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Official Programmers Chat

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Reckless, Jan 18, 2015.

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  1. Reckless

    Reckless Won't take the easy road

    Jan 11, 2013

    Welcome, welcome, all programmers far and near, to Lake Valor's Programmers Chat! This here thread'll be the perfect place where you can get together with your fellow programmers and talk about pretty much anything relating to code!

    There will, however, be a few caveats, so as to keep the focus of this thread strictly centred on software development.

    -Please adhere to the forum rules and also the computers & technology section rules.
    -This thread is solely for talk pertaining to the implementation of code, software development projects (including the design phase and consumer testing), web applications and other scenarios that require the use of Higher Level Languages and Lower Level Languages. Basically; if you're building a dynamic website from the ground up, that's good. Designing a Tumblr theme? No, don't come here.
    -Do not post here simply to spam and derail conversations; we have several other chats to talk about Pokémon, anime/manga & miscellaneous/day-to-day things. We even have a spam section if all you wish to do is talk about potatoes.
    -Respect everyone. All of you will be at different levels when it comes to coding; I ask that the expert be kind to the greenhorn; tl;dr be nice and respectful towards your fellow poster
    -Do not talk about piracy or hacking.

    Well, with that out of the way, let's get down to it, shall we?

    To begin with, we have the lovely quartet of; @[member="Steamlined"] , @[member="Fantasma"] , @[member="Kouhai"] + @[member="TheLazyTaco"] ! Welcome, everyone! Why don't you all tell us a bit about your first foray into programming?

    What was the first language you looked at? What was your first project and what did it involve?
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  2. TheLazyTaco

    TheLazyTaco Bug Catcher

    Jan 17, 2015
    I first started with lua using the arcemu framework which is a emulator for world of warcraft. I quickly evolved to sql databases and I eventually moved on to another emulator called trinity core which then i started to use c++. However I stopped wow emulation and moved on to website and applications "html/css/lil php/ c#" over time i swapped back and forth and eventually started looking into making games so i found game maker and construct 2 and eventually unity. Which i recommend unity btw its free for the most part and has tons of resources and tuts It also lets u use c# or if u perfer javascript. But anyway this isnt about unity. I now go back and forth between c# .net framework applications and c# game development in unity. However im considering looking into rpg maker "Unity is hard to implement a grid based movement / collision system into 2d Which is why im considering rpg maker itll probably be easier." to make a grid like puzzle game with a Pokémon theme. But im unsure rather or not im going to do that. I know how to read and edit html/css/sql/c++/c#/php/lua. However im only fluent and actively doing c# everything else is just expeirence from the past and im probably rusty with them besides sql bc sql is pretty freaking simple. I also dont claim to know any language fully theres a lot of information and im self taught But i manage.

    But thats a lil bit of history of mine into programming. :blaziken:
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  3. Steamlined

    Steamlined Jack of all trades

    Sep 20, 2014
    The first coding I looked at would have to be Lua. I played a lot of Garry's Mod back in the day, and it could easily be modded with Lua. I started off simple, modifying other people's weapon scripts to alter certain characteristics of said weapon: Accuracy, Damage, etc. Eventually, I made my very own weapon! T'was a glorious day.

    I then tried to learn another language for Garry's Mod: Expression 2. This one's a really random one, since it's a completely unique sort of code (I think) that is only ever used in the Wiremod mod of Garry's Mod (Too many Mods!). It was extremely versatile and allowed you to create complex setups. I've included an example of E2 code below just to give you a rough idea of what it does.
    This setup is for a chip that will change the individual color channels of a light depending on the input of various sensors:

    @Name ButtonController #This specifies the name of the chip, which is displayed in the game world.
    @Inputs Button Ranger Speedometer Master #This specifies the inputs that the script can use.
    @Outputs Red Green Blue Active #This specifies the outputs that the script can use.
    @Persist #This allows you to store variables internally, without them being outputted to the world. I don't use it in this script.
    @Trigger #This allows you to set what triggers the script. By default, any change from any input will re-run the script.

    if (Master == 1) {Active = 1} else {Active = 0} #This simply toggles the main control for the light. If it's on, then the light will be on in the world. Otherwise, it will be off.

    if (Button == 1) {Red = 255} else {Red = 0} #This changes the Red color channel to be full red if the button is active, otherwise, there will be no red.

    if (Speedometer > 10) {Green = 255} else {Green = 0} #This will set the Green color channel to be full if the speedometer is moving at more than 10 mph. Otherwise, the green channel will be disabled.

