Okay, so I know they're probably not going to introduce a new type into the games for a while at least since they just dropped Fairy on us one generation ago, but, if you could make a new type for Pokémon, what would it be? For me, it would be either Cosmic or Chaos. Aliens and space stuff would be so cool to see more in Pokémon, and I feel like, if they were to introduce a new type, Cosmic or something similar would definitely be next since they just introduced literal aliens into the games in the form of the Ultra Beasts. But then again, Chaos has a certain appeal to it too. Demons, insanity, and a bunch of other crazy stuff like that would be so cool to see, but will probably never happen unfortunately. But, anyway, what type would you want to introduce to the Pokémon games?
I'm thinking of a Light type. Something like that could help Solgaleo and Lunala be a pair, while one is Dark and the other is Light. There could be a lot more uses for a Light type, too. The only problems are Litwick. Darn Litwick.
I think fairy is pretty much a "light" type. Dark does not represent literal darkness, but darkness in morals and personality.
Technically, you're not wrong, but it would feel cool to have something that really differentiates Dark from Ghost. Both types are given to Pokémon with supposedly dark morals.
Not really. Ghost-types are usually undead or possessed objects. They usually have some sort of edgy backstory. I honestly think that ghost-types are unnecessary. They're just there to make psychic types less overpowered.
If Sound was an actual elemental type, what would happen to those moves that are sound-based but aren't normal type? Would you change them, too? 'Cause I don't see Roar of Time or Bug Buzz being changed As for a new type, I would remake Ice so hard it would feel like a completely new type.
I Agree With You! But As A Stargazing Lover, I Want To See Space Exploration-Inspired Pokémon. In July During The Summar Scramble, I Actually Planned To Let My Team/Azure Team To Create A Saturn's Moon, Enceladus-Based Fakemon. And I Even Planned To Create A Cassini Spacecraft-Based Fakemon Too! I Think If That IsThe Case, It Has To Divide Into Two Sub-Type Because One Type Is For Unmanned And Another One Is Manned.
I suppose that includes Metal sound and Grass whistle, doesn't it? I really don't see a type with no damaging moves around. If Exploud ended up being Sound instead of Normal, it would lose its stab from normal, so it wouldn't have stab at all, but if it remains being part normal and has that stab... Does Sound really matter? I know, thingies like Chatot fit with the type itself, but it isn't really bringing anything new to the game.
I would go with all non-damaging moves as well as certain moves like Hyper Voice and Uproar that are more like just general sound, you know? Not moves like Disarming Voice which is clearly geared towards Fairy types or Bug Buzz which literally has "Bug" in the name. That sounds reasonable, right?
I feel like the solution would be to make them similar to the move curse which as a different effect if used by a ghost type. Lets take grass whistle for example. Make it a sound type but when used by a grass type, its grass typing.
And... What does that do aside of making it look slightly more appealing to the eye? Because the sound property would be still a must for them. There's plenty of things to take into account when creating something as important as a new type. For example, if Grass whistle is used against a mon with Sap sipper, it raises its attack but, if it was Sound type and used by a non-Grass mon, it would make it asleep instead. Would be that change even intended? I think Sound doesn't need a type but a plethora of new moves and abilities that put their special trait to work. (And, of course, something ingame that sais they are sound-based. I'm tired of hidden info.)
Honestly, I would remake Ice too. It has too many weaknesses and too little immunities. Ice should be super effective against water(so freeze dry should be removed), as water freezes when it is too cold. I also think it should be super effective against steel, as the cold makes metal sticky. Overall, I think they should merge ice and water, as ice is just the solid state of water.
I personally think Steel is doing well resisting Ice, tho. Steel is one of the only "inorganic" and "less alive" types, after all, so being frozen doesn't mean anything to them. In fact, it should be effective against Rock if we use the same logic as Water vs Rock: Ice is one of the few natural things that can easily break rocks. But what Ice really needs are resistances. It only resist... itself, that's plain stupid. (It isn't ice-related, but I want to say this: ground shouldn't resist poison.)
The biggest three always mentioned are the ones that I feel would work the best. Light, Sound, and Cosmic/Space. There are just so many possibilities to explore with these types if they are added, and I genuinely would like to see it, as long as the metagame remains balanced.
I wounded if there would be a new eeveelution if there would be a new type like maybe an light type Pokémon cause we already have dark I was thinking about light type to though if alien like Pokémon where to be announced the new species that may come with it may look something close to deoxys or Mewtwo, anyway they may have abilities like "plasma canon" or "star light" etc Now if light types did existed what would they look like is the question or will there be any new Pokémon that'll come with it I'm thinking of maybe a cross Pokémon between gastly and Eevee but white or something along those lines.
The forum has a rule against multiple back to back posts in the same thread. If you have something else to add, you can edit a previous post. Regardless, you would need to put this in a previous thread about Eeveelution possibilities, a previous thread about new type possibilities, or something like that. You can find these threads by going to the sections you believe they would be in and scrolling through the threads, or with the search function.