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Oculus Rift

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by Fooze, Feb 26, 2014.

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  1. Fooze

    Fooze Rival

    May 31, 2013
    The Oculus Rift is a virtual reality headset that functions in 3D and operates on the movement of the user. If you were confused by that, just think of that thing that your Sims used to put on their heads when you wanted to improve their Fun bar. It's that but better. Basically, you wear it on your head as you would a pair of goggles and instantly you are emersed into a world in which you are the player, not the one controlling him/her. Currently, the Oculus is still in its prototype stage but it is available to developers as a kit here.

    Instead of going into a whole bunch of mumbo jumbo about how it actually works and so forth, I want to know from you whether you think Virtual Reality should be the next step up in video gaming or not and why you think so. Maybe, you enjoy just sitting with a controller in your hands or maybe you want to take it to the next level and experience the game as if it were real.

    In my opinion, the closer we get to making games realistic, the less of a game it becomes. I like the concept of the Oculus and I'm sure I'd enjoy playing it but there's something about the gaming consoles that we have at the moment that appeals to me. Maybe it's because it's more casual and the 2-dimensional killing/running/jumping etc. can be laughed off as "just a game". What do you think?
  2. Ashe

    Ashe Silly

    Nov 21, 2012
    I sort of saw this coming long ago. I mean, game developers want the player to be immersed into the game and feel like they are in the games world. They want to try to take everything to the next level and having something like goggles, headset, etc can really make it feel like you're in the game.

    I'm sure the large game companies all know how to create this and could do it for their platforms, but I bet a big problem is money xD Just look at the price of that Oculus, 300.00 usd. Could you imagine a company trying to release a platform AND this goggle type accessory? Crazy expensive.

    I for one would never pay that much for a pair of goggles when I could watch it on the screen just fine. They would either have to find a way to make it cheaper or more appealing (some sort of benefits).

    I can think of some other reasons why I wouldn't buy it....
    1. Price
    2. Eye's way too close to the goggle screen? Might give me a headache...Bad for your eyes? Not sure how it works though.
    3. It would annoy me not being able to see my surroundings (in the real world, not the game)
    4. I'd love to feel like I'm in the game and what not but I more prefer being able to see my character, not actually through the characters eyes. And that can be accomplished without the need of goggles. xD
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  3. Pyramid King

    Pyramid King Just checking on things

    (Odd Egg (S))
    Level 1
    Apr 2, 2013
    I would buy this if it was more developed. I cant spend $300 on something in the development stage. I hope later in the future that something like Sword Art Online or a game like that would come out. Then I would spend $300 on the headset.
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  4. Kuroida

    Kuroida Hex Maniac

    Level 1
    Feb 13, 2014
    Prototypes for virtual reality devices have been around for years at tech/electronic shows. Some of them are way cooler but Oculus Rift seems like the best start for commercial uses.

    Oculus Rift actually works for some current games. I know TF2 and Surgeon Simulator 2013 supports it. There may be a few others currently and more on the way.

    I agree with Ashe that price is a huge factor and this only really works with FPS lol. But while the goggles are on your face, the images are actually pretty far from your eyes. Think like FPS games. It's pretty much the same. No need to go cross eyed or anything.

    Personally I don't think virtual reality should completely replace the current controller schemes but I don't see any problems with incorporating it as add ons. For me it's always cool seeing technological advances :P
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  5. Sachi-Shimazu

    Mar 29, 2013
    I think there will always be a place for console gaming, especially with certain genres of gaming such as platformers and point and click adventure games, but there are some genres that would be so cool for virtual reality gaming. The thing that I like about the anime SAO is that you would be able to actually do the actions for your character and do things you wouldn't normally be able to do. I think MMOs would be pretty cool to play in VR, an genres like FPS, Horror, and some RPG's (Pokémon) would work much better as VR games.
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  6. Oim

    Oim Banned

    Nov 22, 2012
    It will be the next step for console gaming in-part, but mostly as an add-on to augment the consoles. I don't think static screens are going completely away for a long time, not as long as business interests for powerful people are making a buck from selling the best new fancy TVs and monitors.

    I can tell you POV porn is going to get interesting when these things become common-place. Don't tell me it hasn't been considered. One more step towards robotic sex-slave wives. Good thing it's hands-free, huh?
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