    Blue = ((Ranger * 2.55) * -1) #This will change the blue channel dynamically depending on a ranger input, the closer the obstructing object, the more blue there will be. (Assuming the ranger's maximum distance is 100 units)
    Sadly, this language has no place outside of Garry's mod (That I know of), so I learned a scripting language for no reason. Yay!

    A while after this, I slowly got into Command Prompt (I'm fairly certain that's a language), which I use to automate things on my computer, as well as messing around to make fun stuff. I even made a small text adventure, and it even had the ability to save your progress and load it again! (Which was a right pain to get working, trust me!) I even made a Pokémon Battle animation! (Which was really just a lot of "ECHO" commands that were placed together with specific timings to look like a battle. But it was great!

    The most recent coding language that I'm still learning, is Ruby, which is used in RPG Maker. It's kind of a must, really, since I am making an RPG maker game (And a heavily modified one, at that!) I'm not too great at it, but I can easily read the script and edit it where necessary, and it's got me this far! :)
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    TheLazyTaco likes this.
  4. Fantasma

    Fantasma ♃☿♄

    (Cubone (Alolan))
    Level 1
    Sep 19, 2014
    Trainer Card - Cave Theme
    Well the first time i started doing coding was at school one of my teachers teach us how to use a coding program named KPL which if im not mistaken uses a Java type language but the first time i started to program real stuff was last year lol when i started college and also learned to program in C++ and thats it, C++ is the only language i know how to code bu i understand Java and a little bit of C#, now in network development the only language i kind of understand (or at least i dont get to lost while looking at it) is HTML aside from that i have zero experience with network developing languages and thats it haha i hope to learn much more in the future but for now that would be :)

    By the way did you programmed that gif? if so can i have the code :P
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  5. East

    East Look to the Stars

    Nov 14, 2014
    I first began to code when I started running PokemonShowdown! servers on my own. At first, I didn't understand any of it!
    However, I kept bugging other admins with questions and ended up learning a lot of JavaScript in the process, as well as HTML and CSS. Once I became more acquainted with JavaScript, I began teaching myself Java and C++. After I came upon PokeBattle, I started to learn CoffeeScript, PHP, and Ruby on Rails. Admittedly, my strength still lies in JavaScript and Java for the most part.
    Typically my projects consist of editing code on PokemonShowdown! and similar repositories on GitHub as well as helping Pokémon communities as I'm able and as they need it. Of course, my development projects revolve around Pokémon because I know Pokémon better than the average person since I've been playing for so many years.
  6. East

    East Look to the Stars

    Nov 14, 2014
    New topic idea:

    What sort of projects are you currently working on? What language(s) are they written in and what do they do?
  7. Reckless

    Reckless Won't take the easy road

    Jan 11, 2013
    Hello everyone! Late to respond but I'd like to engage with you all if you don't mind!

    @[member="TheLazyTaco"] That's interesting! I've never heard of someone start out at the DB side of things and then get into programming proper that. I've heard Unity being tossed around a lot lately. Is it really worth a look at? I didn't know that it used C# however, which'll suit me. I'm practically allergic to anything Javascript. I just can't do it! I'm slowly getting to grips to C# at the moment, so maybe you'll be able to coach me a bit?

