What's the oldest video game you still have a physical copy of? Does it still work? When was the last time you played it? For me it'd be one of the original Pokémon games. Bought them in the late 1990s and still have copies of each sitting around in a box in my drawer. Whether they still work or not is another story though hah. But I did try one of my other older games (Crystal) on the GBA SP earlier last year, and it worked very well! Now I just need a new, working SP because brother didn't take care of my original very well ; ;/
I still have a bunch of old Super Nintendo and Game Boy games lying around somewhere. It looks like the oldest of them is Super Mario Land, one of the launch titles for the Game Boy.
Probably a SNES game I have... the console still works too, but the adapter plug in has to be at a certain angle for it to work lol. Super Mario World was apparently released in 1991, so that's probably my oldest... It came out before I was even born.
From what my brother left, it'd probably be Jet Set Radio Future, Blinx, or Time Splitters 2. For me personally, probably my Platinum game.
I should have some old games for PC somewhere... But I don’t know where. So since I don’t know if I actually still have them, I’d probably have to give it to my copy of Pokémon sapphire for the GBA. Either that or one of my PS2 games, but I don’t think any of those released before sapphire.
Oldest game I own is for GBA - I used to have Link's Awakening DX, but not anymore. So I suppose my oldest game would be Golden Sun, which came out in...2001? I never owned any gaming systems that weren't handhelds, so any talk of SNES and the like would be irrelevant to me.
I still have my Gameboy games! Well, most of them. I still have my original Super Mario Land and Tetris cartridges, anyway. Link's Awakening, Pokémon Blue and Yellow (my Red disappeared a long time ago...sad, because it was the first one I owned) too. I think I have a SNES Mario game somewhere, but I bought that a few years ago with a SNES and Super Metroid (which I later sold for a small fortune) so it doesn't really count. xD
Oldest by release date? Final Fantasy VIII. By purchase date? Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
Well, with my GBC/PS1/N64 collection all gone, I guess the oldest game I own would have to be Super Mario Advance.
The oldest I have in terms of when I received/bought it would either be Spyro: Attack of the Rynocs or Pokémon Emerald. As for oldest by release date it would be Final Fantasy I! I have vague recollections of old PS1 and PC games that I played long before Spyro or Pokémon but I don't own them anymore unfortunately...
The oldest I have onhand is either Pokémon Silver or a stack of PS1 games (with no PS on which to play them). I might - might - still have my Donkey Kong Gameboy game (the one published 1994, which I affectonately call DK 94, similar to DK 64), even though I was too little to play it when it actually came out. I still play that game on emulator sometimes, though I don't have my Gameboy Pocket any more to play it the right way.
I have Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 for the Playstation 3 in my wardrobe. Don't know why, since I don't have a PS3 anymore, but I'm too lazy to do anything about it.
Oldest game is Mario party 6. It still works great and it's one of the most cherished games I have since it was my older brother's when he was a teen (that's saying something since he's over 10 years older than me)
the very first final fantasy game on the NES...im proud to have it. still one of my fav FF games in the franchise and if i could id go back and play it. i know they remade it on GBA but nothing like the classic glitches and graphics of a time before my birth XD
For some reason, I still have my copy of Pokémon Red and Pokémon Silver. ... I also kinda wish I kept my PS2 games but knowing I would never touch them again, I sold them like...years ago. ._.
Mystreet on the PS2. Yep, an obscure game I know. I've had it ever since I got my PS2 and when that game was actually one of the games that introduced me to video games.