Which of these two do you prefer? Personally, I've always been more of a Nidoking fan. I just find his design much cooler over all.
Nidorino was THE first Pokémon I ever learned about (I got a keychain of it from a cousin) so he's gonna be one of my favorites forever; so I guess I'm definitely biased towards Nidoking XD
I prefer Nidoqueen over Nidoking, is always been like that. Nidoking does better in the power department tho but I like Nidoqueen's design I've used her far more than her counterpart and she is one of my favorite poison types.
Why not both? I mean, I like Nidoking for his brute strength and Nidoqueen for her toughness, and both for their diverse move pools. It really depends on which one I find first.
I prefer Nidoking more because of its offensive potential (lots of useful coverage moves that get boosted by sheer force). Nidoqueen has a bit more bulk than it at the cost of less power/speed, but being a Poison/Ground type with a multitude of common weaknesses, offense is more important than defense.
I will admit, I wrote a little story about a Nidoking a long, LONG time ago, so now I'm all sentimental. It was kind of about someone picking up a Nidoran that was hurt and raising it to this badass Nidoking. Stereotypical, yeah. But still sentimental. PLUS THAT CRY THOUGH #MissingNo
I love everyone in the Nidoran family, but Nidoking has to be my favourite. I've used them a lot more and I think his overall design looks better.
I'm more of a Nidoking person, myself. I really enjoy using Pokémon who have awesome looking designs, and Nidoking has one of the best designs.
I like them both, but I think I like Nidoqueen just a tiny bit more. I just prefer it's design. Though when it comes to shinies, Nidoking is definitely the superior one.
Rhydon * mic drops and goes away * Nah... I used to like Nidoking more, but I like Queen's tough, tankier look now.