    @[member="Steamlined"] What is this Lua that both you and LazyTaco mentioned? Is it another programming language? Software?
    Well on the brighhtside at least you had the chance to get to grips with a special kind of code! Personally I haven't ventured much in terms of doing stuff at the cmd. So far I've mostly been able to MySQL things and batch files. When I delved into Linux exploration I did a lot more at the terminals there. I think we'll be heading back towards the Linux OS soon, so I'll need to familiarise myself with it again...and find my build of Linux. Opps.
    Ruby is on my list of thingys to learn. That and Phython, Perl, that new language for Mac dev'ing and jQuery.

    @[member="Fantasma"] At school!? Awh. I'm kind of jealous. :) It's fortunate that you were able to get to grips with Java so soon. Would you say that it was worth it? Java and C# are fairly similar, but since you started in C++ you shouldn't find it too hard to figure out how stuff works. In terms of C# anyway, a lot of C++'s logic carries over, but syntax and other things tend to change. (For example, there's no couts and cins in c#; you need to do things like Readline, Writeline and such))
    Aye, I did! and you certainly can. I'll share it here within the next few days. I will say straight off the bat though that it is a very crude program, and probably could be improved somewhat.

    Also, guys, if you wish to share some piece of code or need help with a class or something, please do share all here! You can use the [code ] [/ code] BBCode tags to even color-ify your snippets.

    @[member="Kouhai"] Java for life, hmm? Nice, nice. Handy language to be well acquainted with. I have a GitHub account but to be honest I barely know how to use the site. Perhaps I should work on that. It would be a nice way to retrieve any of my projects whenever I want to, since on average I move between 5+ computers a week. I have been thinking about developing offline Pokémon apps lately, though I only know how to do the back-end stuff of programs; haven't touched a GUI or Windows Forms yet unfortunately. I can do up Dynamic webpages though, and learning PHP has slowly become my new favourite thing.

    My my, all these RPG makers here and none of you have shared any of your work in the Game Development section! Why not, everyone? Don't be shy now. :P

    As for current projects, I'm glad to say that I just finished a C++ program based around Sorted Linked lists yesterday. It's menu based and the general idea is that a user can come along and fill up two different lists of strings and the program will merge both lists into a new, third list, sorted alphabetically and then display all three lists if desired. I put in some error handling to check if one or more of the lists are empty, and the program will then tell the user what list has no strings in it. Finally, you can also delete all the lists. Everything is templated too, so I suppose it'll work with other data types. Haven't tested that yet.

    Now I'm moving onto a project that'll implement a binary search tree (so I'll continue to only pop in and out ever few days). And I've also slowly been converting one of my more recent C++ programs into C#, which has been slow going...Anyone know a good C# reference site? I find that dotnetperls is nice, but the more the merrier!
  8. East

    East Look to the Stars

    Nov 14, 2014
    @[member="Reckless"] I definitely wouldn't say Java for life! It's just a stepping stone to C++ and understanding computer systems better. I'm planning on majoring in computer science, with focuses on network administration and software development, as I love both and they're equally challenging. GitHub has been a great tool in helping me learn how others write code as well as help me discover new ways to use it myself. I'd recommend it to anyone learning to program :)
  9. TheLazyTaco

    TheLazyTaco Bug Catcher

    Jan 17, 2015
    @[member="Reckless"] Yeh, unity is a nice 3d/2d game engine however the are still working on 2d tools but its a very viable option for 2d games even in its current state. Im currently using unity im trying to learn how to use tiled and a program called tiled to unity to bring in maps that ive made using tiled which is a tile map editor. My plan is to work on making a adventures of lolo clone in unity but its a lil early to be sure i still have to figure out how to do grid movement the way i want and yeh c# is the main language ppl use in unity but some do use java they use to have a version of python called boo as well but im not sure if theres still in or not i heard they were planning to remove it but idk. But yeh its a good step up from things like gamemaker or rpg maker if you want to have a lot more control of your game. There is tons of resources out there and they even have their own asset store.

    Also Lua is a programming language you can learn more here http://www.lua.org/ Im not sure how many ppl use it but Ive only seen it used in game engines as a scripting language like garrys mod or world of warcraft. Now rust is made by garrys mod and is also made using unity and they implemented lua somehow as well from what i heard for their game.

