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N's new life

Discussion in 'Literature Library' started by CharlieWeasleyfan, Jul 7, 2017.

  1. CharlieWeasleyfan

    Shiny Roggenrola
    Level 1
    Jan 24, 2017
    Trainer Card - Cave ThemeRocky Helmet ★★★★★Staff of VerityExp. Share ★★
    In Aspertia City there was a man known as N. He was able to talk to Pokémon and he was appreciated by a lot of people in the area. Especially his daughter and husband. He and Cheren lived peacefully in Aspertia City with their 9-year-old daughter Natalia. Natalia was like N. She could hear Pokémon speaking and understood them perfectly.

    It was another morning and Cheren was at the Pokémon School while N was with Natalia. She had recently also discovered something new. She was also psychic. She was able to lift items and even move with her powers. She was beginning to try and read minds. She knew no limit.

    "Natalia take it easy. Daddy is coming home right now and I don't want you to hit him by accident," N softly scolded. She nodded and climbed up on the couch and began reading a book. She was interested in all sorts of Pokémon and wanted to know everything. She had Cheren's motivation, N's eyes and then a large amount of energy. But she was considered a mini Cheren. She had glasses, black hair and even had the stubborn personality.

    As the door opened to the house Natalia knew it was her dad. She ran right to the door and then felt her body get lifted in the air. She looked down and saw her dad's Musharna holding her up. "Daddy put me down!" He chuckled and nodded at Musharna and it gave Cheren his daughter. He watched as she yawned and nudged into his neck.

    "Stay awake baby. Lunch is almost ready," he whispered. She nodded and then felt her body get placed in a chair. But her head didn't want to co-operate. She was almost asleep. N chuckled and placed her food in front of her. She usually could stay awake for food but then she had to go to sleep.

    As they all ate, Cheren watched as Natalia almost fell out of her chair. By the time they finished, Cheren wiped his daughter's face and carried her. When he tucked her into her bed, he put her Lillipup beside her and kissed her head. "I'll see you later baby. Be good for Papa okay?" She nodded and went to sleep in no time.
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  2. CharlieWeasleyfan

    Shiny Roggenrola
    Level 1
    Jan 24, 2017
    Trainer Card - Cave ThemeRocky Helmet ★★★★★Staff of VerityExp. Share ★★
    Once Cheren finished for the school day he saw something he would never forget. Natalia had walked over to the school and had a badge case. She was asked by Professor Juniper to complete the Pokédex and she had every intention of doing that. But she had to get her first badge. Otherwise, she wouldn't stand a good chance further in her journey. On her 9th birthday, she received every Pokémon starter in the Unova Region and she had plans to fight her dad first. "Where's Papa? You know he's to walk you around town," he scolded lightly.

    "I told him I could handle it," she answered.

    "Natalia," he chuckled. Cheren knew what she wanted though. "You going to start on the gym badges?"

    "Yeah. I want to start now so we can leave," she answered.

    "Understood. Then come into my gym," he answered and walked inside and tapped 2 students desks. They nodded and walked with him outside. "You'll fight these two first before you fight me. Beat them and then you can challenge me," he warned.

    Natalia nodded and walked over to the boy. "So he's your dad?"

    "Yeah. He told me I'd get to go on a journey if I could beat him," she answered with a laugh. Natalia knew that Cheren couldn't leave his post as gym leader, so N was taking her. But she was going to call him every night. She couldn't be without her two fathers.

    As the youngster sent out Patrat, Natalia sent out her Riolu and smirked. "Patrat use Tackle!" She didn't tell Riolu to dodge or anything and that concerned Cheren. As Riolu got hit she smirked.

    "Thanks Riolu now use Counter!" In no time Patrat was down. She took down the Pokémon using one move. Cheren realized what she was up to. She was using his gym trainers own moves against them. He watched as she did that to his female trainer too and smirked. She was in for a shock. He wouldn't be feeding her that easily.

    "Well done Natalia. Let's heal your Pokémon and then commence our battle," he chuckled. She nodded and Cheren put her Pokémon in his machine to heal her Pokémon. Once they stood facing opposite to each other, Cheren saw a crowd. Natalia didn't care. She was determined to show her dad how much he taught her. "Natalia out of my many battles I have as a gym leader this one will be my most treasured. The one between father and daughter. Let's do our best," he answered.

    "Yeah okay. Tepig standby," she answered as her pig Pokémon popped out of it's Pokéball.

    'Where is her Riolu? Did she use Riolu to confuse me into thinking about what her strategy is? Or is she stalling?' In no time Cheren began using Work up with his Patrat.

    "Quick Tepig we need to knock Patrat down! Use Ember!" With one hit he was down. Natalia had been hitting Patrat with Tackle for the most part. Cheren was impressed.

    He sent out his Lillipup and waited a second. "Natalia if you wish to substitute you are permitted. The Aspertia Gym Rules state the only the challenger may switch their Pokémon out at any moment," Cheren assured.

    She nodded and returned her Tepig. 'Finally! Maybe she's been waiting for Lillipup. Is she bringing out her Riolu?' He waited and she smirked.

    "I knew you were waiting for my Riolu. What if I told you that was from my egg I hatched. That wasn't my original Riolu," she warned. Cheren gulped in fear. "What if I told you I received berries that increase friendship and decrease defense?" Cheren closed his eyes and chuckled. He figured out what she was hinting at. "Lucario standby!" Cheren wide-eyed that. He only thought that her Riolu grew more amiable. He hadn't expected her Riolu to evolve.

    "Lillipup use Work up!" He was startled and needed an advantage.

    "Lucario let's wrap this battle up quickly by using low sweep," she chuckled. In no time Lillipup was down.

    "Lillipup is unable to battle. Lucario is the winner. The victor of today's match is Natalia of Aspertia City," the judge chuckled.

    Cheren smiled and healed both of their party Pokémon. "I have to say, Natalia, I'm impressed. I never knew you had evolved Riolu," he chuckled.

    "I wanted to impress you. Riolu too. So we agreed to train hard and make sure I could beat you on my first try," she explained with a smile. N then arrived at the gym and smiled.

    "I'm ready to go if you are," he assured.

    "I'll miss you, daddy," she whispered as she hugged Cheren. He smiled and hugged back.

    "And I you. But you always have me. Call me on the Xtranceiver whenever you need me. I can help you with advantages and abilities," he explained. She nodded and walked out into the world with her Papa and vowed to come back a winner for her daddy.

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