Hello my name is Vasu. I am an author in Wattpad by the name of Vasu43. If anyone of you is in Wattpad, plz read my stories
Hi Vasu! I was never very active on Wattpad but it's awesome you're a writer, I am myself even if I keep most things I create to myself haha. What do you like to write about? =) Hope you like LV ~
Hey! I'm also an author in wattpad by the name of zyemith04. I put sonic fan characters and fakemon in separate books.
Welcome to Lake Valor! I do hope you enjoy your stay, we're a fairly friendly bunch! Here are the rules, if you missed them. Some of the neat things you can do on LV are a bit confusing to pick up the first time around, so here is a guide on them! If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask staff for help! Finally, there is a discord for LV- here is how to properly access it as a forum member
Hello fellow fanfiction writer. While I don't have a WP account, feel free to post those stories here in the Literature Library. I'd love to read them. Hope to see you around
I don’t think I ever used Wattpad, but check out our Literature Library to post some of your works! A good handful of our members are writers, including myself. Hope you enjoy your time here!
It is always good to see writers come to LV, and hello, I'm Laserdragon14, one of the writers here at LV. I hope to see some of your works in the Literature Library!
Welcome to LV! I'm on Wattpad too by the username 'Rina_Scandal', but I don't use it since like a long time~ I'll check out your stories for sure!
Heya Vasu! Welcome to the Lake! When I get the chance after midterms and whatnot 'll look forward to seeing some of your writing stuff!
hey vasu!! welcome to the lake o/ i hope you enjoy it here and stick around ^^ we're a fun, friendly and tight-knit community with loads of discussions to participate in!