    Ill share some of my stuff when i make something worth sharing lol i havent had many good ideas in a while and my past creations are rlly useless here they were made for use with developing on wow servers mainly. As far as games ive never finished a completely polished game but thats a whole nother story lol.

    Oh and yeh if you want to try unity feel free to add my skype ill help when i can.
  10. Fantasma

    Fantasma ♃☿♄

    (Cubone (Alolan))
    Level 1
    Sep 19, 2014
    Trainer Card - Cave Theme
    @[member="Reckless"] Well my experience with KPL as a kid did help me to get into coding but now that I'm learning C++ i must admit that it wasn't really worth it :P but it was a good experience tho

    and about the topic well Im right now coding a chess game in C++ only the code though
  11. Steamlined

    Steamlined Jack of all trades

    Sep 20, 2014
    @[member="Reckless"] Lua (/ˈluːə/ LOO-ə, from Portuguese: lua [ˈlu.(w)ɐ] meaning moon; explicitly not "LUA"[1]) is a lightweight multi-paradigm programming language designed as a scripting language with extensible semantics as a pri- Nah, I wouldn't copypaste an explanation! (Or would I?)

    Lua's a programming language that's mostly used for extensions to preexisting programs. It's really easy to use (It's a single file with nothing but text. Simple! [I'm looking at you, C++!!!]). It has minimal symbols - No silly ";" 's on the end of lines or anything! (I'M STILL LOOKING AT YOU, C++.) It's not too much good on its own, but it's great for providing extensions such as mods onto programs since it's a very simple language - Almost anyone can use it!

    I've actually got a Batch file I've made that's always open really - It controls my computer's Wi-Fi hotspot. Since I can't get Wi-Fi from the house here, only ethernet, I have my Computer broadcast a wireless signal for my room, so I can use my phone or 3DS happily. I'm really damn proud of it, and I certainly use it often! It's always open all the time! CMD is good for automation or easy access to system commands or functions. Plus, doesn't CMD just look awesome!? :D

  12. Reckless

    Reckless Won't take the easy road

    Jan 11, 2013
    @[member="Kouhai"] If you're coming from Java to C++, wait until you learn about pointers. Trust me, that's going to be a joy, ahah. Nah, from what I understand, Java handles memory management automatically, whereas in C++ you gotta clean up as you go along. Pointers are a goddamn pain for me. And now I'm dealing with such anomalies that look like this;

    void Insert(TreeNode*& tree, ItemType item)

    ...things that are simultaniously a pointer to a memory location and passed by reference meaning that it'll come back changed. :(

    If you are majoring in Comp. Science definitely get yourself a book! I got one called C++ Plus Data Structures by Nell Dale a few weeks ago, and in the short time I've had it, it's helped me out a lot.

    As for GitHub, maybe you could gimme a crash course in how to use it sometime? Ahah.

    @[member="TheLazyTaco"] Well, whatever it is that you do eventually put together, be sure to keep us in the loop! Even post any tried and failed games that you may have the project files for lying around still.

    Thanks for all the info on Lua, Taco and Steamlined! Guess it's one more language I'll be looking into.

    @[member="Fantasma"] How are you going about doing that? Are you using animation to show the chess game actually taking place or is it a load of cout statements? Please share some pictures!

    Here is the project for the dog in that gif above. I have a few more variations of it where he's 'jumping over' poles, but again, it's all crude stuff that I haven't looked at in over a year.

    Dog animation

    (if that link doesn't work, please tell me!

    @[member="Steamlined"] Ah but the great semi colons are important indeed! IMO they're even more frequently in C#. Like, how come sometimes you gotta go "; ;"? I don't quite get it. I also can't quite get my head around using the reserved word static. For an today I couldn't implement two functions that basically created a menu at the cmd where the user could select an option and the program would do a thing.

