeeeeery disappointed to say the least.