    A batch file to control your wi-fi hotspot? Is that capable of boosting a signal within a room? Because sometimes I get connectivity issues with my Playstation consoles getting randomly kicked out of the PSN network. (The 3DS is fine and never suffers from connectivity issues!)

    That's, ah, debatable. ^_^

    Has anyone heard the news about Microsoft's latest upgrade offer for Windows 8.1 and 7 users? They're offering to give out a completely free copy of Windows 10 within the first year after its release. Would you, as developers, jump at the chance to upgrade? Would you be reluctant to switch? What has been your favourite OS to develop projects on?
  13. TheLazyTaco

    TheLazyTaco Bug Catcher

    Jan 17, 2015
    @[member="Reckless"] Yeh ive done some c++ but only using the trinitycore framework for world of warcraft emulation and i tried to use the qt framework for apps using c++ but i didnt care for it too much for the apps i usually make c++ and qt is a bit overkill comapred to using c# and the .net framework. And yeh if you can implement lua as a extension it can be useful for quick editig/script creation.

    Lua VS C#


    - Lua
    name = 1

    - C#
    int name = 1;


    - Lua
    function name

    - C#
    void name ()

    Just figured id share a little bit from my memory of using it.

    /offtopic Sigh ive been so busy cleaning and getting ready for my brother to come stay with us. I havent had time to do anything but hes family so it will be nice to have him around hehe XD
  14. East

    East Look to the Stars

    Nov 14, 2014
    @[member="Reckless"] Yeah, maybe I'll get the time to write everyone a tutorial sometime soon! I don't mind writing them in my free time.
    Also, thanks for the book suggestion! I'll make sure to look it up; I'm in desperate need of a good reference.

    @[member="TheLazyTaco"] that's pretty cool stuff right there. It reminds me a bit of Python, actually. A lot less work involved :P
  15. Steamlined

    Steamlined Jack of all trades

    Sep 20, 2014
    @[member="Reckless"] Wait, a free copy of Windows 10? Oh my gosh! I never knew that! I'd switch quite happily - As much as I love Windows 8, I'm really excited to see what they pull out for Windows 10. Plus that new DirectX 12 looks awesome, and apparently improves performance tenfold. I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on that! ^^

    In other news, I managed to get a Beep speaker linked to an Arduino chip to play a simple version of my 8-Bit song. It was super cool! (And took a lot of code. But when I did it I was praised by the guy running the course for my quick learning! :D )
  16. Reckless

    Reckless Won't take the easy road

    Jan 11, 2013
    @[member="TheLazyTaco"] I see a severe lack of semi-colons and {} brackets in Lua...and I'm loving it! <3

    Awh, that's sweet! Maybe you could introduce him to coding, if he doesn't already code himself. I'm convinced that getting to grips with coding as young as possible is very beneficial in the long term. I was late to the party myself (officially started programming when I was 18, so I'm only two years in the bizzzz), and it's been a lot of work to get as much experience as possible.

    @[member="Kouhai"] Cool, thanks for offering to do it. <3 There's another book I have that might be useful for you; it's called C++ For Everyone by Cay S. Horstmann. It doesn't delve into C++ in too great detail, rather it moreso gives a broad overview of the language. And, if you like e-books, they've officially posted the whole book online for free.

    @[member="Steamlined"] Yeah I couldn't quite believe it myself when I heard someone else talk about it. I probably won't upgrade my Windows 8.1 laptop when I get it but we've got an old Windows 7 laptop that's crying out for some more attention, so I'll more than likely slot it onto that. Soon as I figure out what way to partition the HDD. Currently there's Windows 7 & an Ubuntu release of Linux rubbing shoulders on the HDD. Speaking of which...Do we have any Linux users here?

    Can you share the 8-bit song with us? :)

    Asdcfvgb. Guys. I've got a teeny tiny problem, involving C#. Well, several problems actually, including variables not being updated properly but aside from that, take a look;

    I'm working on a banking application, and I can't get this one function to work properly. Both are functions in the main that call other guys to do a thing.

    Here's the C++ version (using vectors);

    void DoInterestRun(vector<CAccount*>& bank)
    for (int i = 0; i < bank.size(); i++){
    CDepositAccount *devptr = dynamic_cast<CDepositAccount*>(bank);
    if (devptr != 0) {
    //deposite account
    cout << "Interest rate : " << endl;
    }And then here's the C# version (where the problem is);

    public static void DoInterestRun(List<account> bank)
    foreach (DepositAccount a in bank)
    if (a is DepositAccount)

    }AddQtrInterest(); looks like this, and is the same for both languages;

    public void AddQtrInterest()
    //intRate is a double variable of class DepositAccount
    //balance is a double variable of base class account
    base.balance += base.balance * (intRate / 100 / 4);
    Console.WriteLine("The new balance for Deposit account(s) are : ");

    When I go to run AddQtrInterest(); from a menu it just skips up and throws me back to the menu. Any ideas what could be up? It works fine in C++ with the dynamic casting, but I've decided against using it in C#.
  17. Steamlined

    Steamlined Jack of all trades

    Sep 20, 2014
    @[member="Reckless"] Argh... I wish I could help you with that, but, well, you know how bad I am with C++ (And, by extension, C#)! I'll ask one of my techy friends for ya, but no promises - He's been known to be "Somewhat not-so-good" sometimes.

    And, since you asked so nicely, here's my 8-Bit masterpiece. For the version I synthesized, I simply cut out the Triangle channel (Used for the backing tone), and the Noise channel (Used for the drum beats), and simply left the pulse channel. After that, I looked over each note and manually made a script to run to the chip and out of the beep speaker:
    #include "pitches.h"

    int speakerOut = 8;
    int noteLength[]={400, 400, 400, 1200, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 1200, 400, 400, 400, 1200, 400, 400, 400, 400, 2400};
    int notes[]={NOTE_C4, 0, NOTE_C4, 0, NOTE_A3, 0, NOTE_A3, 0, NOTE_A3, 0, NOTE_F3, 0, NOTE_F3, 0, NOTE_G3, 0, NOTE_F3, 0};
    int octave = 1;
    void setup()
    pinMode(speakerOut, OUTPUT);

    void loop()
    for (int i=0;i<19;i++)
    //octave++; - Commented this because it doesn't work yet.

    And, for those interested, this is the included "pitches.h", all it does it specify which frequency matches which note. Very simple, but very useful!

    * Public Constants

    #define NOTE_B0 31
    #define NOTE_C1 33
    #define NOTE_CS1 35
    #define NOTE_D1 37
    #define NOTE_DS1 39
    #define NOTE_E1 41
    #define NOTE_F1 44
    #define NOTE_FS1 46
    #define NOTE_G1 49
    #define NOTE_GS1 52
    #define NOTE_A1 55
    #define NOTE_AS1 58
    #define NOTE_B1 62
    #define NOTE_C2 65
    #define NOTE_CS2 69
    #define NOTE_D2 73
    #define NOTE_DS2 78
    #define NOTE_E2 82
    #define NOTE_F2 87
    #define NOTE_FS2 93
    #define NOTE_G2 98
    #define NOTE_GS2 104
    #define NOTE_A2 110
    #define NOTE_AS2 117
    #define NOTE_B2 123
    #define NOTE_C3 131
    #define NOTE_CS3 139
    #define NOTE_D3 147
    #define NOTE_DS3 156
    #define NOTE_E3 165
    #define NOTE_F3 175
    #define NOTE_FS3 185
    #define NOTE_G3 196
    #define NOTE_GS3 208
    #define NOTE_A3 220
    #define NOTE_AS3 233
    #define NOTE_B3 247
    #define NOTE_C4 262
    #define NOTE_CS4 277
    #define NOTE_D4 294
    #define NOTE_DS4 311
    #define NOTE_E4 330
    #define NOTE_F4 349
    #define NOTE_FS4 370
    #define NOTE_G4 392
    #define NOTE_GS4 415
    #define NOTE_A4 440
    #define NOTE_AS4 466
    #define NOTE_B4 494
    #define NOTE_C5 523
    #define NOTE_CS5 554
    #define NOTE_D5 587
    #define NOTE_DS5 622
    #define NOTE_E5 659
    #define NOTE_F5 698
    #define NOTE_FS5 740
    #define NOTE_G5 784
    #define NOTE_GS5 831
    #define NOTE_A5 880
    #define NOTE_AS5 932
    #define NOTE_B5 988
    #define NOTE_C6 1047
    #define NOTE_CS6 1109
    #define NOTE_D6 1175
    #define NOTE_DS6 1245
    #define NOTE_E6 1319
    #define NOTE_F6 1397
    #define NOTE_FS6 1480
    #define NOTE_G6 1568
    #define NOTE_GS6 1661
    #define NOTE_A6 1760
    #define NOTE_AS6 1865
    #define NOTE_B6 1976
    #define NOTE_C7 2093
    #define NOTE_CS7 2217
    #define NOTE_D7 2349
    #define NOTE_DS7 2489
    #define NOTE_E7 2637
    #define NOTE_F7 2794
    #define NOTE_FS7 2960
    #define NOTE_G7 3136
    #define NOTE_GS7 3322
    #define NOTE_A7 3520
    #define NOTE_AS7 3729
    #define NOTE_B7 3951
    #define NOTE_C8 4186
    #define NOTE_CS8 4435
    #define NOTE_D8 4699
    #define NOTE_DS8 4978

    Worked like a charm! All I need to do now is make it go down an octave after one run through, and up an octave after that. Nothing too difficult!

    As far as Linux is concerned, I gave it a try, but I soon gave up and went back to good ol' Windows. My friend uses Linux for server hosting though. Speaking of, I found a Linux joke while browsing the internet the other day:
    I'm sorry, but I found that way too funny! XD
  18. East

    East Look to the Stars

    Nov 14, 2014
    So where do you guys write your code? Do you use Notepad (or some similar text-based program) to type your code, or do you directly use compilers?

    Personally I use compilers for Java and Javascript for the most part, though I don't mind using text-based programs to write code. I find them easier to use, and honestly, better looking. For other languages, I tend to use just plain old text-based programs since I already have compilers for Java and Javascript... My computer is getting older and can't handle as much as it used to :(
  19. Reckless

    Reckless Won't take the easy road

    Jan 11, 2013
    @[member="Steamlined"] Ahhh, them chiptunes. Can't help but get a bit nostalgic listening to said brand of music. So well done for making that track!

    Linuxxx. Some day I'm going to sit down and get familiar with Ubuntu's GUI. Though OpenSUSI seems so much more like a Windows GUI so I might gravitate towards that version more... It's scary to think that Linux is pretty much king when it comes to how many servers it's been used on. All the more reason to learn how to use the damn thing!

    @[member="Kouhai"] Depends. If it's anything HTML/CSS related, I use Dreamweaver. If it involves PHP, JavaScript, SQL with a database behind it I use Notepad++. For the C++, C# stuff, the coding process for me generally starts on paper. I might write down a few things or draw a rough UML class diagram of what would go into the program. Once I've got an idea in my head, I then open up my IDE of choice (Visual Studio) and work on it there. That's the plan, anyway. I haven't actually done it this way much but I'm trying to, since it's good programming practice.

    What compiler do you use for Java? Netbeans? I like to use programs that highlight reserved words and other things. Notepad++ is great for HTML/CSS, but the way Dreamweaver lets you see a live version of a website helps a lot. Notepad++ is still good for Javascript and PHP coding though.
  20. East

    East Look to the Stars

    Nov 14, 2014
    @[member="Reckless"] for Java, I actually use BlueJ. It's really handy since it tells you where and what your errors are. It also neatly organizes classes, interfaces, subclasses, and applets REALLY nicely.
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